Robert Brookes 🩷💜💙 Profile picture
Senior Quest Designer @ CDPR | prev: sr narrative designer @ bungie | (garbage) opinions my own |
Aug 4, 2024 12 tweets 4 min read
Let's talk about SEASON OF THE SERAPH! 🪽7️⃣

I did so much goddang work on that season. When leadership decided they wanted to kill off Rasputin I and the rest of the team were determined to make sure that we did it as best as possible sendoff to big Red. I owned a ton of content in this release. Operation: Archimedes was a ton of fun to design. Working on this is where I came up with the concept of the Scourges of the Hive, the hive responsible for leading the destruction of entire civilizations.

Nov 28, 2020 9 tweets 2 min read
Sit for a minute

When I was young, questioning my sexuality and not quite understanding who I was, I had a lot of people speculating "is he gay?" or other way less friendly slurs. I didn't know the answer to that, because I didn't know what bisexuality was when I was a teenager. I was confused by myself because I didn't have any proper education, and once I knew what bisexuality was I didn't really know what it meant because I lived in a rural part of the US, had never (knowingly) met another bi person, and couldn't find representation of them in media.
Jun 4, 2020 12 tweets 3 min read
I'm seeing more word of LRADs (Lonf Range Acoustic Devices) being deployed at protests. Do not fuck around with these things. Ear-plugs will not protect you. An LRAD chirp at near point-blank range will cause PERMANENT hearing damage.… Being hit by an LRAD is like having your head turned into a weapon. The sound will reverberate through your whole body, it will reverberate through your eye sockets and sinus cavity, you will not be able to resist it.
Sep 10, 2019 8 tweets 2 min read
There's a very sharp review of Greedfall's first 10 hours that released today. I've only played maybe 2 hours of the game but I want to stress something I've discovered about the way the narrative and the gameplay seem to be expressing a point about Colonialism. 1/2 Greedfall is played from the perspective of a character who has gained everything in their life from privilege. You're an aristocrat, wealthy, educated. All of that came from privilege and also from benefiting from the social hierarchy of colonialism.
Oct 15, 2018 26 tweets 5 min read
You know what happens when you buy in to the "it's a privilege to work here" mentality? You get screwed. I bought in to that lie once, sold by a con artist and thief, and I think it's time I tell that story as much as I can. Buckle up, this one's a ride. This story begins back in late 2001. I was a naive kid with aspirations to be a professional illustrator. I did a lot of canvassing for jobs in the games industry to little results, until I caught the attention of a startup Malaysian game company working on a "next gen" MMO.
Mar 26, 2018 9 tweets 2 min read
Since a lot of people have asked why I stopped working for Paizo, and it's been a while and is something I've had time to think about, I figure I can discuss it some. This probably won't be a pleasant thread so feel free to skip it if you don't have the bandwidth. Earlier this year I was informed of an internal discussion at Paizo where executives informed employees that "anonymous reports of harassment" would be treated as threats to the company and be treated accordingly.
Oct 12, 2017 58 tweets 7 min read
Ok, I promised it last night and now I'm going to start my thread of #WomenInTabletop. Strap in. Disclosure: I'm going to focus on women that I've personally worked with or have had meaningful professional interactions with.