Stolen Valor Profile picture
Official Stolen Valor/Guardian of Valor account. Guard against imposters of pretended patriotism!
Jan 30 6 tweets 2 min read
Updated info saying it was a Blackhawk that collided with an American Airlines flight. Prayers for all involved.
Jan 2 5 tweets 2 min read
Preliminary insights from sources within the Green Beret community indicate that Matthew Alan Livelsberger was serving on Active Duty with the 10th Special Forces Group (Airborne) stationed in Germany.

He was on leave in the United States at the time of the incident and was involved in activities related to the G8 domain. To clarify… G8 Program within the Army not the Civilian G8
Oct 19, 2024 5 tweets 6 min read
A🧵: Public Information Release on Timothy Patrick Sheehy's Military Records:

Several months ago, in response to a growing number of inquiries, I filed several Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests for the military service records of Tim Sheehy @SheehyforMT , following numerous emails, direct messages, and tags I received about his service.

Given Mr. Sheehy's background as a recently retired Navy SEAL, accessing his records involved navigating complex classification layers due to the sensitive nature of his missions and took longer than simple records requests.

As expected, the process was categorized as "Complex," and "Unusual Circumstances" requiring a demonstration of significant public interest in the record's release, and review by several different legal officials. Attached is the initial response from the Navy, indicating the path my request had to follow.

The U.S. Navy has partially approved and partially denied my request. I was provided with the option to appeal the redactions or omissions in the documents. However, I chose not to appeal as the key documents necessary for public understanding were provided, and I respect the imperatives of national security concerning Tier 1 operations. Also, an appeal would not have been approved due to the nature of the documents being classified.

These documents have been meticulously reviewed through various channels to ensure the protection of classified information. They have been officially approved for public release by the Legal Counsel at the U.S. Navy Bureau of Naval Personnel.

Although some documents may still bear labels such as "For Official Use Only" (FOUO) or indicate privacy sensitivity, they have undergone the necessary redactions and legal processes to be lawfully disclosed to the public.

Attached is the cover sheet explaining the reasons for redactions and non-releaseable documents, and the email notifying me of the track my request would be taking. It mostly cites National Security, Sensitivity, and the privacy of others mentioned in the documents.Image
According to the records provided:

Enlistment Date: Mr. Sheehy enlisted in the United States Navy on May 23, 2008.

Active Duty Service: He served actively and was honorably discharged from SDVT-1 and Active Duty on August 31, 2014, and transferred to the Reserves.

Reserve Transition: Post-active duty, he transitioned to the Navy Reserve and subsequently to the Navy Standby Reserve-Inactive (USNR-S2).

Discharge Details: His military contract had no remaining service obligation when he moved to the Standby Reserve.

Mr. Sheehy was Honorably Discharged on February 1, 2019, as outlined in NAVPERS 1070/613(See Attached Documents). This document indicates that officers in the Standby Reserve-Inactive are typically discharged after one year if they do not return to an active status.

These details reflect standard military procedures for service members transitioning from active duty through to reserve components and eventual discharge. Please refer to the attached document for further clarification.Image
Oct 8, 2024 5 tweets 3 min read
🧵On the Service of Congressman Ruben Gallego(Marinelarena). @RubenGallego @RepRubenGallego

This thread aims to clarify Congressman Ruben Gallego's military background for those interested or asking questions about his service record.

Over the past few months, numerous inquiries have been made regarding the military service of Congressman Ruben Gallego @RepRubenGallego (formerly Marinelarena). Here I present a detailed, public-friendly overview of his service in the United States Marine Corps Reserve.

*NOTE: Despite various inquiries, I have found no evidence to suggest that Congressman Gallego has exaggerated or misrepresented his military service. His accounts align with military records and public narratives about his unit's deploymentImage Congressman Gallego served as a Marine Corps Reservist and was deployed to Iraq. His service is marked by his time with Lima Company, 3rd Battalion, 25th Marine Regiment, which unfortunately became known for enduring some of the heaviest casualties during the Iraq War.

Congressman Gallego was a member of the United States Marine Corps Reserve from Aug 23rd, 2000 Aug 23rd, 2008 as a 0341/Mortarman

Congressman Gallego was called to Active Duty on three separate occasions, including his initial Active Duty for training. (See Initial AD for training 214 attached)Image
Oct 5, 2024 8 tweets 9 min read
A 🧵on "DadDontKow" @Cpl_Dont_Know also known as Richard Peter Bilney, his military service and embellishments of that service.

