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Sep 29 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
I must admit, that the most surprising thing I have seen over the last few years is the billionaire worshipping.
I find it highly illogical.
These are people that have lobbyists to assure they pay little taxes. Do that the average working American pays more to support that. We are talking about people, who if they decided to retire today, they could live 10,000 years financially secure. They own corporations that shaft the average worker. There are jobs being advertised today that offer the same rate of pay as offered in 1998. The big difference
Sep 2 • 7 tweets • 2 min read
What happened to Trump in Moscow in 1987?

Why do we not know?

During the Cold War.

What was his relationship with the KGB general Vladimir Alexandrovich Kryuchko? Whose responsibility was to gather foreign intelligence.

Kryuchkov hated Reagan. He hated America. One of the KGB's operational techniques was to recruit more Americans.
Soviet diplomats at this time were responsible for organizing visits by Americans to Moscow. Under KGB supervision. Trump had such an invite in 1987.
After returning, Trump took out full page adverts in
Aug 18 • 15 tweets • 3 min read
You’ll like this thread 🧵
Republicans love to talk about liberals being “godless communists.”
America had listened to the rhetoric of godless commie Soviet Union for decades. The 1950’s had the McCarthy era of outing godless communists.
This is what the majority of Americans understand. The godless communist Soviet Union.
Only that is quite the reality. The anti-religious Bolsheviks had indeed imprisoned and killed the majority of the powerful religious.
The biggest fallacy however is that communism existed. It didn’t. The Soviet Union had
Aug 14 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
As you know, I’m not a Christian. I was raised Christian but abandoned it because it was full of awful people.
I just thought I would share with you two things that my priest told me as a teenager.
First, he said the Bible isn’t literal. That it’s idiotic to think it is. Have you read it.
He said, for example. When the Bible says you should kneel before your Lord, most people take this as literal. That they don’t understand from a level of there being two aspects of you. The ego and the spiritual. That it’s about the ego submitting to the spiritual.
Aug 13 • 10 tweets • 2 min read
I want you to be aware that the following are highlighted for use by those either in government, or non-government agencies that are going to try and interfere in the 2024 election. 18 U.S.C. § 245, which prohibits interference with elections by force or threat of force, applies “whether or not [the offender is] acting under color of law.” Election crimes specifically dealing with the conduct of government officials or those using government
Aug 13 • 16 tweets • 3 min read
Tina Peters, the hero of election deniers in Colorado has just been convicted.

She is the first local election official to be charged with a security breach after the 2020 election as unfounded conspiracy theories swirled, was found guilty by a jury on most charges Monday. Image Peters, a one-time hero to election deniers, was accused of using someone else’s security badge to give an expert affiliated with My Pillow chief executive Mike Lindell access to the Mesa County election system and deceiving other officials about that person’s identity.
Aug 13 • 14 tweets • 3 min read
“The election all went smooth, but sorry, I need more information.”

First of all. I am going to keep posting these threads until America is as aware as they are about Project 25.

We need people to understand that it ALL starts with Georgia. With lying election deniers who are gaslighting Americans, stating that the elections are corrupt.
There is nothing wrong with the elections. They just say they are over and over enough to get sore losers to believe it too.
This whole project is to assure people lose confidence in the elections. The gaslighters
Aug 12 • 8 tweets • 2 min read
Everything. Absolute everything comes down to the exact same thing. Deep rooted racism. The entire movement of the Republican Party since the late 1970’s is guided by one thing.

