Alexander 5D Profile picture
Biomind hacker, Metahuman, Empath, Psychonaut
Sep 11, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
Hi @AnnieJacobsen, in Phenomena, you said, in the context of the govt still studying psychics, that there is a “huge gap between where researchers are on a hypothesis for anomalous mental phenomena and where the science needs to be for them to move toward a general theory. However, that is not true. Plenty of psychics have a general theory. Physicists even have general theories. They’re just currently placed under non-disclosure agreements. I am not. I am a private citizen who understands what the government currently cannot disclose.
Sep 8, 2021 17 tweets 4 min read
If you’re a #TargetedIndividual and familiar with my pinned thread on how meditation and some spiritual practices can help against frequency attacks, but aren’t sure where to start or how to make progress, this thread is for you, to help you make progress, step-by-step. 1/ The first thing to know is that not everyone processes information exactly the same. You can deviate from this and still get results. I am just recreating practices and moments of realization that occurred for me. There’s lots of other helpful people and guides. 2/
Sep 7, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
.@AnnieJacobsen with your journalism exp., you are highly qualified to do the digging about electromagnetic weapons and remote neural monitoring that society needs. Besides the Havana Syndrome cases, there are examples of both US/Russia (‘69&74)tech to read brain waves remotely. This patent is from a US defense contractor and the Soviet scientist mentioned was tracked by the CIA/NSA (where I got the document) and they’ve stated he worked in a Russian military lab. Additional documents even state that his device was corroborated by other scientists.
Sep 7, 2021 18 tweets 5 min read
Targeted Individuals, I just found a bombshell admission in one of the declassified NSA files on ESP. At least it's a bombshell for all the skeptics who think things like RNM are sci-fi.

In the late 60s, Soviet researchers were using wireless EEG tech that detected signals 1/ when ordinary EKGs or EEGs detected nothing.

"During the Kalugina experiments a new device called a wireless EEG was used to detect some sort of energy pulsing around Kalugina while she was demonstrating the PK effect. Other reports indicate that these same, rather 2/
Sep 6, 2021 17 tweets 3 min read
Why is it that both the ascension/spiritual communities and Targeted Individuals complain of similar symptoms?

Even b4 the ability for neuro-weapons, painful and troubling symptoms have been reported at times by spiritual groups, as part of the process for enlightenment. 1/ This knowledge has been known and even medical examinations have been undertaken (Kundalini Transcendence or Psychosis by Lee Sanella MD) to explain when the process goes "wrong." So there is certainly an aspect of it that is just natural and can be overcome.

However, when 2/
Aug 23, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read

At one point, the NSA was afraid of people being turned into "parapsychological" weapons against the US, because of existing research out of the US and Russia. Here's a CIA document related to that. Below I'll post two NSA documents as well. Parapsychological weapon -…

Paraphysics -…

I know some mass shooters have claimed to be TIs.
Aug 22, 2021 17 tweets 4 min read
So this is something I’ve tried to post to help Targeted Individuals before, but I was missing some information to really cement my ideas together.

I recently posted a thread about EM effects on biological organisms. This is where I’ll start.

1/ It’s discussed that healthy organisms are not affected by EM. That it takes other factors or repeated irradiation to affect organisms. That it’s possible to build up a defensiveness because the body is only ever trying to adapt to the EM. Here’s two of my tweets with quotes.

2/ Image
Aug 19, 2021 61 tweets 11 min read
#HavanaSyndrome is proof we are in the middle of electromagnetic warfare. So I have been diving into intel files, hoping to gain more credibility for TIs. Here's a document: The Effects of Electromagnetic Radiation on Biological Systems ('93). In this thread, I will dissect it. Here is the document, straight from CIA files, for anyone else who wants to dig into it and try to help make sense of everything relevant to TIs. 2/…