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I'm not on Twitter anymore. See and
Jun 1, 2021 11 tweets 9 min read
Posted: GitOps is a placebo…

Why #GitOps:

1. is just a rebadging of #ContinuousDelivery and #InfraAsCode ideas
2. has no new ideas of substance
3. contains 'best practices' that won't always work
3. offers no benefits that can't be achieved without GitOps A few words on GitOps is a placebo…...

I've disliked #GitOps from the start
. It went from "startup sharing ideas that worked for them" (good) into cargo culting (bad)

Git, Kubernetes, <insert tool here> are not special
Jul 30, 2020 13 tweets 4 min read
How should you decide if an incident merits a post-incident review?

The answer isn't "if it's a P1 or P2, forget P3s". In fact, it's the wrong question to be asking... #Operability 1/n Many orgs I work with have a policy of "do a review if the incident was a P1 or a P2". Lower priority incidents don't get a review.

This might be due to a high volume of P3s from untuned alerts, friction in the incident review process, lack of emphasis on improvement, etc. 2/n
Jun 25, 2020 31 tweets 8 min read
A deep dive into @clare_liguori's great article on #ContinuousDelivery at @awscloud... 1/n Firstly, thanks to @clare_liguori for doing this. As someone with deep knowledge of deployment pipeline design and shallow knowledge of AWS, this is really interesting. I wish more companies did this 🙇‍♂️ 2/n
Aug 21, 2019 7 tweets 3 min read

If you've decoupled deployments from customer launches, well done 👍

*But* bear in mind #ContinuousDelivery is about increasing throughout to meet customer demand. So it's the frequency of customer launches you need to increase, not just deployments 1/n Deploying more frequently to production reduces technology risk, overheads, inefficiencies, etc. It's a good thing.

However, it's customer launches that create opportunities for validated learning 2/n
Feb 10, 2019 24 tweets 9 min read
Hi @InfoQ, your #GitFlow article is flat out wrong. It is 100% incompatible with #ContinuousIntegration and #ContinuousDelivery.… / @danielbryantuk Here's an @InfoQ article I did in 2015, explaining why #GitFlow is incompatible with CI let alone CD…