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She/Her. Yoga Instructor, wellness coach, writer. 2015 young entrepreneur, disabled, AuDHD, chronic pain #BlackAccessibleYoga
May 15, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
When my first stalker started getting creepy and I was afraid he would hurt me or himself I went to the counseling office. They asked him to come in and he only agreed to go if I went with him. He immediately started talking about me not talking to my dad He kept trying to bring the conversation back to me not talking to my dad no matter how many times the therapist explained my reasons for not talking to him were legitimate.

We agreed to go no contact during thanksgiving break and when I came back he was waiting for me.
May 15, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
I have a story in my head that I wanted to tell my children. It goes like this:

Mommy and Daddy loved each other so much and they wanted to share that love with you so they hand you.

I haven’t met someone who fits that image. Well I have but he doesn’t think he would be a good dad and so he doesn’t want children and I respect that. Like was hard for my mom because she had us. She did her best and never made us feel like a burden but life was hard for us too.
May 3, 2023 22 tweets 6 min read
Here we go! This will be an activity followed by an explanation.

I’m doing this on the fly so ask questions respectfully and give me grace.

If you can notice how you feel right now. Then make a fist as tight as you can. Hold it for a while. Like a minute. Then notice how you feel. Now release it. And notice how you feel.

Some people will feel “ahhhh” like relief or not even euphoria upon release. Some people will feel a flood of anxiety or grief. Some people will feel nothing.