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Jun 21 • 7 tweets • 3 min read
EXCLUSIVE: Dr. Richard Ogden Roberts runs the controversial child sex-change program at Texas Children’s Hospital. But there is a deeper story: he’s connected to a network of trans activists and pharma corporations profiting from “trans medicine.”

Here’s what I uncovered 🧵 Image Roberts teamed up with gender activists last year to sue Texas to kill a law protecting kids from sex changes.

Here’s GLMA, an activist group that counts Roberts as a member. It joined the lawsuit and it is backed by pharmaceutical lobbyist PhRMA. The story goes deeper: Image
Jun 17 • 7 tweets • 3 min read
EXCLUSIVE: America’s top intelligence agency gave pride month manicures to agents — painting the transgender flag on their nails while a crocheting class taught agents how to make their own pride flags.

Pride activities will be held throughout June, all during work hours 🧵 Image The Office of the Director of National Intelligence encouraged agents to visit their “pro team of artistes ready to decorate you for pride month.” The event was hosted with Five Eyes, indicating that foreign agents may have been present.

“What better way to show your allyship?" Image
May 21 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
EXCLUSIVE: Student health clinics in Seattle Public Schools offer cross-sex hormone therapy to children.

Communications reveal that Neighborcare Clinics offer the irreversible sex-change treatment, effectively creating a "school-to-clinic pipeline."🧵 Image A January 2023 email from Neighborcare Health staff explains that the clinic “will begin offering comprehensive, evidence-based, gender-affirming care services to our students and families who need them."

Hormone therapy remains notably absent from the clinic's list of services Image
May 6 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
Meet Shaquille Sinclair, a ‘queer Black Jamaican’ and ‘sex worker ally’ who offers free transgender surgical referral letters.

Sinclair is one of the many practitioners who views letter writing as an act of transgender 'allyship’ rather than a serious medical safeguard. 🧵 Image Surgical referral letters are one of the last remaining safeguards against sex change operations, but far-left social workers have taken over the industry.

Here’s Moe Brown, who sells a letter writing course and calls it ‘necessary in order to expand your allyship.’ Image
Feb 29 • 7 tweets • 3 min read
WATCH🎥: The U.S. Air Force Academy hosted a transgender Pentagon official for a symposium on inclusion. Our military is focused on transgender dogma while wars rage on two continents.

Here he is at a pride celebration calling for "intentional inclusivity" in the military 🧵 Lt. Col. Bree Fram is a member of the Air Force LGBTQ+ Initiatives Team, which is “dedicated to eliminating barriers to LGBTQ+ military service in the Air and Space Force.”

He's also the former president of a non-profit that embeds gender ideology in our military. Image
Feb 28 • 8 tweets • 3 min read
EXCLUSIVE: School counselors colluded with a transgender youth clinic to make testosterone drugs available to a middle schooler despite the risk of sterilization.

Let me show you how one of America’s largest school districts became a pipeline to a trans youth clinic. 🧵 Image Counselors at Los Angeles Unified School District reached out to the LA Children’s Hospital Trans Clinic when a middle schooler contemplated a transition, facilitating the connection to testosterone drugs.

@realDailyWire obtained emails between LAUSD and a trans clinic nurse: Image
Feb 26 • 6 tweets • 3 min read
EXCLUSIVE: A federal contractor paid billions by the Pentagon is hosting Robin DiAngelo and running ‘White Fragility’ book clubs — pushing far-left racialism in the federal government.

I’ve obtained a leaked memo from the Mitre Corporation revealing their plans to push CRT.🧵 Image Mitre has profited off billions of American taxpayer dollars from the DOD and DHS, with millions for DEI efforts in the federal government.

But now it's hosting DiAngelo and handing out free copies of a book that claims America and white people are irredeemably racist. Image
Feb 13 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
Decolonization is about "searing bullets and bloodstained knives" — it is "always a violent phenomena" demanding a "murderous struggle."

This admission was made by a Marxist theorist now studied by Princeton students in 'Africa, Colonialism, and Whiteness.'

Thread 🧵Image 'Settler colonialists' have become a new target of the Left's ire. Princeton warns against 'the global coloniality of whiteness.'

One item on the reading list, 'The Wretched of the Earth,' was written by a Marxist.

Here are some excerpts from his chapter 'Concerning Violence' Image
Jan 3 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
🚨NEW in @realDailyWire: These academics created a playbook to teach your kindergartner Critical Race Theory.

This guide from EmbraceRace warns that your 3 year old may be a racist.

The solution? Teaching CRT before your kids even start grade school. Image The guide claims that CRT is necessary for children because “by about 3-4 years old … white children generally show clear pro-White biases.”

Professors urge parents to have “courageous conversations about race” with their toddlers so they can handle "radicalized moments." Image
Dec 14, 2023 • 9 tweets • 3 min read
INVESTIGATION in @realdailywire: Colony Ridge developers awarded $16 million taxpayer dollars to a paving company with ties to the board members, developers, and their family.

We tracked the connections.

THREAD🧵 Image The $16 million was given to Liberty Paving LLC, a company with ties to John Harris, a family member of the Harris brothers, and others on the government board that politicians established for Colony Ridge, a magnet for illegal immigrants.

Take a look at the connections: Image
Nov 15, 2023 • 12 tweets • 5 min read
LEAKED NSA DOCUMENT📄: We just published a never-before-seen @NSAGov “diversity glossary” in my new exclusive investigation with @realdailywire.

It blames “White Europeans” for “settler colonialism," attacks "white fragility," and warns of “transmisogyny.”

