Anticommunist. Antizionist.
Preconcile catholic.
Christ is the King of the Universe.
Talmudism is Satan's tool.
Exposing Jewish tikun olam
Jun 18, 2023 • 13 tweets • 12 min read
This book talks in detail about the technocratic plan that the elites have been paving for almost a century.
Trilateral commission is really the engine that gave birth to modern globalisation and transformed the global economic structure.
Modern China, the full realization of technocracy is a creature of trilateral commission
Jun 13, 2023 • 14 tweets • 11 min read
This is a book worth reading indeed. It shows in detail the infiltration and total control of Jews within liberal America and soviet Russia. Jews are the main tool of subversion. They control both liberalism and communism
Russian revolution was brought about by atheistical Jews. Of 384 commissars in 1918 in Russia, 300 were Jews.
Jun 7, 2023 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
America as New Atlantis was the revitalization of the sixth head of the Beast which Harlot rides.
Through America, nephilim power could install globalisation, that isn't but the preparatory step of the coming world empire that will unite all world under the Power of Man of Sin
This Man will govern the whole world from the city on seven hills. Seven-hill cities are spread all over the world. It is a world pattern through which Harlot gained control. But only one city will be the site of Antichrist. This city will be immensely rich and powerful
May 16, 2023 • 4 tweets • 3 min read
The Cathedral of Albi looks like a fortress. And it sure was: a fortress built in a place where heresy and Satan were in control.
The Church, at that time powerful and intact, could smash those gnostics once and for all and win these lands to true Faith!
If you ever come to southern France, go and visit this marvel: it's a tribute to Faith! Wonderfully and completely frescoed by Italian artists in only 4 years!
It's something that will make your heart beat and tears of emotion appear!
May 15, 2023 • 16 tweets • 11 min read
Babylonian woe tries to light up a fil rouge unfolding through history: the existence of a far reaching conspiracy in respect to monetary issuance influencing the progression of man's history
The author contends that since antiquity, Babylon, there has been a conspiratorial minded group controlling the distribution of precious metal bullion, over a regular money economy based on precious metals as standards of exchange
May 13, 2023 • 13 tweets • 9 min read
What god does freemasonry really worship?
Can a man be both Christian and a freemason?
Schnoebelen answers bringing his own experience: once 32-degree freemason he came to the conclusion that Lucifer is the actual "god" freemasons worship.
Jesus saved his soul, by converting him
Officially freemasonry worships the so called great architect of the Universe, a generic supreme being, that they claim can be found within any religion. Monotheism and dogmas are absolute sins for freemasonry.
Of course this is not what the Real God taught us
May 10, 2023 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
The ignorance of concept of Marx's theory of surplus prevent people from understanding the real nature of subversion.
No bank cartel can control communism in the long term. It's the other way round: communism exploits bank cartel to become stronger and eventually destroy the West
The theory of surplus led Marx to the belief that industrialists were the chief exploiters, not bankers or usurers: bourgeoisie and proletariat are impossible to reconcile: the former Is interested in preserving, the latter in destroying the exploiting society
May 10, 2023 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
The bar code system is the prodrome of the system of the Beast.
Any item or commodity has this bar, which uses different bars as symbols for numbers.
ANY bar code begins with a 6, has a 6 in the middle, and has a 6 in the end, symbolized by two identical thin lines
Revelation 13, 16-18: "It(second Beast)also forced all receive a mark on right hands and foreheads, so that they could not buy or sell unless they had the mark".
The mark is obviously 666.
We are already living in the system of the Beast
May 8, 2023 • 27 tweets • 12 min read
This book is probably the most complete resume of qabalistic lore concerning tikkun olam, the slanderous concepts about Jesus and Christianity and how qabalists want to pave the ground for the world to come, le-olam ha-bah
When ein soph decided to create the Universe, It contracted itself(tzimtzum) and then placed its divine light in 10 vessels(Sephiroth) to contain It.
Seven of these tragically shattered and introduced tohu and bohu, Chaos and void into creation
May 6, 2023 • 24 tweets • 14 min read
What is the destiny of America?
Is America the fulfillment of a long-term plan for installing a Universal Democracy based on ancient knowledge long preserved by secret societies?
World democracy was the secret dream of the great classical philosophers.
Thousands of years ago Mystical orders in Egypt were aware of existence of Western Hemisphere: their bold resolution was that this should become the site of the philosophical empire
May 4, 2023 • 11 tweets • 2 min read
In the Bible we find three descriptions of Antichrist.
