Stephen Timoney Profile picture
Coach used by business owners to transform residual mental and emotional pain into peak performance | Future You Thinker | Believer in doing less dumb sh*t
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Jan 24 9 tweets 2 min read
I used to struggle with my energy and focus.
I always felt rushed. Stressed out. And frustrated

Why? Because I had no structure or systems to shape my days.

Now...These 5 strategies help me get more done in a day in my business than I used to in a week: 1. Know my best hours:

I do my best work when I feel most energized.

Early in the morning are my focus hrs.

But remember... Your best hrs for one type of work will not be the best hrs for another kind.

E.g. I do focus work in the morning and creative work in the afternoon.
Jul 6, 2023 17 tweets 4 min read
I used to suck at organizing my days and weeks.

10 years conversation changed the way I think about self-performance.

I was introduced to Big Rocks. I have now used this method daily to do less dumb sh*t and start a 6-figure business.

Let me show you how it works: “Stephen...can you walk me through your Big Rocks for this coming week?”

I responded, “I’m sorry...what are Big Rocks?”

This was my first 1 to 1 meeting with the Western Director of the company I was working for...
Jul 5, 2023 11 tweets 3 min read
One of the most powerful concepts you need to learn to succeed in life.

Closing Open Loops.

Solve the problem 99% of people struggle with: Is your mind always switched on?

Does your mind think about all the items on your to-do list?

Are you often reminded about projects you started two years ago that you never finished?

Do you struggle with procrastination because you have so much on?

You suffer from Open Loops.
Jul 3, 2023 11 tweets 3 min read
Today is the 1st Monday of the 3rd quarter.

Have you planned out your next 90-day sprint for your business and life?

If not. I have compiled a 5-step 90-Day Planning System to help boost your results and avoid the summer slump.

And I am giving it to you today for FREE: Step 1: 3 Pillars:

Pick the 3 major areas of your life.

For example:
• Health
• Wealth
• Relationships

Then pick 1 BIG goal from each category you want to work on and accomplish over the next 90-days.

Make them achievable but not super easy.
Jul 2, 2023 13 tweets 3 min read
7 Levels of WHY.

An effective mental exercise that WILL help you get clarity and improve your focus in life and business: Finding your WHY is one of the most important exercises you can do.

“He who has a why to live for can bear almost any how.”
― Friedrich Nietzsche

“The two most important days in your life are the day you are born, and the day you find out why.” – Mark Twain

How do you do it?
Jun 29, 2023 13 tweets 3 min read
Do you live two lives?

Each day you wake up...and want to be your best...hit all your daily targets. don’t.

This means you have an Integrity Gap.

The person you show up different from who you want to be.

Let me show you 4 effective ways to close your gap: Framing why "gurus" get this wrong:

Over 90% of coaching gurus will tell you to raise your bar to improve.

They are way off

The way to improve
The way to close your Integrity Gap

Is to improve your baseline standards and do less dumb sh*t

These 4 areas will help you do that:
Jun 17, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
This is the most valuable business skill to develop:

Embracing Change.

When I was broke and frustrated I used to resist it.

Once I embraced change...I got promoted...made 6-figures...then started a successful business.

Here's 5 barriers to overcome for you to embrace change: 1. Fear:

I was not happy in my current situation.

I persisted. I presumed change would be worse. I struggled with the unknown.

I stuck with the status quo.
But this stopped growth in my life.

Once you take action. You realize...the fear you have about goals is irrational.
Jun 7, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
I believe peak results come from peak recovery.

Knowing how to recharge your batteries is essential if you want to be a successful business owner.

And there are 6 areas you need to recover from daily.

Most business owners get these wrong and it's killing their performance: 1. Recover from work:

I have over-committed have you.

You think you can do more daily. You underestimate how long a task will take. You find it difficult to unplug because your mind races.

The only solution to this...
Block time off and detach from your work daily.
Jun 3, 2023 15 tweets 4 min read
The 10 golden rules I use to do less but create more results.

These rules have...

Saved me over 10 hours a week. Removed frustration. And helped me enhance my business performance: I used to work 12-hour days.

I would struggle to make progress in life and grow my business.

But then I discovered 10 rules that changed my life.

As Robert Heinlein said:

"Progress isn't made by early risers. It's made by lazy men trying to find easier ways to do something."
May 19, 2023 14 tweets 3 min read
My focus used to suck.

I would jump from thing to thing.
My mind was like a monkey on drugs.

Luckily I found systems that took me from a crazed drug monkey to a chill deep work ape.

Here are the 5 frameworks that will help you do the same: The typical improve your focus list:

Develop goals
Practice discipline
Time management
Focus on the big picture
Develop a growth mindset
Big Dreams with small steps

I used all of these and failed to improve my focus.


Because I hadn't developed the right systems:
May 17, 2023 13 tweets 3 min read
I woke up at 29 realizing my 20s were a mess:

• I partied most weekends
• I spent money I didn’t have
• I was addicted to cheap dopamine

Now in my early 40s, I run a 6-figure coaching business.

