Steven Brust, pjf Profile picture
Practical Ontologist. Trotskyist Sympathizer. Supporter of the World Socialist Web Site. Mad, drunk, and reckless troubadour (RCPM)
May 18, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
Currently reading James Oakes's wonderful CROOKED PATH TO ABOLITION. The argument over whether the Constitution was a pro-slavery or anti-slavery document was more intense and important than I'd realized. That is, was property in human beings embedded in the Constitution? 1/ One powerful argument Oakes makes is that when six seceded states met to create a Confederate constitution, they kept almost all of the US Constitution intact; 2/
May 2, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
1/ Marxists believe the fight against racial oppression is inseparable from the fight to liberate the working class, and thus all of humanity--that the two-fold and three-fold oppression of racial minorities is an offense against all of humanity. 2/That the working class must demand and fight for an end to all forms of racial oppression. We believe that the only solution to racial violence by the police is a united stand against it by the working class--that all workers must organize against it.
Aug 25, 2020 6 tweets 2 min read
Once again, I've come across that idiotic charge, "You want things to get worse so there will be a revolution." News flash: No serious revolutionary socialist has ever believed that. Things are quite bad enough, thanks. 1/6 As Trotsky said, "In reality the mere existence of privations is not enough to cause an insurrection; if it were, the masses would be always in revolt." What is lacking is not conditions being bad, but political consciousness among the oppressed of a way forward. 2/6
Jun 28, 2020 9 tweets 1 min read
A time there was when life was good
I'd greet each day with verve
I'd meet each challenge to come my way
No less than I deserved
Though adversity might slow me down
I knew that soon or late
I would triumph over life's cruelty
I thought it was my fate.