staci.algo Profile picture
CEO Algorand Foundation. 5 years, 2bn+ transactions, and no downtime. I'm never being mean or racist, and I'm definitely not giving you investment advice.
Sep 10, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
On hodlnaut: yep, bad mistake. We wanted to tell y'all tho. It's about being transparent, even it it brings FUD. Wrong move, of course; hating ourselves, of course; blame is 100% on me, my decision, of course. But I gotta say, wow, I lost my crypto you-know-what on this one 1/5 It's not like we don't know how to ask the questions. But it went like this: Any exposure to 3AC?' No way! Any involvement in Terra Luna? Who? Us? Of course no! Any lending to, etc etc No No No etc." Every step. #paraphrasing #thebiglie 2/5