StumptownResearch Profile picture
SRC is an antiracist, antifascist, pro-LGBTQIA+ collective of researchers reporting on far-right extremism in the PNW and beyond
Feb 6 15 tweets 7 min read
We've identified 3 of the "researchers" responsible for the "DEI Watch List," a project of the American Accountability Foundation that targets Black federal employees.

Cari Fike, 38, of Cheverly MD
Elisabeth Guinard (nee Osloff), 34, of Helena MT
Adam Cahn, 43, of Austin TX
🧵: Image
It's amateur hour over at the AAF. "Proofs" they included on their targets contains the names & faces of the researchers who created the list. Making rookie mistake in the big leagues 🤠. This video shows how they revealed their personal LinkedIn accts
Oct 23, 2024 8 tweets 5 min read
Introducing Ian Henry Langille aka Nordic Maine of Chapman ME. He is a nazi.

We’ve teamed up w @GoodOlStoneface to tell the tale of this fascist goof, his failed Aroostook County Active Club, & how he's a local nazi sticker pest.

……A face comparison showing Ian Langille both masked and unmasked. Signature features on his face show a clear match. This is a detective story about tracking an oaf.

Ian Langille is isolated in the upper-most part of Maine, so he flits around in a wide variety of white nationalist chats, trying to get attention by flashing his nazi flags & patches - a vexing vexillologist. Three separate pictures of an unmasked Ian Langille put together in a montage. In the first he is wearing his high school graduation cap and gown. In the second at the same event he is in a group shot. In a third he is in casual clothes posing in front of a flag. He has a chubby round face and short blond hair.
Sep 23, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
Landon Calhoon (Salem, OR) blames his group's leader Cruz Walters for allowing the WLM Oregon crew to be doxxed. But Landon publicly posted photos of himself at a WLM Oregon banner drop, and even pointed out which masked up guy he was. (He was previously @__thelionheart)

Tweet from nazi Landon Calhoon, using handle @ThisIsW_A_R. It reads "These two are garbage that I constantly pushed Cruz who we called Tac to get out of the group, Tac is a young fool who has no life experience and compromised the group from the beginning."
Tweet from nazi Landon Calhoon, using handle @__thelionheart. There is a photo of the WLM Oregon crew doing a banner drop in Salem. Below it the caption reads "I'm holding up the banner in the middle, giving the thumbs up. We got a lot of positive feedback from the local community."
Landon's above tweet calling two people garbage was in reference to Casey Knuteson & Jaren Huber of RCN.

Landon tweets often about being "white nobility" & shit talking "white peasants." Thinks he's above Casey & Jaren, but they all spawned in the same sewer. He deserves them.
Sep 23, 2024 9 tweets 4 min read
Great exposé from CVA 🔥

Oregon friends, familiarize yourself with your local WLM nazis:

Cruz Dean Walters of McMinnville
Michael "Whit" Gantenbein of Coos Bay
Landon Richard Calhoon of Salem
David Michael Glidden Jr. of Stayton
Casey Knuteson of Gaston
Jaren Huber of Portland Note that Casey Knuteson and Jaren Huber are the only remaining members of Rose City Nationalists, which has spiraled ever since we exposed them with CVA and RCA. You can't even really call it a group any more, so it's not surprising they've glommed onto someone else's project. Left: Casey Knuteson, dipshit nazi from Gaston Oregon. He looks like a dog who just farted and surprised himself. Right: Jaren Huber, insufferable nazi from Portland Oregon. Jaren is shirtless in a gym bathroom and covered in terrible tattoos
Aug 20, 2024 7 tweets 4 min read
Kai Liam Nix (sometimes Kai Brazelton) has been outed as the character behind Appalachian Archives (aka AA), an accelerationist neo-Nazi channel on Telegram that lead coordinated harassment campaigns.

AA's content was widely shared, including by nazis here in the PNW.
A young, white man looking very solemn as his mug shot is taken. In fact, one of AA's harassment efforts was a rogues' gallery of PDX Proud Boy IDs after their brawl w RCN last year. The Oregon City dust-up resulted in not only a row btwn nazis & PBs, but a split btwn nazi PBs & their civic nationalist-leaning bros.

Screenshot of Appalachian Archives post on August 3rd, 2023. It says, "Who wants to meet the Proud Boy who started the attack on the Rose City Nationalists?"
Jun 25, 2024 5 tweets 3 min read
Meet Southern Oregon neo-Nazi Micah William Calabrese of Grants Pass.

He is tied to dangerous white supremacist organizing in the region and is a threat to the community.


Photos of Micah Calabrese, a young white man with shoulder length brown hair and a mustache. Left, he wears a tank top and poses for a selfie with his girlfriend who is mostly cropped out of the frame. Right, a closeup selfie of Micah in a hospital room.
A young muscular white man in a tank top yells as he lifts a large boulder in room that includes weights, a trophy head and a pagan banner.
A white man in a t-shirt stands in a parking lot. His face is covered by a cartoon ski mask with a pagan symbol on it. He holds a sign that reads, "BLM is an anti-white communist movement funded by by elite p*d*philes."
In August 2020, Micah joined a counterprotest of a BLM rally in Cave Junction, OR. He stood out w his holstered sidearm & antisemitic signs, yelling "I'm proud to be white! I love my ancestors!"

