Steven Welliever Profile picture
Educator turned construction worker. Tweets mostly about K-12, Bolshevik & American communist revolutions. Kulak.
Nov 24 4 tweets 2 min read
🧵1/ Lenin’s Communist Ethics & Control of Capitalism to be socially useful…

Read Logan’s post on the purpose of ESG (part of an easy-to-understand 🧵); I will now expose the original plans from Lenin… 2/ Lenin (1921) usurped Capitalism, in order to make the “work”, “socially useful”.

Using “methods of siege and undermining”, they would “prove capable of keeping a proper reign on these gentlemen, the capitalists” - to “direct capitalists”; to make capitalism “subordinate”. Image
Oct 26 4 tweets 2 min read
🧵1/ Anti-Communist class is in session.

Land & Labor Acknowledgements are more than “toxic statements” and “virtue signaling”.

They are plagiarized from Stalin. They are the Bolshevik rhetorics of abuse of “indigenousness” and “backwardness”…

[src: Martin, 2001] Image
2/ This is an example of an original ‘Land Acknowledgement’ from Stalin (1921).

“…certain mountain races…we must provide them with the necessary land at the expense of the kulak colonizers”

All non-Russians could use this rhetoric of abuse of Indigenousness (Korennost’). Image
Sep 7 8 tweets 5 min read
1/ WA K-12 is being Bolshevik’d. That is what Ethnic Studies is.

It is the curriculum that all minorities in the USSR were indoctrinated with 100 years ago.

I will prove it graphing the keywords in the @WA_SBE memo.

Here we go 🧵…
Image 2/ A few dates to know:
the Oct Rev’n took place in 1917, & the Nationalities policies, co-authored by Lenin & Stalin, based on race-Marxism, were approved in 1923. Americans probably noticed the US Communist Revolution hit the gas pedal 100 years after the Russian Rev’n…
Feb 22 8 tweets 3 min read
🧵1/ Time to expose the WA state K-12 agency’s corrupt content in their Sex Ed newsletter…

Let the depravity begin… Image 2/ They want to “destabilize some of the moral panic aspects of the anti-trafficking conversation while taking a nuanced look at the lived reality of youth in the sex trade”…
“…using a social justice approach” Image
Feb 18 4 tweets 3 min read
🧵SEL & decentralization of K-12 education, then & now:

1/ From the beginning, Lenin (1922) blurred the line between schools and communist psychological programming…
Image 2/ K-12 Education is being decentralized under ‘Mastery/Competency Based Learning/Culturally Responsive Sustaining Ed,CTE…

Examine the identical symbolism/graphics in the new WA state K-12 agency logo compared with an historic Soviet propaganda poster, ‘My field, My school’…
Jan 28 8 tweets 4 min read
🧵1/ SB6264, Competency-Based Learning, is moving through #waleg w/ little opposition.
This bill does everything from undermine integrity of grading, HS transcripts and coursework to incorporate the worst of DEI… 2/ SB6264 states that "Mastery-based learning" has the same meaning as "competency-based education."

Much of the existing documentation on WA schools uses Mastery-Based Learning (MBL).
[2023 Report: ]

But the report reveals yet another meaning of MBL...…
Jan 1 5 tweets 5 min read
The full brunt of SB5044 indoctrination hits WA K-12 in 2024.

The teachers union 2024 @washingtonea calendar for the first 6 weeks of the year is packed with communist DIE brainwashing of teachers & support staff along w/ forced activism:


Jun 8, 2021 9 tweets 8 min read
1/9 Thread:

"Decolonizing", "whiteness" - these are the words at the forefront of K12 CRT curricula being implemented in WA state by @waOSPI and @WA_SBE.

This Thread will discuss the influence of Frantz Fanon on CRT in your kid's school and his genocidal legacy. ImageImageImage 2/9
This recent article defending CRT in schools […] accuses those who oppose it of "conjuring neo-Marxist bogeyman" and not crediting Fanon. I will hold them to claiming Fanon. Image
May 8, 2021 5 tweets 4 min read
@waOSPI Race and Ethnicity Student Data Task Force

"Washington will be the first state to collect such comprehensive race and ethnicity student data." order to "promote racial equity" and "facilitate systemic change" 2/5
"Disaggregated student data must be at the forefront of decision-making making at the classroom, school, district, and state levels."

"Districts have... through the 2021-22 school year, to fully implement the changes."
Nov 15, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
Asian kids officially kicked out of "students of color" category by a WA school district. The North Thurston School District's link to the document is no longer working.

Here is a link to an archived…
Nov 13, 2020 5 tweets 4 min read
@waOSPI K-12 Ethnic Studies Advisory Committee met today to plan the big themes/questions of the new Critical Race Theory-based curriculum.

I shared a few sticky notes they created from each of the 4 themes so you can see how race/power obsessed our schools will be. 1) Identity