Singer/Songwriter, Actor, Author, Speaker,Renaissance woman. I resist!
Feb 21 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
The chain saw massacre of the American government was a bit too much for me to absorb this week. Sorry guys, but this immature behavior by a guy who has us all in a vice ain’t working for me! And the current administration and his co conspirators are all a vile bunch of little creatures! IMO. Lindsey Graham and Mitch McConnell can go straight to hell as well!
While they are cutting and slashing and most likely the most vulnerable amongst us will suffer yet Trump has grifted off his country his entire life and Musk is rich from federal loans in the billions while legitimate tax payers are harassed. Blame it on the silent majority who did nothing and said nothing. They may be the worst of us.
Feb 13 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
Ok, here goes, I’m tired and fed up. It’s crazy to read all the gasping and carrying on while we knew this was the plan. This is not entertainment, it’s disgraceful and I no longer wanna read any more whining and discussing this nightmare. We knew this was going to happen and all we seem to be able to muster is a gasp or two and a clutching of pearls. Stand back and watch them burn it down. Before it’s all over it will look like the pulverized Gaza Strip and Ukraine. Fuck it all!
I hope I live to see every one of you who have called me loser, fucking stupid, whore, cunt and country music trash have to eat shit and run rabbits to survive. All laid back in your double wides hating on people of color, women,gays and trans children or anyone else that doesn’t think and live or look like you. Talk about stupid trash! Those people of color and children of illegal immigrants who have grownup in America and enjoyed public assistance and education and voted for this, fuck all of you too. You don’t deserve what you’ve had. You are as bad, if not worse than the MAGAs who have been on the Trump train for ten years. I worked my assoff for fifty years years to earn my place in this country but many of you are as a silly as that four year old with his finger up his nose in the Oval Office this week.
Jan 16 • 6 tweets • 1 min read
I am not obligated to respect someone who is a convicted felon, twice impeached and tried for rape. Just because they’ve used misinformation and bought themselves back into the WH does not make it honorable or legitimate. This is my truth and this is my page. I refuse to be intimidated by nasty cult followers who feel it’s their job to attack anyone who speaks out against this criminal operation!
If that was the top pick as a candidate on the right, what does that say about Conservatives who posture themselves as righteous and patriotic people of faith? Doesn’t that seem unhealthy?
Jan 6 • 6 tweets • 1 min read
I’m can’t be the only American traumatized by the January 6, 2021 angry mob, incited by the outgoing president to desecrate our nation’s Capitol in an attempted coup. It’s triggering for me! Am I the only one?
People died that day! The Speaker was hunted like a dog and VP Pence had a noose hanging on the steps to string him up and Trump claims it was a love fest.
Jul 19, 2024 • 6 tweets • 1 min read
Hello America, I did not watch the RNC and do not watch cable news. I use my own common sense to make decisions for my personal life.
I continue to stand for Biden/Harris 2024. They continue to work to make life better for all Americans not just to ones who agree with them.
Project 2025 will destroy the lives of many innocent Americans, please take the time to read the cliff notes of their agenda if you don’t have time to read the entire manifesto.
Jul 6, 2024 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
We’ve worked on this democracy for 250 yrs. We’ve fought for equality as long as I’ve been on the planet. We’ve been liberators for others oppressed but in 10 years we’ve stayed silent while a puppet who owes his soul to the devil turn us against one another even in families!
We’ve watched in horror the J6 attack on our nation’s Capitol and last week watched six members of the highest office in the land excuse these actions. I pray we can sort ourselves out before we have a bloody civil war in our streets. God have mercy on us and support Biden/Harris
May 21, 2024 • 7 tweets • 2 min read
It’s very disturbing to read stories about Princess Catherine suffering with cancer while also reading about Prince William having an affair with some female next door neighbor who apparently has a new baby. 🙄 it’s also concerning how the British media is not able
to condemn his alleged anger issues and how an ambulance was seen leaving their residence months ago. Its very disrespectful of you trolls, and witches who act as tho your cauldron is steaming to sacrifice anyone who has a question or respectful concern. Shame on you not me!
Apr 11, 2024 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
While women are under attack by the Evangelicals and Republicans we have our children and grandchildren murdered in their classrooms,some are dying in their teens from drugs and our parents and grandparents are losing their
homes to pay medical bills! Yet lawmakers are trying to wrangle a way to impeach the hardest working president we’ve had in decades.
Mar 16, 2024 • 9 tweets • 2 min read
You know you need help with women if you have to pay a porn star to sleep with you, hang out with a sex trafficking man and woman to be around women, cheat on your wife with a young girl,barely out of her teens, while you have three kids almost her age at home, knock her
up, marry her, basically ignore that child as it grows up, brag about your other daughter by saying if she wasn’t your daughter what you would do, while you have her sitting on your lap, call women bad names and brag about grabbing them by their genitalia. No, I’m not buying God
Mar 10, 2024 • 9 tweets • 2 min read
I’m Stella a human being living in a woman’s body in America. I’m a daughter, sister, niece, granddaughter, mother and grandmother. I speak out everyday on this platform to express my opinions, love, respect and sometimes anger and great disappointment and disapproval of what is
going on in America. I’ve always been a patriotic person and proudly called myself an American. I was born here. I have rights as a citizen. I’ve paid taxes for over 50 yrs. I’ve worked hard since age seven, in order to not bring unnecessary hardship on my parents.I became self
Feb 9, 2024 • 7 tweets • 2 min read
You bastards & you hysterical news reporters who hang out drinking coffee in the WH press room, go fuck yourselves especially, Peter Duchebag/Fox. Without your dad you couldn’t get a job. Low life’s bringing up President Biden’s son Beau. You’re a shame to your profession.
