Jay Bo Profile picture
Nov 22, 2022 19 tweets 3 min read
Let's talk about autism and the role of "neurodivergence" in this great deception. 🧵

It breaks my heart what they've done to the "Actually Autistic" community.

They've embraced their gaslighting so much that they attack anyone that mentions the word negatively.

But why?

1/19 Weaponization and Normalization.

They've been tasked to defend their label. They keyword search social media looking to pick fights. They have become living fact checkers. The first line of defense.

Oct 17, 2022 31 tweets 7 min read
Vaccine injury is very real and not nearly as rare as they want you to believe.

First hand accounts humanize injury.

Their voices need to be heard. 🧵
Oct 16, 2022 41 tweets 7 min read
My story 🧵

In 2009, the MMR injured my son. He exceeded every developmental milestone, but the next day he developed a fever & vertigo. Took to the ER after falling. He then stop developing, lost all language, chronic health issues and regressed into a shell of himself.

1/35 It took a while to realize what had happened. We were gaslit hard. First at the ER, then by our pediatrician. Even friends and relatives. The Media (obviously). And internet searches only directed us to Autism Speaks 🤮