The first in Daniel VII, 7-26;
The second in Apocalyspe XIII, 1-8;
The third in II Epistle to thessalonians, II 3-11.
We have several certainties about this figure:
FIRST CERTAINTY: Antichrist will be a test for the good and a punishment for evil and apostates.
Dan VII 21"the same horn made war with saints and prevailed against them";
Rev XIII 7"it was given unto him to make war with saints and to overcome them"
II Thess II 9-11
May 3, 2023 • 8 tweets • 6 min read
This is a book everyone should read.
How many people know that US and West are completely dependent on China for drug supply? China controls practically all the world's production of active ingredients of our drugs. It's an incredible threat to our health and national security
In 2008 at least nine lots of heparine were recalled by Baxter after severe poisoning of US citizens. It turned out that active ingredient was bought from a Chinese plant, making it in dirty tank and... read details below
May 2, 2023 • 11 tweets • 9 min read
Hendrie is a valid scholar on Jewish lies, qabbalah and Talmud.
This book is about the qabalistic lie that earth is a sphere rotating around the sun. It gives scientific and scriptural evidence that earth is flat
If earth were a globe, we couldn't see in the distance like in these photos
Apr 28, 2023 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
1/What people don't usually understand is that there are TWO sets of revolutionary process: one is liberal, tolerant, slow-pace, ecumenical and pantheistic, yet elitist; the other one is harshly atheist, violent, fast-pace, yet humanitarian, because it sees only mankind as god
2/The pantheistic one seeks to recreate the world empire Nimrod founded at Babel Tower time. The forces behind it are the same: what Bible labels as nephilim.
Apocalypse 17 helps us: the Harlot of Babylon sits on a seven-hill city. This is a world pattern:
Apr 27, 2023 • 10 tweets • 5 min read
Now an ever-green: Talmud quotations.
According to historian Rodkinson, "Talmud dominates the minds of a whole people, who venerates its contents as divine truth.
Let's take a look at these divine contents, then....
All classical jewish sources which mention Our Lord Jesus Christ's execution are quite happy to take responsibility for it.
Check out the sources below for further infos
Apr 27, 2023 • 13 tweets • 10 min read
An interesting book, authored by Daniel Patrick and sponsored by the late Texe Marrs.
It tries to figure out who Gog is and where he comes from
Who Is Gog? A question which has raised never-ending debated.
Let's go step by step.
Gog is synonymous with Agag, a generic terme used for Kings of Amalek, who was Esau's grandson
Apr 26, 2023 • 12 tweets • 7 min read
This is an interesting book. It claims history can be read as a demonology: the history of mankind since its rebellion is the history of the struggle between the people of God and the Cult of Satan
Genesis chapter 6 is one of the most enigmatic passages in human literature. Who are the fallen angels? Who were their offspring, the nephilim? Eustace Mullins contended nephilim established a demonic presence on earth. Read below
Apr 24, 2023 • 13 tweets • 9 min read
An interesting book. It scans all the links between China and western establishment and how the latter has been sistematically bribed and bought to fulfill China's project of world dominion
In Lenin's words: capitalists will sell communists the rope with which to hang them.
Liberal West's attempt to absorb communism within globalisation is a fiasco, because West failed to acknowledge the real goals of communism: world dominion.
Apr 22, 2023 • 20 tweets • 12 min read
Problems within catholicism haven't started since Vatican Council II. They've begun since renaissance. The de facto acceptance of usury began and the practice of diabolical occultism entered Christendom during that period.
As catholic, I m obliged to accept Truth, whatever it is
Hermeticism was an elitist occult philosophy which flourished within papacy and Vatican during renaissance: it claims It can liberate man by secret knowledge originating from antiquity. Gnosis, the oldest deception coming from Satan, thus, entered Christendom
Apr 20, 2023 • 12 tweets • 6 min read
I recommend this book to everyone. It gives a thorough view about the deeply satanic phenomenon of Flying Saucers and so-called UFOs and about the little known dangers of hinduism
New Age is rooted in counterfeit hinduism. It covers the whole range of false spiritual experiences: from simple illusion to actual possession
Apr 16, 2023 • 15 tweets • 9 min read
A Classic, from Michael Hoffman.
Judaism ISN'T the religion Israelites used to profess at Moses's times. It's not based on God's Word.
It's a satanic creed elaborated by rabbis out of thin air and partially also based on babylonian abominable cults
Judaism didn't exist before Christ. Before Him there was the faith of Israelites, gradually subverted by corrupt teachings such as were transmitted by pharisees and sadducees.
Read also what Saint Augustine and John Chrysostom wrote about Judaism