Stephanie Profile picture
I need help from VT Economic Services and have set up this Twitter account in order to get the attention of someone who can actually help keep my electricity on
Feb 2, 2020 10 tweets 7 min read
@VermontDCF, on Monday, I am going to drive my uninspected car with a rust colored left front hub cap from the grinding brakes to Morrisville from Hardwick to bring you copies of pay stubs that were due yesterday, so you can "not cut us off" from food stamps, which you lowered... @VermontDCF ... to Zero at the end of last year because my husband went to NY and picked up some work and that bumped us over some random and ridiculous ceiling for families that need EBT food assistance. You decided that what he made in NYC that short time was what he make every week....
Jan 14, 2020 10 tweets 12 min read
@VermontDCF Hi. HELP!!!! We have spent more than 15 hours in the past month talking with your staff, trying to resolve a problem with the fact that we are square pegs (seasonal work) in your round hole (assume that if you made $$$ last month you will make the same $$$ this month. @VermontDCF @VermontDCF @GovPhilScott @SenatorLeahy @PeterWelch What I am facing is that this entire structure is set up with only disincentives to stop being poor. Any step you take to raise yourself from poverty only risks your food safety, your health access, your kids college funding...