Brown v. Board

For those who have followed me long enough have likely seem by threads on Paul Weyrich. His ideas are still the most prominent.
His idea was a a New Right. Even though this whole movement started in the late 1970’s. It’s end game was 2032.
That’s how long he believed it would take to change American Christianity. The end game would be to take over
Aug 12 • 9 tweets • 2 min read
It isn’t enough that there are people in Georgia actively involved in election denialism. They are funded to spread their lies around America. To travel to other states such as Pennsylvania to spread their message. These people are traitors to America because they are actively trying to destroy an American institution. They are doing by lies, whilst stating they are doing it for election integrity.
You see, the people destroying this American institution are people being paid to do it. From a foundation that spent millions on voter suppression
Aug 11 • 15 tweets • 3 min read
On election day 2024, we need well over 100M of you voting for Harris/Walz. We need numbers this large, because some states are going to be playing stupid games with all the same stupid people we have had since 2020. Imagine this scenario in Georgia #Gapol, #Gagov.
You and your neighbors arise early, you are excited to vote for Kamala/Walz. After the polls close, poll workers and local election officials carry out a rigorous, multi-step process to tally the votes, check for any discrepancies in the vote totals, and ensure that final results are
Aug 11 • 11 tweets • 2 min read
I wrote a warning post yesterday about what Trump and Republicans are going to do in November.
How did we even get here. We are at we we are at because states starting to put these new laws into place after 2020. Ways to steal an election by saying they are protecting the election. America has been held hostage by Trump’s mental and emotional deficits. He is unwell and cannot publicly acknowledge defeat.
The Big Lie, born from his pathological insecurity, led to a failed coup and a deadly insurrection. We had hoped those two things would undo
Aug 10 • 16 tweets • 3 min read
I never ask for retweets but I am asking that you retweet this thread 🧵
Trump in Georgia, singled out three people:
Janice Johnston
Rick Jeffares
Janelle King
Trump called them, “pitbulls fighting for honesty, transparency, and victory.”
Who are they? They are three of the five members of Georgia’s State Election Board. Three days after Trump’s speech, this past Tuesday, those three Republicans approved a new rule requiring a “reasonable inquiry” prior to election certification that, while vague and undefined, could be
Aug 9 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
I wrote a post yesterday about how these next few months will be chaos. Particularly on sites like this.
It wasn’t to increase fear. It was to increase awareness. To assure you have your critical thinking head securely locked into your neck. To question what you see more than normal. To absolutely stop reflexively replying. To think first. To understand what reflexive control theory is and how bad actors, not just Russia, use this. Put your Carl Sagan head on. Put your Spock head on.…
Aug 8 • 7 tweets • 1 min read
How this all works!
You may think that fake Democratic accounts are nothing.
They are not. They are set up for two main reasons.
1. Micro-targeting. This is when you like one of their tweets, or reply. You will be targeted with disinformation and lies. I still think people are confused with what disinformation is. Disinformation is never outright lies. Disinformation contains truths mixed with lies. That is why disinformation is effective.
2. Fake Democratic accounts lure you in. They are usually extremely pro-democratic. They will only post what you
Aug 5 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
I saw a question this morning on Instagram that came up on that main screen.
“Can I be a Christian and read Buddhist books?”
I couldn’t believe that someone actually asked that question.
You can do anything you want. You do not need societies permission to believe what you want to believe. Read what you want to read.
The replies I read from that question just confirmed that Christians have a closed mind.
“Oh no, you cannot do that.”
“Oh no, that’s idolatry.”
Seriously, WTF!
If society, regarding religious belief, in its microcosm or macrocosm
Aug 4 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
“Gender affirming delusions,” are what MAGA and supposed “Christians” call the LGBTQ community.

It’s kind of laughable, as women looking like they do and men looking like they do is ALL delusion. Delusions set my social constructs. Wearing a tie is a “delusion.” They are delusions because they are based on a reality that isn’t real. It’s not real because it’s a construct. Rules set by society. That men should be this and women should be that. It’s all mass delusion. That no person can actually be their “real” self. That they must conform to
Aug 4 • 7 tweets • 2 min read
Who is Penny Swan? She is from Hillsdale County in Michigan. She was convinced to join the Hillsdale Group, a MAGA America first activist group in 2019. To change the local Republican Party to a more radical faction. She was excited about the change. Image They were going to take over the local Republican Party, kicking out the “sleepy” Bush Republicans.
And they did: in 2020, Daren Wiseley, an ally of the rightwing faction, was elected chairman of the Republican party of Hillsdale county. Swan continued to work with the party,
Jul 28 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
Why has there been so much noise about the opening ceremony by so called “Christians?”
It’s really quite simple. It’s simple because it has been a constant throughout history. Christians do not want to be equal. They want privilege. That we should ALL be shocked because they are shocked. If they are shocked and think it’s gross, disgusting and vile, then we should all think that because they believe their opinions are the most important opinions. They have done it through history. I really think it upsets them that they can no longer hang people, crush
Jul 27 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
We entered the “Age of Reason” more than three hundred years ago. That time of questioning doctrines and the ultimate corruption of the church. The sky fairies and judgemental man on a throne. This time was the realization that the church was not about God, or Jesus. That it was about attaining political power and wealth. The Bible at this point should be seen as a piece of writing much like the “Odyssey” or the “Ilead.” The myths of Medusa and Zeus, of winged horses and robotic owls. These myths certainly had their place and purpose, when humanity knew
Jul 27 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
There is this fallacy that the NRA have never supported gun control.


They supported gun control when it was the Black Panthers with the guns.

The Black Panthers scared Ronald Reagan so much that he helped to pass the Mulford Act, a state bill prohibiting the open carry of loaded firearms, along with an addendum prohibiting loaded firearms in the state Capitol.
The law was part of a wave of laws that were passed in the late 1960s regulating guns, especially to target Black Americans. The Gun Control Act of 1968, which adopted new laws
Jul 27 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
Oh America. MAGA’s attacking France for “mocking god.”
Do you know how the French Revolution actually started. It initially began with attacks on Church corruption and the wealth of the higher clergy. The greed of the church supporting the greed of the wealthy whilst people starved on the street.
The church held a dominant role in France. It was corrupt to the core as it has always been.
The French Revolution was the the dechristianization of France. All church property was given to the state and all property sold. The French Revolution was