Richard Peter Bilney, known on social media platforms as @Cpl_Dont_Know, has been an active and vocal member of our community for a considerable duration. His interactions were frequent and impactful, as he positioned himself as a staunch critic of those he accused of Stolen Valor. His targets included notable figures like Steve Slaton and Congressman Nehls, among others, leveraging his purported military background to lend credibility to his critiques.

Several months ago, Bilney's account came under scrutiny, prompting me to initiate a detailed investigation into his claims of military service. This investigation included direct communication with the United States Marine Corps (USMC) to obtain official records of his service.

The situation escalated recently when Bilney became involved in a political altercation with @DonCulo94. Don began calling Richard "Stolen Valor". Richard then posted an image purportedly showing his Purple Heart medals, claiming multiple awards. This post quickly went viral, garnering significant attention with more than 14 Million views and support within the military community, who rallied behind what they believed to be a fellow veteran's honors. However, this widespread support was based on false information.…Image
Service Claims and Public Persona:

Bilney's online presence was marked by his claims of having served in the Marine Corps with distinction, citing two Purple Hearts, a Bronze Star with Valor, and traumatic experiences like surviving an IED attack where he purportedly lost a significant portion of his team. These claims not only bolstered his credibility in debates but also solicited sympathy and support, including financial donations through platforms like Amazon Gift Registry, under the guise of a combat-wounded veteran.Image
Aug 10, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
This is one of the memes that’s incorrect and doesn’t list all of @JDVance awards. He has more than two awards. Also Vance’s proper MOS title is “Combat Correspondent”. As defined by the Marine Corps MOS code of 4341. Image
Aug 6, 2024 11 tweets 7 min read
I am currently being flooded with questions about Tim Walz's true retired rank and whether he was demoted from CSM.

I have obtained his NGB22, which indicates his retired rank as CSM. To confirm the accuracy of this information, I am waiting for his complete OMPF and DD214s to ascertain if there were any changes to his rank after retirement. It is possible he was demoted after retirement if he didn’t complete the required training , but his NGB22 that I have on hand does not indicate that.

If he was demoted there will be an order in his OMPF indicating the reduction in rank.

The article that has been circulating is labeled as a 'Paid Endorsement,' so I cannot rely on it as a source of facts. I will provide more details once I have gathered all the necessary information and paperwork.

Wanted to let everyone know I am aware of the questions so maybe the DMs and Tags will slow a little. 😂Image
I received a partial follow up on the NGB22. After the NGB22 was issued, he was “Administratively” reduced for not completing the required educational requirements.

So he did hold the rank of CSM, but was subsequently reduced for this reason and receives retired pay for the rank of MSG. There were no disciplinary reasons for the reduction.

According to the PAO for the Minnesota National Guard, they said it is legitimate for Walz to say he served as a CSM. They said the rank changed because Walz retired before completing coursework at the U.S. Army Sergeants Major Academy along with other requirements associated with his promotion.

As far as deployments, I am awaiting more records but it doesn’t seem he deployed to a combat zone during his service. Will follow up when I have more information.Image
Jul 29, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
🧵 1/3

Tomorrow is Election Day in LD7 Arizona and Stolen Valor Steve is asking for your vote.

He wants you to believe that he’ll stand for you when he lies about his service to your faces.

Steve never served in Vietnam, and was NOT a Cobra Pilot. Stop lying to the people Steve!

Someone sent me this post, although I can’t see it most of you can.

His records aren’t “Classified” nor did he have his “Identity Stolen” to get his DD214 as he and Wendy claim.

The original Cobra he claims to have piloted was shot down in Vietnam in 1972 and claimed the lives of both Pilots, his lies dishonors their sacrifice. But he doesn’t care.

He has not apologized to the people of LD7 or the Vietnam Veterans he disrespected. @WendyRogersAZ continues to stand by him and his lies. Tuesday is Election Day, make your voices heard LD7 Arizona!!

In the attached recording, a Veteran Pilot calls in to the @KMOGRADIO show and questions Wendy about Steve’s claims. She stumbles over her answer, and tries to backtrack but not before repeating his lie that he was a pilot in Vietnam.

I will also attach the full investigative thread in the subtweet. Please share this post!

@AZGOP @GOP @WendyRogersAZ @RepEliCrane @GopNavajo @JudiciaryGOP @RealMarkFinchem @AZHouseGOP @NavajoCountyAZ @arizonaago @USAO_AZ @arizonaagenda
Jun 12, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read
The only discrepancy is you weren’t an 11 or 18 Series in 2008! You aren’t authorized the award! Stop trying to use your Congressional “power” to change the rules and regulations for the CIB.

