The Perpetual Shadow Band 🏴‍☠️ Profile picture
If you made it this far, just go ahead and admit the tweet that got you so mad was actually pretty good ✌
Jun 14, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
Biden speaking in Philadelphia just now. "Do you remember what our economy looked like before I took office? The middle and lower class were suffering. Now we have the biggest economic growth in the shortest amount of time in the history of any other administration." /1 Biden: What we've done is nothing short of a miracle. Because of better paying jobs, families are carrying less debt and they have more savings nationwide... By the end of the year we will have cut the deficit by 2 trillion dollars. We're saving peoples lives! /2
Jan 5, 2022 13 tweets 8 min read
The #MassPsychosisFormation has you blaming everybody except for the people responsible. These articles came out 4 months apart. 2/3 of epidemiologists warned we'd be where we are today. This is what happens when you let greed drive a worldwide health crisis. /2
I'm gonna use this thread as a little timeline for how we got to where we are.

After experts weighed in by warning we were going to over immunize ourselves and under immunize the rest of the world, Biden stopped tracking breakthrough cases May 1st.…
Aug 26, 2021 12 tweets 3 min read
The corporate news is reporting a terrorist attack outside the Kabul airport. Camera crews have been filming there non stop for two weeks. But they somehow missed this. We just have to trust that these blood thirsty warhawks wouldn't lie to us. I'm not saying something didn't happen. I'm sure that it did. But the MIC and the MSM clearly has a hard on for sending more troops and dropping more bombs. Also our govt has no problem doing a false flag attack in order to push their narrative to get the public on board.