Spencer Toder Profile picture
Built a foundation as a U.S. Senate Candidate attempting to win one seat. Now, continuing the work to help thousands of candidates win theirs. (He/Him)
Jan 10, 2023 7 tweets 3 min read
When the Democratic party ignores Missouri as an unwinnable flyover state, it screws the country. Let me tell you about the new Chair of the Ways and Means Committee. Missouri's Jason Smith one of the most awful and least effective House Reps in the country. What to know...1/7 Jason's family runs a puppy mill. How bad? Well, they sued the Humane Society for calling their treatment of pets "atrocious," "unconscionable," "flagrant," and "major," and lost with a unanimous jury, because those were found to be true. 2/7 riverfronttimes.com/news/missouri-…
Sep 13, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
I have a medical-marijuana use license and would love to see marijuana legalized, costs come down, and our economy thrive. But, I will be voting NO on Amendment 3, which is a terrible initiative. Here's why: It is anti-competitive and solidifies control of the cannabis industry among existing license holders who were corruptly given licenses to sell medical marijuana from the start. Allowing a few people to control the market keeps prices high and stifles innovation.
Jul 24, 2022 8 tweets 4 min read
8-10 minute read. It's worth it. I promise. It's the answer to how we rebuild our comminity: It started with an end of quarter email. If you're on email lists, you know these are usually click-bait, "world is on fire unless you donate $3" emails. But, that's not me...1/8 I got one of the most negatively charged replies I've received in 15 months of campaigning. I'm not going to lie, I was incredibly angry and hurt by the email. It was clear that I'd triggered this person. 2/8
Jul 24, 2022 10 tweets 5 min read
I'm so inspired by our Grassroots team. We now have 498 Missourians working across the state. We delivered over 400 yardsigns this week and we averaged 22 text-bankers/day, sending an average of 85k+ texts, maxing out at 160k today, having over 3k conversations like this one... But that wasn't all we accomplished. I've visited 10 cities in 4 days (off to Joplin to see @KristenRSheafer tomorrow), and I spoke at the Anti-Schmitt/Anti-Cruz rally...
Jul 21, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
It's almost 2am. One of my best friends is having cancer removed from his throat tomorrow. He's in his early 60s and we've worked construction together for about five years. Maybe, if men normalized showing emotion, the world would be a better place. So here's us doing our part. ImageImageImage As an aside, my construction team was the last group of people that I told I was running on the day before I announced, becuase when I win, it could mean they'd be looking for new jobs. This gentleman said, "Shut up, Spencer," and I clenched my teeth thinking he was furious...
Jul 5, 2022 7 tweets 3 min read
Let's make a deal. Our devout and thoughtful will pray and think a little more, so our 100 Senators can focus their attention on making OUR thoughts and prayers come true--that they come back from vacation to protect us from being murdered as we try to celebrate our "freedom."1/7 I remeber when I first saw this @TheOnion article in 2014. Despite the fact it has been able to be republished on what feels like a daily basis, politicians are still in office who are funded by the NRA. 2/7
Jul 3, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
🧵When I say that our government is killing us, this is what I'm talking about. We've been working to get people on Medicaid throughout our campaign and this story isn't the exception, it's commonplace. We need accountability and Medicare for All, NOW! 1/4 Missouri has consistently become more divided and in some places it's hard to even get people to run for office. That doesn't mean we don't want healthcare--it means that we've been systematically suppressed and we don't have all of the resources necessary to fight back. 2/4
Jul 1, 2022 7 tweets 3 min read
Today is the end of a fundraising quarter. If you follow politics, that means you got 100 emails today begging you. That's not me. I need your help, and would love your financial support, but there are a lot of ways you can contribute... 1/7 Get a yard sign. Tinyurl.com/Toderyardsign. They're awesome. They were designed by a Truman State Sophomore and they say as much about you as they do about me. 2/7
Jun 23, 2022 18 tweets 10 min read
🧵Welcome, to all my new Twitter friends! My campaign is solely focused on having a positive impact on as many Missourians as possible. I wasn't willing to wait until I got to Washington to made a difference, so here's a quick summary of what we've accomplished to date. 1/ When we heard that Afghan Refugees were coming to Missouri, we partnered with Army Captain Charles Mullenger, raising over $53,000 as our supporters donated two shipping containers full of supplies to the International Institute. @iistl spencertoder.com/refugeedrive/ 2/