The order was REVOKED because you weren’t an Infantryman in 2008, you were Civil Affairs which means NOT ELIGIBLE for the CIB. You know this as well, stop trying to play the system!… @RepTroyNehls…
Jun 4, 2024 10 tweets 6 min read
🧵 Review of Steve Slatons @SteveSlatonAZ records and the DD214 he submitted versus what the NPRC has.


1. Steve claims to have served in Vietnam as a Cobra Pilot.

2. Steve also claimed he was Special Forces to a reporter for @MtnDailyStar

3. Steve submitted a DD214 he claims proves his Vietnam service.

4. Steve claims the following awards:

* National Defense Service Medal

* Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal

* Vietnam Service Medal

* Army Good Conduct Medal

* Army Commendation Medal

5. Steve also claims being a part of something called the Nixon Vietnamese Program in 1974.


1. Steve joined the Army on 06-29-1973.

2. Steve was a 67X20 AH-1G Helicopter Repairman.

3. Steve served in Korea for one year from 01/08/1974-01/07/1975 and received the Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal for this service.

4. Steve served 3 years on Active Duty before being transferred to USAR Control Group on 06/28/1976 to finish out his term of service.

5. Steve finished his enlistment on 06/29/1979 with the following awards:

* National Defense Service Medal

* Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal

6. The Nixon Vietnamese Program does not exist, this has been verified by Vietnam Veterans and a Military Historian, Doug Sterner who is also a Vietnam Veteran.

Steve submitted a DD214 to a local radio station to prove his service in Vietnam. The DD214 Steve submitted has been altered from the original document. The NPRC has verified the document he submitted does not match the one they have on file.

The dates of both DD214s have the same date and are signed by the same individual a L. E. LYONE MAJ, AGC, ASST AG. Additional items were added to this DD214 after it was signed by the verifying officer.

I have reviewed all documents from the NPRC to include the DD214, 2-1’s and other documents.

Steve did not serve in Vietnam, he did serve a one year rotation in Korea with the 128th Aviation Company.

Steve was not a Cobra Pilot, nor was he Special Forces.

All documents are attached to this thread to include commentary from a Vietnam Military Historian.

Also all service members who served in Vietnam received the Vietnam Campaign Medal and the Vietnam Service Medal not just the Vietnam Service Medal as he claims.(see attached commentary)

The first documents are the actual DD214 and NPRC records check.Image
Here is the DA 2-1 received from the NPRC that documents his Active Duty time. There is no mention of Vietnam, only Korea.

Dec 31, 2023 30 tweets 13 min read
A 🧵: Investigation Into Allegations Against Sgt. Maj. Chuck Ritter @Chuck_Ritter92

This thread is intended to shed some light on the allegations made against Sgt. Maj. Chuck Ritter(3rd SFG) last year in articles posted online. I was asked to do an independent review of the allegations and the evidence. This is the first thread after my initial review of this incident and the evidence I have collected.


Sgt. Maj. Chuck Ritter currently serves as the Deputy Commandant for the Army Special Operations Noncommissioned Officer Academy and was formerly the producer and host of the Special Warfare Center and School Podcast called Pineland Underground. Ritter has served in Army Special Forces in the 3rd Special Forces Group for over 17 years and in the Infantry for 3 years in Hawaii. He has an impressive record of 12 combat deployments to various locations such as Yemen, Iraq, Afghanistan, and Syria.

Throughout his career, Ritter has received numerous awards and accolades, including the Silver Star and three Purple Hearts for his bravery and service.Image
Sgt. Maj. Ritter has been under the spotlight recently due to various allegations made against him. These accusations stem from articles written about Ritter sexting the girlfriend of a fellow Soldier, Sgt. 1st Class Daniel Regeimbal, who was under his command during a 3rd Group deployment to Syria in 2019. This will be just a short update on what I have learned thus far concerning the allegations, the investigation that followed, and the evidence I have seen from several sources, including the Army's own investigation into those allegations. A longer update will be provided at a later date once I have completed a comprehensive review of all the available evidence.

I was asked to investigate the allegations made against @Chuck_Ritter92 in several articles posted online last year. The articles alleged that Ritter had been “sexting” with Regeimbal's wife, a Soldier Ritter had previously disciplined and sent home early from the Syrian deployment.