THREAD 🧵 Image It lists 327 DEI terms over 34 pages, with words like “ze/zir,” “whiteness” and “pansexual.”

The definition for “settler colonialism” blames “white European occupations of land in what is now the United States," for leading to "oppressive governance" and "white supremacy." Image
Oct 24, 2023 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
NEW ORIGINAL in @realDailyWire:

The majority of inmates released by Kentucky Gov. @AndyBeshearKY during Covid went on to commit felonies, with almost 70% committing some form of crime, a report from the state house reviewed by The Daily Wire reveals.

Thread🧵 Image Of the 1,702 individuals whose sentences were commuted by Beshear in 2020, a majority of them, 882, went on to commit felonies.

An additional 252 committed misdemeanors, with just over 500 who committed no crimes. Image
Sep 18, 2023 • 20 tweets • 6 min read
Have you heard about America’s ‘largest illegal immigrant settlement’ that's said to be a hub of cartel activity?

I visited Colony Ridge for @realDailyWire to learn about a development that's home to 40k-75k people and is in the midst of a rapid expansion.

Here's what I found: Colony Ridge sprawls across nearly 60 square miles — about the size of Washington DC — and is 40 miles outside Houston.

Much of CR is a 3rd world shanty town, where foreign flags outnumber American ones.

But how do we know that it's a hotbed for illegal aliens? Let me show you.
Sep 13, 2023 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
Whites and Asian men need not apply:

@Apple Entrepreneur Camps bar white and Asian men on the basis of their race, stipulating that eligible companies must have “a black, Hispanic/Latinx, Indigenous, or female developer,” @realDailyWire has discovered.

Thread🧵: Image The program is split into two cohorts: 'underrepresented founders' and 'female founders.'

Organizations need "a female founder, cofounder, or CEO" to be eligible for the latter cohort. Image
Aug 28, 2023 • 6 tweets • 3 min read
"Blatantly Illegal:" NASCAR hosted a paid "diversity internship" that banned white applicants on the basis of their race, my latest report in @realDailyWire reveals.

But it's just one of NASCAR's several racially discriminatory diversity initiatives.

Thread🧵 Image The program requirements are openly discriminatory, demanding that applicants "be a member of ... the following races/ethnic minority classifications."

George Mason University law professor @ProfDBernstein told The Daily Wire that the program is "blatantly illegal." Image
Aug 24, 2023 • 7 tweets • 4 min read
New investigation for @realDailyWire: LA schools hosted an event on "gender diverse girls" with a couple that facilitates child sex change surgeries.

Meet the Olson-Kennedy's:

— Aydin writes referral letters for sex changes.

— Johanna runs a child trans clinic.

Thread 🧵
Los Angeles Unified School District offered financial incentives to teachers who attended the virtual panel discussion.

It featured both the Olson-Kennedy's, as well as Judy Chiasson, the district's diversity and equity coordinator. Image
Jul 26, 2023 • 9 tweets • 5 min read
BREAKING for @realDailyWire : National summer camp organizations have adopted gender theory, ‘trans inclusion,’ and Critical Race Theory.

They even boast their own 'Gender Support Plans,' which ask if parents are aware of their kid's transition.

THREAD 🧵 https://t.co/VnKnVt3xintwitter.com/i/web/status/1…
Image This is the American Camp Association, an org that accredits camps.

Their conference discussed ‘trans inclusion’ and featured a session called ‘Centering Equity and Justice at Summer Camp: The Kids Are Ready.’ It seeks to turn kids into ‘agents of change.’

Jul 13, 2023 • 8 tweets • 3 min read
Yesterday I joined Allie Beth Stuckey @conservmillen to discuss my reporting with @realDailyWire on the federal government's financial support of child sex change attempts — and big pharma's attempt to normalize them.

A thread 🧵 A $3.26 million grant from the NIH to the Boston Children's Hospital seeks to "expand access" to "gender-affirming care" for children as young as 13 years old.
Jul 11, 2023 • 9 tweets • 3 min read
BREAKING for @realdailywire: Less than 10% of students at America’s most prestigious private school are conservative.

Overwhelming majorities believe abortion is a right, white people can’t experience racism, gun laws should be stricter and immigration should be easier.

THREAD: Here what students at Phillips Academy Andover believe:

- Almost 80% said that abortion should “always” be available.

- Only 33.4% believe white people can experience racism.

- 92.7% say gun laws should be stricter

- 73.5% say it should be easier to immigrate to the US

Jul 10, 2023 • 9 tweets • 3 min read
NEW for @realDailyWire: The Children's Hospital of LA admits that the drugs given to 'trans' kids can result in sterilization, documents obtained by @DefendingEd reveal.

But the NIH is still dumping millions into the hospital's study on puberty blockers and hormones.

THREAD🧵: A consent form obtained by @DefendingEd states:

“If your child starts puberty blockers in the earliest stages of puberty, and then goes on to gender affirming hormones, they will not develop sperm or eggs. This means that they will not be able to have biological children.”
Jul 6, 2023 • 8 tweets • 3 min read
BREAKING for @realDailyWire: Pfizer and other big Pharma companies sponsored the 'GenderCool Project,' which seeks to normalize child transgenderism.

Pfizer profits from cross-sex hormone therapy with products like Depo-Estradiol, Depo-Testosterone, and Aldactone.

THREAD🧵 : The GenderCool Project normalizes child transgenderism by getting "trans" kids high-profile media appearances in the NYT, WaPo, Teen Vogue, etc.

One of their young activists spoke at the White House.

They also distribute books like "A kids book about being transgender:"