Professor of Law and Regulation, University of Texas, & co-organizer of Tweet about energy policy, also soccer sometimes.
Jan 11, 2019 • 11 tweets • 3 min read
Thread - Bold aspirational goals mobilize enthusiasm and political pressure. Properly framed, they do no harm. The Clean Water Act goal of eliminating discharges to waterways may never be achieved, but it probably helped rally support for the statute. 1/10
And as someone who grew up near the Great Lakes as the CWA transformed them for the better, I appreciate the good the statute has done. But if goals are misframed, they can do harm. The CWA did not banish particular technologies from the economy; it focused on discharges. 2/10
Dec 23, 2018 • 11 tweets • 3 min read
As one who favors a big green grid build-out, but opposes narratives that obscure hurdles in its way, some questions about hurdles. One is legislative. GND will need a congressional majority, and the New Dem PAC caucus and the Progressive caucus are comparably sized. 1/10
Is shaming moderates for complicity in a rigged system wise tactically? Probably not, but perhaps the movement believes it is strategically smart—that moderates will be pushed left or replaced with progressives in these seats. Is that likely enough as a working premise? 2/10