Srujana Deva Profile picture
Kannadiga. Bengalurean. Floydian. Metalhead. Language Equality. Wildlife enthusiast. Nature. Conservationist. Another brick in the wall. Tweets are personal.
Jun 1, 2020 10 tweets 2 min read
Thread on "#RemoveChinaApps".

1. So one of my friend sent this video of an "influencer" explaining How China's biggest weapon is economy and how we can stop that.

And I watched the video. 2. The thing about these influencers are that they put up half baked truth, overload the viewers with data with overwhelming body language(shaking head and hands vigorously). IDK why!

They want us to uninstall Chinese apps and boycott Chinese products.
May 26, 2020 30 tweets 18 min read

Ghost of Hindi imposition returns in the *middle of a pandemic*.

Yes, the priority of "Ministry of Home Affairs" is to find brand new well crafted ways to impose Hindi.

#StopHindiMigration #EndHindiImposition Apartheid starts right here when they do the "demarcation" of the country.

Discrimination starts right here! This practice should be stopped right away!

#EndHindiImposition #stopHindiImposition
Sep 14, 2019 14 tweets 6 min read

Let me explain the problems of Hindi imposition using the current bilingual policy of India.

#StopHindilmposition Article 343 of Constitution of Indian Union says Hindi shall be the official language.

The problem lies here and it gets worse with Articles 344-351 where it specifically says Hindi should be promoted even in non-Hindi states.