You spent four years and now seven trying to defend or twist all the crimes of DT but have yet to point out one damn great accomplishment of President Biden. You people disgust me!
Jun 11, 2023 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
Donald J. Trump is a criminal and is still being allowed to provoke others to start a revolution on our nation. #LockHimUpAlready
Why hasn’t he been arrested already? 37 charges for espionage against the nation that he swore to protect. Why? Why? Why?
Feb 26, 2023 • 6 tweets • 1 min read
Drugs, greed,ego and more hate in all echelons of our society is the issue but let’s blame it all on white people since it has to be someones fault. No one else will dare look at themselves. Everyone is guilty of prejudice, bigotry, misogyny, racism, ageism, elitism.
It’s painful to take responsibility for our own actions when it’s so much easier to blame someone else for our actions. Deflect and deflect some more! We are all guilty of evil regardless of how pure we like to think we are. Families don’t get along. Husbands and wives murder
Feb 24, 2023 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
So yesterday I remembered a story told to me by a friend who lives in the Baltimore area. Huge Country Music fan so much so they have a Dolly Parton Imagination Library tag. His car was stolen by two lil black kids. They were driving around blasting Rap music when the police
pulled them over for a stolen tag. Lmao. I say next time you steal a vehicle try not to snatch one with a Dolly Parton vanity tag on it. Kiss my grits if you don’t think this shouldn’t be on dumbest criminals videos. 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Feb 24, 2023 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
If you are naïve enough to have an official account with a blue check mark and photo be ready for trolls,attacked and vilified on a daily basis. I saw where Col. Vindeman’s wife Rachel was attacked viciously over her husband. Not his heroic actions but his looks. I feel I’m
In good company. It take fearlessness and skin as thick as an alligator. I’m not leaving this platform yet! I’ve been pushed around and bullied my entire life. Sit back and relax I ain’t leaving! Just sayin’ y’all. 😄😄😄
Feb 24, 2023 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
Been fascinated by the Alex Murdaugh murder trial. Wonder how much karma they racked up being so powerful for so long? Yet, no accountability until they turn on their own. What a horrific and terrible tragedy!
He never seemed to show any fear about the the killers being near after the shootings. Wouldn’t he have been concerned they were coming for him as well? He talked about being paranoid because of his Opioid addiction? He admitted he was there and had lied about it?
Feb 23, 2023 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
I know this is an inconvenient truth but there’s also a hell of a lot of reverse discrimination in this country as well. It gets a bit much to have spent almost 74 yrs. on this planet and to see how far we have reverted back to such ignorance and opportunistic BS by people of all
stripes in America. Other countries are just as racist and just as crime ridden but everyone points at America but all humans are flawed,no matter your make or model. Stop cherry picking and acting so self righteous y’all. I’m no better or worse than anyone else. I’ve always
Dec 16, 2022 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
I finished the Harry and Meghan docu series last night. It’s tragic no matter who’s side you are on. I was stunned at all the news clips they rightly included assaulting Meghan every day in their news. Steady diet of one sided garbage IMO. As for Charles, he appears to be a weak
Sniveling man. On one hand he is supportive as long as he looks like a hero but otherwise he slinks back and let’s the chips fall where they may. IMO. I don’t think less of Harry and Meghan for telling their side of their exit from an ungrateful regime. Meghan married a man she
Nov 22, 2022 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
So, scrolling through my feed on Twitter and I notice all the violent photographs of young white men, preparing for battle. Standing with ill gotten assault rifles. They should look in the mirror. The enemy is within.
While they sleep in warm beds tonight with full stomachs they long for destruction. It makes no sense to me. I’m grateful to live in a country free from war and destruction. I pray for the innocent souls lost in battle and wonder what those who have died fighting for freedom
Nov 21, 2022 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
It was never my intention to be forced to call out Evangelicals for their unconscionable behavior. I grew up in the churches of Southern Baptists and Pentecostals. My mother and her family were as devout and sincere as anyone I’ve ever known. I believe they would expect me
to rebuke these individuals if I claim to be a Christian. I too,am a flawed human being but I’m not a church leader. Women are expected to stay silent, breed, and serve big bellied, arrogant men in the church. These people are not teaching scripture as “Christians”y’all.
Sep 25, 2022 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
Oh,and one more…thing for all you Meghan haters. Time will tell and in the meantime, I suggest you be careful of racking up karma for yourselves. I’m as old as Charles and haven’t forgotten all of his sad history. I feel bad for Harry and Meghan since they told their truth and
one day everyone will see why so many hate them for shedding light on a very toxic and dangerous environment that is touted as brilliant and loving when it appears very dark and sinister. Read the history, it’s all there but seems old hatchet faces like Piers and Sharon,the