Spotlight Abby Profile picture
Living vicariously | Curious | An admirer of Peter Obi (Nigeria's Next President). #Obidatti #Obidient #PeterObi
Big-Sam Profile picture 1 subscribed
Aug 18, 2023 6 tweets 4 min read
With all due respect, @innosonvehicles needs to rethink its branding strategies and tactically expand beyond government patronage and Big Brother Naija adverts.

Working with REGULAR folks in banks, universities, markets, social media etc., will earn them more brand equity & increase their presence, than working with celebrities who practically behave as if the Innoson brand is beneath their class.

Why do I say this? Please walk with me. #AllEyesOnTheJudiciary #BBNaijaAllStars #BBNaija
It's no longer news that
@innosonvehicles enjoys a large amount of goodwill from Nigerians, mostly the patriotic ones who aspire to see Nigerian brands excel and gain global acclaim.

However, there seems to be a mismatch between Innoson's branding strategies and its target market. Why do many people admire the brand but haven't quite translated that admiration into making buying decisions in their favour?

Here's why.

Innoson vehicles are seen as a brand to be patronised because it is the right or patriotic thing to do, not really because one wants to derive some tangible utilities from it.

This is why people would go to war against Alex Otti for buying Toyota vehicles instead of buying IVM vehicles, but would not think twice about buying a Toyota for themselves, or criticise their friends for buying a Honda or a Mercedes-Benz.
#BBNaijaAllStars #BBNaija
Aug 8, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Word on the street is that having a STRIPES account is mandatory to be eligible for Elon's ad revenue sharing or monetisation. This is NOT true. But because of this, many users in Nigeria could not partake in Elon Money today. PAIN 😑


I realised many people were actually hoarding this information. Lol. Anyway, if you're not verified yet, bookmark this tweet and come back to it after you're verified — if you want to be verified.

Let's earn together, hopefully.

Follow, Retweet etc... if you can. Thanks.
Jul 16, 2023 12 tweets 3 min read
The EU Observer Mission didn't condemn the conducts of INEC, APC et al during the 2023 elections because they were scandalised by the impunities & rigging.

The EU Report was 💯 factual & unequivocal cos they saw that Nigerians are ready to take back their country.

Walk with me. Usually, international election observation missions monitor elections to deter foul play, provide guidance and generally ensure free and fair polls.

But in practice, these observers are not generally known for toughness or frank criticism as most times, their reports are vague.
Jul 11, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read

I strongly believe the EU Observation Mission has not ended their "observations." They're also following the PEPT closely. Hence this appeal to them & the International Community to do more, just as they advocated & gave the Kenyan... Judiciary courage to annul Kenya's presidential elections in 2017, as a result of electoral infractions.

Nigerians are only asking the Judiciary to dispense JUSTICE according to the LAW, not TECHNICALITIES.
May 6, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Gov Badaru of Jigawa first made sure to throw his credentials at Wike: "I've supervised and 'helped' elections all over Nigeria."

This was after establishing that all they needed from Rivers was 25%.

He reminded him that in "election management," calculations are important. Image The wiser "election managers" use more brain & less brawn. Does anyone think it was a coincidence that some people "lost" in their homes states, esp by the margins they did? 🤣

But in any case, he reminded everyone that Wike Overdo was reckless & took big "risks" that he Image
May 2, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Bloomberg releases damning report on a web of corruption, property heists, litigation, & fin misappropriations involving high-profile Nig govt personalities with BAT at d center.

Nigerian President-Elect Tinubu’s Family Bought Fraud-Linked London Mansion… One remarkable part for me was that the firm that bought the property, Aranda was owned for 24 years by fmr Osun Governor, Oyetola, & one Head of Nig Property Group, Eludoyin until 2011 when Tinubu's son, Seyi took over.

Do you see how deep & old the roots of this corruption is?
May 2, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Dear @ARISEtv,
Cc: @OjyOkpe @abati1990

Thank you for your fearless journalism in highlighting the issues that matter to Nigerians and indeed, the world.

Yesterday, Dr. Abati dismissed a tweet I made four days ago as incorrect on the "What's Trending" segment (1st clip) however,… as shown in the 2nd video attached up there, the issue of being denied or not being able to secure a diplomatic landing permit for Air Peace as at the time of my tweet, was a correct one.

The key words are: "at the time of my tweet." This is material, significant and contextual.
May 1, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
"Na me beat am?" - Police Public Relations Officer reacts.

Thi means the NPF is actually admitting to their sheer incompetence & are urging Nigerians to take laws into their own hands. The thoughtless audacity without repercussions under the APC leave me in shock every time.😲😏 ImageImage 24 hours is too lengthy a time for this man to be relieved of this PR position, if this happened in other climes.

Police is your friend. 🤡
Apr 30, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Dead. Image Someone took care of it already. 😲 Image
Apr 23, 2023 7 tweets 4 min read
Stripping VIPs & OGs of the blue tags could be Elon Musk's worst Twitter mistake, yet. He's demystified Twitter & shattered many people's allure of the app. That move felt like he opened the door & shoved people out.

This is why @jack Dorsey's timed launch of Bluesky is genius. ImageImage The real masterstroke from @jack is that people can only sign up on the Bluesky app with an invite code from an existing user!

Claim is they're beta-testing but this has created a feeling of scarcity & urgency amongst folks. Everyone is searching for invites or even sellers NOW! Image
Apr 14, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
The next entry after Tinubu's, on the @TIME 100 influential people is the Ukrainian First Lady. Her citation was contributed by Pres Joe Biden's wife, Jill, who also nominated her to Time. Same goes for Lionel Messi, nominated by Roger Federer & >95% of other honorees in my view. Who nominated Tinubu?

