Elwë Singollo ❄️🧝🏻‍♀️ Profile picture
‘I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend'
Jan 14 20 tweets 4 min read
The Church is always going to seem too “feminine” to people with a fleshly view of masculinity. We can’t “win men” to church by appealing to superficial manliness. Because Christian values will always get in the way of the loud, showy, boastful, arrogant, domineering, lustful, greedy, violent, cruel nature of this uncontrolled “macho” persona entails. People see the church as “feminised” so they think the solution is to “masculinise” the church. Which is why I reject the premise. Because making the church more “masculine”, doesn’t guarantee a church
May 1, 2024 13 tweets 3 min read
Believe it or not women, like men, all have different giftings, skills, personalities, and abilities. When men are told they have endless ways they can use their gifts to glorify God but women are told that their only way they can truly fulfil their calling is to be a wife and mother (and only a wife and mother) that isn’t always the most encouraging thing for women to hear who are gifted in things beyond that. Many might be content with that, but and that is great, it’s not a lesser thing to desire that, but if God gives you skills that are not being
Jan 23, 2022 29 tweets 7 min read
Time to pick apart this little piece right here. medium.com/belover/no-tol… This just made me burst into laughter. “The godless book he wrote”… I just… I can’t 😂
Oct 6, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
Okay. I’m done. I’m tired of this. Yes we’re dealing with COVID but life still goes on, you’re not getting any younger. We can’t walk around paranoid that us and everyone around us is just a sack of germs. We’re humans, we need community and contact and touch to survive and not go crazy. You all have become so obsessed with this disease that you have refashioned your whole self around it. People are now things to be avoided, community is to be shunned. We must not see each other as humans and we must walk around carrying to worry and potential guilt
Oct 5, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
@JeremyDBoreing Okay here is what I think. It’s good to be considerate of others, to put others first, to love others. And during a time of extraordinary stress and fear it is good to consider how our actions affect others. Yes we are all individuals but we are also dependent on others and have people who depend on us to some extent. Life is meant to be a communal thing. We are not created to be solitary. That being said we are also born into a world where we can die billions of ways. Anything we do could inadvertently start a chain that leads to the
Sep 13, 2020 6 tweets 2 min read
I’m really uncomfortable with the notion that basically anything is permissible for the sake of art, as long as the message is one we can get behind. Not only is it a lazy mindset, art with no boundaries or rules or restraints is often lacking, but it also opens the door for people turn a blind eye to immorality if it furthers art and furthers the message. When you are pushing the limits of what is acceptable, trying to be shocking, trying to make people uncomfortable, by using tactics that are questionable at best, instead of giving yourself
Mar 23, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
At this point it seems everyone has felt the negative effects of the virus or the response to it. People are scared. People are separated from loved ones, people are grieving, people are sick, people are losing work and money, people are depressed, lonely, anxious, missing out on education, missing out on opportunities, having to cancel weddings, can’t be with friends. This is a time when we need to be there for each other, if not physically, through other means of support and encouragement. This is a time where we are all meant to be on the same side
Jan 17, 2020 11 tweets 2 min read
*sigh* time for another thread on the ignorance of people trying to insert negative real world allegorical messaging into The Lord of the Rings. I’m going to start by saying that any suggestion that orcs are meant to be a stand in for black people sounds incredibly racist. There are human beings in Middle-earth. We mostly see the white ones because they are in the part that would geographically be Europe. but black humans