Stewart Alsop - Host of Crazy Wisdom Radio Show Profile picture
I use this app for personal notetaking (reminders to self). I tweet too many #stablethread 's
Jim Handshaw Profile picture 1 subscribed
Dec 28, 2021 9 tweets 2 min read
Gary V may or may not be a grifter but a thing I got from him is that if someone is hating on you, think of how much hell they are in that they have to get off on shitting on a complete stranger

One thing I've learned recently about this pattern of hate from internet strangers: All humans are addicts, some are addicted to external substances, others are addicted to the juice they get from habitual emotional reactions to events.

But the basic process of the phenomenon is the same.

What happens to an addict?

They have to hit rock bottom to get better
Dec 28, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
No spoilers here but the last Matrix movie is like the last Star Wars movie but there is a thicker irony

Hollywood is part of the actual matrix, the emergent web of ego bullshit that perpetuates suffering

They tried to wring the last bit of profit they could out of a dying star That dying star which may go soon supernova is the era of American super creativity.

Its impossible to deny the role that hollywood played in the cold war, bringing the image of the american dream to every corner of the globe, state-sponsored and all
Dec 27, 2021 9 tweets 2 min read
We're going through a deeply ancient process right now (mixed with some new tech).

A large event happened in March 2020 (with a lot of help from Chinese Propaganda)

The process is one of how to come back to collective stasis, homeostasis of the hive mind, the super organism In the past this was done through unconscious singling out of a minority of some kind and that minority would serve as the sacrificial lamb for the purging of the unwanted elements that the collective unconscious disowns.

The examples from history are endless.
Dec 26, 2021 10 tweets 3 min read
Now it's time to bring out the big boy.

It's like that scene in Star Wars where Skywalker has to deflect the lasers on the millennium falcon.

I can't see anything except a pinhole. Almost ran into quite a few people Image I have to trust my other senses besides my eyes and my nose (the smell of latex is slightly disorienting but we all have our crosses to bear).

I successfully asked a nice couple to take a picture of me.

The surprising part is that no one is surprised. One guy said "nice mask"
Dec 26, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
I don't drink that much but I've come up with a great liquid drinking game I play on airplanes where I drink as little as humanely possible with each sip.

Made it 3 hours on a 3 hour and 20 minute flight with my air being totally unrestricted. The flight attendant had to tell me A LOT of times to pull the mask up

I think I enjoyed ignoring her and sipping on my drink as slowly as possible but the problem is I think she enjoyed telling me what to do more!
Dec 25, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
The ultimate conceit of the tying of the environmental crisis (which does of course exist but not in the way the "modelers" want you to think) to COVID is the increase in air freight which will undoubtedly increase the metric they model and abhor due to supply chain. The second of course is the obvious waste. I've never seen more litter in my life and it's entirely because of a pagan ritual of performative mask wearing
Dec 22, 2021 17 tweets 4 min read
99.9% of my friends and family are completely bought into the narrative.

I have had to at least take a pause, and potentially lost, many of these relationships.

All of them are basically engineers, scientists, and people who are highly educated as I grew up in Silicon Valley I was indoctrinated into the Scientism framework in the same way as all of them. I lived and breathed it, thinking that it was reality rather than a framework, an ideology.

But the cracks in the framework came early for me, as I was put on medication at about 15 years old.
Dec 21, 2021 12 tweets 3 min read
Want tangles my mind more is the comparison with Brazil.

For those that haven't been, Brazil is like a parallel universe to the united states

Take two sparsely inhabited yet giant swathes of land and put europeans of slightly different regional differences, see what happens What happened eventually as it relates to the very niche historical realities of the Rona delusion is that you have two presidents who ran on ending corruption. Unpopular for the media yet seemingly popular for the plebs, the people who were getting kinda rammed by globalization
Dec 21, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
So if you look at anyone who is looking at their phone you will realize that all of us are hypnotized, every single goddam one of us (except for the Amish).

The key question is what you are hypnotizing yourself and how much do you buy into it. How much do you identify with it. Not the hypnosis because thats happening (and indeed always has been happening just not at this scale)

But how much do you identify with the "person" being hypnotized?

That person doesn't exist, not in any sort of stable object outside of time and space.
Dec 20, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
I just took my first Swing class and it's probably why I'm manically tweeting about Stalin this fine evening (Kundalini energy ain't no joke, don't poke to bear unless you've got some time to sit in front of a blank wall while trying to get to sleep)

Back to Swing I've been going to Brazil to dance Zouk.

