Srikanth Sugavanam 🇺🇦 Profile picture
Assistant Professor, SCEE @iit__mandi. #photonics #lasers #sensing All views my own. RTs are not endorsements.
Sep 18, 2020 16 tweets 9 min read
The 2020 Ig Nobels #ignobel have been announced and awarded!…

Some notable mentions - Physics prize - Ivan Maksymov and Andriy Pototsky, for determining, experimentally, what happens to the shape of a living earthworm when one vibrates the earthworm at high frequency.…

Gives an all together new meaning to the earthworm move.
Sep 6, 2020 10 tweets 4 min read
In managing @MSCActions @AIPTMultiply, I shuttled between organizing Calls, emails, writing reports and science. To streamline I used a few productivity tools and techniques. Not surprisingly, these also helped with my science projects. Here are 7 which I found most impactful - (1/7) To-do lists - When a project is well-defined, it essentially comes down to planning daily/weekly towards the deliverables and milestones. I preferred making a daily list.

Tip - if you think you have enough items to take you till lunch, stop. There's enough on your plate.
Dec 11, 2019 9 tweets 14 min read
Our paper – ‘Analysis of laser radiation using the Nonlinear Fourier transform’ is now available online with @NatureComms at…

@mortezakamalian and I contributed equally to this work. @AstonPhotonics

Quick thread of results… 1/8 @NatureComms @mortezakamalian @AstonPhotonics 2/8 We make full-field real-time measurements of mode-locked pulses using the I-Q coherent detection technique (…), and calculate the eigenvalue spectrum of the pulses using the Zakharov-Shabat spectral approach. This directly reveals coherent features.