Who endorsed and recommended him to Time?

Who wrote Tinubu's citation?

If your guess is like mine: "what money cannot do, more money can do it", then, you'll just understand that like several award platforms, this entry for the Time is just a paid PR job.
Apr 13, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Anyone that reads that @TIME 100 most influential people article on Tinubu will know it is simply a paid PR job, but instead of polishing BAT'S image, Time just endorsed him as the face of corruption in Nigeria.

The writer's words were unflattering, tentative & uninspiring. Examples: "fraught election and by a slim margin" "It’s my turn,” "longtime political power broker" etc.

However, for muting the widespread criticism of forfeiture of drug-related funds against Tinubu, Times shows they lack editorial sovereignty.

In all, the feature is useless.
Apr 13, 2023 7 tweets 3 min read
CHARLES ANIAGOLU: do you support calls for LIVE-streaming of Election Court proceedings?

PROF PETER UMEADI: It's a fallacy & a distraction. Most educated Nigerians don't understand court trials. —(Fmr Anambra Chief Judge & 2023 APGA Pres Candidate)

Respectfully Sir, I disagree. As Charles aptly pointed out to Prof, I agree the circumstances today are different from the past. This is a momentous time in our history & the Bench should respond creatively and courageously.

There's nothing in our laws that explicitly disallows televising court proceedings.
Mar 25, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Political desperados really want Igbos & Yorubas to be at loggerheads. They know that if there's unity, Nigeria prospers.

Anyway, they doctored Chief Iwuanyanwu's speech at Soludo's one year anniversary event. SHAME!

Watch the original & unedited video.
Here's the poorly edited video they did.

Even if we're to go by this their shoddily edited job, any intelligent person would still understand the exact meaning being conveyed.

1. Igbos and Yorubas are cool.
2. The attackers are political thugs.


Mar 24, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Yesterday, Labour Party stalwarts fulfilled the conditions for @chude_'s bail. He's now been released💃. Glad to learn you also used your advocacy to help.

To birth the Nigeria of our dreams, we must each function at our best areas. Rufai, David & all obidients are examples. You're a seasoned activist, a brave one too who's gained quite some experiential knowledge in the hands of the security agencies.

I think we need your continued spotlight and activism (not like Sega's), on them.

The people will celebrate you; and who knows what comes next? 🤷🏿‍♀️🤷
Mar 21, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
By now, South East and South South leaders should be calling for meetings, singly or jointly, to discuss the travesty and utter disregard meted out on "Igbos" in Lagos on 18.03.23.

Never in Nigeria's bloody democratic history has such been adopted as a State strategy. 🙄 Nigeria would not have contained all of us if the same treatment was extended to ANY other ethnic group in Nigeria.

This is the time to evaluate why, when, where & how Igbos came to this point.

I am not talking succession. I am talking identity management; Knowing who you are.
Mar 21, 2023 6 tweets 3 min read
Summary of Peter Obi x LP's Petition:

1. BAT not qualified to run
2. BAT not duly elected by majority of lawful votes
3. APC didn't secure 25% in FCT
4. Invalidate election due to corruption & non-adherence to Electoral Act
5. Conduct new elections excluding BAT, Shettima & APC. Image Care to know what I think?

You & me may think these petitions are as simple as ABC, they really are NOT.

1st thing is to avoid any rule on technicalities, so, if you check Sec 134 👆🏽 you see the grounds for canceling presidential elections.

Everything will be tested in Court! Image
Mar 21, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
This is one interview I watched and I became immediately afraid for the safety of the interviewee. I have never seen him before, never heard of the name Tee Mac Omatshola Iseli, MFR, but here's a man who is certainly bold and courageous about speaking the truth. A whistle-blower informed him but who can you report to when those who have sworn to protect you, are now turned against you?

Man is Tinubu's inlaw, related also to Sir Mobolaji Johnson. He could nicely fit into the establishment but he's standing for the truth!

Mar 21, 2023 4 tweets 5 min read
Peter Obi ran a model campaign the best of democracies in the world would emulate & be super proud of.

He kept it issues-based;

He never insulted anyone no matter the provocations;

He spoke to our problems, their causes, effects & solutions.


Guess what? Nigerians heard him.

He took Nigerians on a journey of discovery through their nation.

Nigerians in the South probably heard of Numan for the first time;

Some learnt the size of River Niger & its richness;

Some rediscovered how lush/lovely Nigeria really is & what is POssible
Mar 21, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
There's nothing shocking about the narratives flying around these last 2 days. Untrue. Unpleasant. Unjust. But not unpredictable.

They say Peter Obi ran a divisive campaign on ethnicity & religion (LOL-est 🤣) but we know what they really mean is that they're threatened bcos
PO drew a line of VALUES & pulled Nigerians with him irrespective of ethnicity & religion.

PO merely reminded Nigerians that "we still live in a moral universe" as @dmerije would say.

Many Nigerians who were hitherto disillusioned and disinterested in the electoral process
Mar 19, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Lagos LP Chairperson, Dayo Ekong calls out INEC, Jimi Agbaje & Lagos Returning Officer for the flawed elections marred by unbridled violence, killings and voter suppression.

She recited the words of the national anthem, adding that they've failed the youths of Nigeria.📹 👇🏾👇🏾 Part 1