Apparently Swing is the US version of Zouk (which comes from the 60s actually so before Zouk which is from 90s Brazil)

But this was my first class and was blown away by the technicality of it, purely American, it's like math
Dec 20, 2021 19 tweets 4 min read
I've now had a few weeks to let the massive tome I'm reading on Stalin sink in. Let's see how I do

I'm particularly interested in this from the perspective of a cyclic view of history, with the fourth turing as the main framework

Particularly focused on the years leading to WW1 I don't think historians from a hundred years from now will consider that WWI and WWII are different wars, but part of a large period of War stimulated by ethics catching up with technology and growth of large middle classes, something never before seen in history
Dec 18, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
I had a massive breakthrough yesterday related to being done with chronic pain.

I've know for years now that the nature of the scapula is to slide on the rib cage below it, to have mobility but in me it was stuck.

Now it's open and movement is getting very flow like, pain-free Try doing what he is doing.

You have to stabilize the rib cage with a very slight engagement of the core (aim for 2-10%) and then move the shoulder blades in rythym with each other. The only way to really do it is also to relax the jaw (except the deeper postural neck muscles)
Dec 18, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
One thing many people don't understand is that a blockchain holds immutable data which is secured by permanent writing into a long history of blocks that cannot be overriden, there is finality.

On the BTC network, this data is purely a irreversible distributed spreadsheet With the ETH network, there are now other forms of data such as smart contracts, that's why they call it a world computer, it can process data in a distributed manner in an irreversible way.

One day we can have great databases of really important information without censorship
Dec 17, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
I don't think there has ever been a nation state that does not seek total dominion.

Its the nature of the game because the global system is anarchich meaning nation states seek offense out of defense knowing that all international law is subject to change at short term notice The rules of the game might be changing but the nature of the game is as old as large agriculture based centralized powers seeking to bend nature to it's will and provide sustenance for the super organism and defeat nom-self entities that threaten perceived safety
Dec 9, 2021 12 tweets 2 min read
My understanding of the evolution of Communism in practice is that Marx wrote there would be an inevitable rise of communism once capitalism fallen from it's own demise, capitalism being too oppressive and therefore unjust.

This would happen due to historical forces Marx said that this could only happen in a country such as his native Germany once it has made the switch from an agrarian economy, one that was made up of peasants, to a factory based economy, one that was made up of workers.

Peasants were not ideal communists, not smart enough
Dec 7, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
I feel so country getting feed supply for the goats. Image Helps that the feed store is call "Simply Country" Image
Jul 13, 2021 15 tweets 3 min read
I was having a conversation with @uthmanzi and he put words to the transition I found myself going through after the pandemic made me make some deep changes to my life:

I've joined an informal circus.

Its like a mixture of San Francisco, Los Angeles, and old-school hippiedom. But not just anybody is coming from SF and LA. Its creative types who are all not vibing with city life and are down to make some changes.

Alternative urban hippies in a forest that could burn down at any moment, lots of psychedelic usage, nobody knows what is real.
Jul 12, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
I just tried to tell a locker room full of older men complaining about their pain that part of it had to do with emotions.

Did not go down well! 🤣 The story goes on.

I found out one of the older men in the locker room is the owner of the float tank studio in town.

Trying to offer my massage services there but now I think I triggered the owner

Some people enjoy it when you trigger them if you do it the right way
Jun 28, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
A #stablethread on the posterior cingulate cortext (PCC) and all its juiciness. I'm trying to map out the evolving understanding of how meditation effects the brain and the PCC became relevant for anxiety as it is highly implicated. For more on the entire brain, the thread from which this one descends, please see this thread:

Jun 27, 2021 16 tweets 3 min read
I don't know what it is about this gym i go to but the conversations in the communal hot tub are getting wild.

Not wild in the sense most people think about when thinking about hot tubs.

But wildly divergent.

I think I was just adversarialy questioned by a sociopath type. Along with the "guess who is Awake" game I sometimes indulge in I also like to play "guess who is on the dark triad"

We can never have certainty over the state of an individual we encounter, where they are and how much they deceive us or themselves.
Jun 27, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
The idea that there are 7 chakras isn't actually some sort of "indian yogic philosophy"

It was a translation of indian yogic philosophy through the work of Jung (this doesn't mean it's not valuable).

In reality yogic philosophy is a vast storehouse of practices and theory India, just like Greece, had a lot of thinkers spread over historical time.

There were MANY chakra systems all over the place and the one you used was dependent on the lineage you were brought into usually through caste or other conditions.