Here are the 8 behaviour shifts that changed my life: You often ignore the right path to take.

Either by resistance or lack of skills…knowledge…abilities.

You make the same mistakes 2 or 3 times before you learn your lesson.

I made all the mistakes in my 20s

But luckily I turned it all around in my 30s and beyond.
May 16, 2023 14 tweets 4 min read
How I helped a 7-figure business owner escape a 2-year rut.

By avoiding 3 common traps high achievers fall into while scaling their businesses.

If you can avoid these...
You will increase your income and save time. I see these 3 traps often:

• No-longterm plans
• Working longer hrs
• Spread too thin

In fact...most business owners I speak to drop the ball in at least one of these areas.

My client Bryon, involved in two 7-figure businesses, was no different.

He fell into all 3:
May 11, 2023 10 tweets 2 min read
What is the most common problem causing business owners to get stuck?

Using technical solutions and hacks for problems that need behavioural or emotional repair.

Let me explain: We all go through it:

You have hit a wall...your life has plateaued.

You keep reading books. Doing courses. Trying strategies to get out of your rut.

But it never works.

You get little spikes up...but they never last...
May 4, 2023 11 tweets 3 min read
Solopreneurship is stressful.

If you're not proactive, you will feel lonely, frustrated, and stressed out.

Over the last 2 years, I've had some low points.

But it forced me to develop systems.

Here are 8 effective actions to help you defeat stress and create mental freedom: 1. Connect with loved ones:

The people you love in your life are vital to defeating stress.

I spend each day connecting with family and friends.

Don’t get sucked into the trap of spending time with them distracted thinking about your problems.

Connect and feel less stressed
May 3, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
One of the worst traps to be in as a business owner...

The Sh*t Zone.

You're always thinking of one thing as you do another.

This affects you when you're with your family. While at work. And when relaxing.

You feel split in two.

Here's how you get out of the Sh*t Zone: Image When you’re in the Sh*t Zone.

• Your work is sh*t
• Your mood is sh*t
• Your results are sh*t
• Your performance is sh*t

The Sh*t Zone is costing you time, money, and energy.

But 3 simple strategies will help you break free of the Sh*t Zone and clear a path to freedom.
Apr 29, 2023 14 tweets 3 min read
Does your productivity suck?

Stop with the hacks, fancy calendars, and overcooked productivity systems.

Use this one system and make your life and business easier.

Welcome to the Productivity Diet: Image How do you start your day?

Do you drink a full mug of negative news?
Or do you start with a bowl of social media notifications?

The type of time investment you make determines your results.

If you choose the wrong activities.
The results in your business will suffer.
Apr 25, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
Overthinking decisions is a pain in the ass.

It can lead to missed opportunities in your business.
It distracts you and wastes your mental energy.
It causes unnecessary stress.

Let's look at 5 effective systems that make decision-making painless: 1) Have decision-making systems:

Use Pros and Cons lists.

Use the 5/5/5 rule: how will this make you feel in 5 mins, 5 months, 5 years

Use the 80/20 rule: will the decision affect the 20% of your business that gives 80% of your results?

Any of these 3 systems work. Use them.
Apr 14, 2023 16 tweets 4 min read
How to save 20 hours a week in your business without productivity hacks, fancy calendars, or time management: DEEP DIVE THREAD:

I discovered a system that has helped me and my clients save time allowing us to get sh*t done.

The system is pulled from my PRO-Accelerator Program. In this thread, I have split it into TWO parts.

Your Foundations and Your Actions.

Let’s dive into it.
Apr 13, 2023 12 tweets 3 min read
Harsh truth:

Being overwhelmed in your business is your fault.


Because you continually do what you shouldn’t do. You choose habits and actions that compound your overwhelm.

But you can fight back and defeat it.

Fix these 9 areas and you will win: 1 - Stop having no targets:

You get overwhelmed because you don’t know what to focus on.

When you focus on a few key goals you understand what's important to you. When you have no business targets you allow the external world to dictate your life.

That's overwhelming.
Apr 12, 2023 12 tweets 3 min read
One of the most powerful concepts you need to learn as a business owner.

Closing Open Loops.

Solve the problem 99% of people struggle with: Is your mind always switched on?

Does your mind think about all the items on your to-do list?

Are you often reminded about projects you started two years ago that you never finished?

Do you struggle with procrastination because you have so much on?

You suffer from Open Loops.
Apr 10, 2023 10 tweets 3 min read
In 2010 I was aimless and partying to escape my reality.

In 2023 I run a 6-figure coaching biz and I'm in the best shape of my life mentally, emotionally, and physically.

Here are the 7 self-performance strategies I used to go from a lost party boy to a successful solopreneur: 1 - The Power Move:

Do something bold and out of your current routine.

My biggest power move was coming to Canada 13 years ago. With $500 in my pocket. I said f**k it...time to change my life.

Starting a biz in the middle of a pandemic comes in a close second.

Make bold moves