King TYTAN #𒂼𒄄 🏴 (**not** brown backpack guy) Profile picture
Dream! (the link in my bio is real, I really own this domainᶜˡᶦᶜᵏ ᶦᵗ)
May 20, 2023 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
the point of having glasses is not to wear them as much as possible, but to wear them as little as possible

use them only when necessary, otherwise your eye muscles get lazy

there is this common myth that you have to wear your glasses for your vision to get better

but have you ever heard of someone who wore their glasses and then one day the doctor told them “congratulations for wearing your glasses diligently, you are now cured”


your vision only gets worse the more you wear your glasses, and then you need stronger and stronger lenses low lighting doesn’t damage eyesight, bad lighting does

if you feel your eyes are hurting after reading in the dark, it’s just the muscles that got tired from working harder for longer (similar to how your legs hurt after a day of hitchhiking)

but your eyesight didn’t get damaged, quite the opposite: your eyes will be back to working as good as before, maybe even better, after a good rest (just as your legs didn’t get damaged, just tired after a good workout)

but if you use the wrong light source (fluorescent being amongst the worst contenders, with “green” LEDs a close second), you will irreparably damage your eyesight (even if you have sufficient light to read comfortably)

best lighting is natural light; after natural light is insufficient to perform your tasks, switch to incandescent light (the one they are trying to ban for the usual “saving the planet” BS reasons) |
Dec 19, 2022 • 12 tweets • 2 min read
Top 10 Letters 2022 10. E: entitled thot who thinks she’s important because everyone wants to fuck her, but actually sh’s rdundant and vrything would still mak prfct sns without hr
Oct 10, 2022 • 29 tweets • 18 min read
I have irrefutable evidence @PayPal is lying!

They say the notice went out in error, but it was uploaded to their website since at least Tue., 27 Sep. 2022 22:33:12 UTC, as attested by here:….

(I even found out who wrote it 👇) Image There is also proof from from Wed., 28 Sep. 2022 02:06:27 UTC here: Image
May 6, 2022 • 26 tweets • 12 min read
What are vanity addresses?

How can haxxors use them to steal your coins?
How can dapps use them to protec you?
What can wallets do to protec you?
What can you do to protec yourself?

A thread on some obscure knowledge, on things you don’t know you don’t know.

Might save ur ass. I wanted to write about this for a long time, but it was this recent thread by @DegenSpartan that eventually provided me with the necessary motivation.

ty G-senpai 🙏
Apr 3, 2022 • 15 tweets • 5 min read
Noob Security Guide 101

Following this guide requires no additional work, no technical knowledge, only $5/month (for VPN), no lengthy setup, does not run the risk of you doing something wrong (impossible to mess up), and will protect you against 99.99% of threats. 1. Use @brave for web browsing, enable shields.
2. Use different @brave profiles to separate your different browsing needs (one profile for #DeFi, one for banking, one for work, one for general browsing, etc.).
Jul 31, 2021 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
THREAD: On Voting

The purpose of voting isn’t so everyone gets a say.

The purpose of voting is to have good governance.

If you have a family of 6, a democratic vote for “What to eat for breakfast?” would always result in them eating ice cream.

People understand that is not good governance, so only the parents are allowed to vote, for both the benefit of the children and of the whole family.