We have learned that his white pride extends well beyond mere sentiment. A young adult white male stands in a parking lot with a group of people who include young children. He holds a sign in one hand that reads, "BLM is funded by rich satanic elite p*d*ph*le Jews!" In the other hand he holds a sign that reads "Christ is King".
Mar 5, 2024 12 tweets 6 min read
A few days before we released our American Banderite Network story, its 16-yr-old founder boasted that ABN was "here to stay & we aren't going anywhere!"

W/in a day of being exposed he posted: "I am NOT in ABN." The channel was nuked & chat set to private.


Romanian guy post in the ABN telegram channel “Words cannot express how proud I am. We will continue to go out there regardless of the enemy’s heckling. We will continue to make our voices heard. It is an honor for the seal of ABN to fly alongside the flag of the glorious AZOV regiment! We’re here to stay and we aren’t going anywhere! Like what you see? Get active white man!
Romanian guy post in the ABN telegram channel “Hello, everyone. I am writing this to tell everyone that I am NOT in ABN. I do not want to be affiliated with any political activism or any related organizations.”
Discussing ABN requires context & nuance. It’s a tricky story set in a misinformation minefield.

Russian outlets ran pieces claiming ABN was a group of Ukronazi expats. Greyzone's Moss Robeson took ABN at face value & got suckered by the lies of Boneface.
Romanian guy posts the link to a Russian article on ABN and remarks, “YO! I’m literally rolling around on the floor right now! I can’t even believe people actually buy this shit! So apparently, according to Russian media, the ABN is a bunch of ukronazi soldiers who fled the war in Ukraine and settled in the state as refugees. Another article from Pravda EN stated that we’re Americans with Ukrainian heritage, which isn’t completely false, but they misunderstand who we are. Russian propaganda is so R-word and based in complete lies and what’s funnier is that people actually believe it. LOL.”
 Romanian guy posts a link to a Moss Robeson article on ABN and remarks, “Shits crazy y’all. But no matter what, we will never back down! Commies get the rope!”
Feb 29, 2024 5 tweets 3 min read
Today we are releasing two articles that expose a group with ties to the neo-Nazi youth of 2119.

The American Banderite Network (ABN) - a teenage nazi branding effort built around pro-Ukraine white nationalism.

It was founded by a pair of 16-year-old Oregon twins.
A young man is holding a rifle with one hand, wearing a plate carrier, American Flag face gaiter and baseball hat to conceal his identity. Behind him is a symbol for the American Banderite Network that has a wolfsangel and red, white and blue sonnenrad. First - a dossier on the twins. They're kids, so we'll only be using their initials. The relevant adults in their lives have been notified.

We trace not only their activity w ABN, but their membership in Active Club Portland & their online threats.

Oct 25, 2023 25 tweets 13 min read
After 4 months of inactivity & disarray, the 3N active club alliance held a hate rally in Missoula, MT on Sat.

Earlier this year they tried to steal our Pride. Now they come to hijack our sorrows by scapegoating Jews & Muslim refugees. But their alliance is weak & they are few. a tri-colored circle is filled with a sonnenrad nazi symbol and the name 3N By our count 3N pulled together 26 individuals for their Missoulan fash mobbery. To get that couple dozen required multiple crews from four, possibly five different states.

They staged in 3 areas over the day: Har Shalom synagogue, the courthouse & the Reserve St. Walking Bridge

A group of men wearing various face coverings and black hoodies and tan slacks stand in front of Har Shalom synagogue holding various banners and signs.
Two nazis hold a redacted banner in front of the Missoula courthouse
A group of nazis hold various banners and flags on a footbridge over a roadway.
Aug 31, 2023 31 tweets 16 min read

In collaboration w @CVAgainstFash @SunlightAFA @SCResearchClub and @FashFreeNW, w a special h/t to @occupyICENW

Snack on the thread, dine on the article.

Three white men hold up an Evergreen Active Club banner in a park. They are wearing winter layers. The three downward pointing arrows of the antifascist Iron Front symbol cover the active club logo. Meet Thomas Anthony Rowe (no relation to EAC leader Daniel Rowe) aka Othala Christensen – a founding member of Evergreen Active Club who dual-cards w Crew 38, a feeder club for Hammerskin prospects.

Thomas is a convicted rapist and has a long documented history of dv assaults.

A bare chested white man with tattoos flexing for the camera in a locker room.
A white man with a dark haired goatee flexes for a selfie in the mirror of a gym
A white man with a goatee takes a selfie in the mirror. He is wearing a Clockwork Skinhead tshirt and has an Evergreen Active Club sticker on his phone.
Same white guy is outdoors crouching over a dog whose face has been redacted to protect the innocent. He is wearing a ballcap with a Crew 38 patch.
Aug 8, 2023 11 tweets 4 min read
In this article .@_jlevinson forgot to even mention the extensive underlying research done by antifascists. For folks interested in learning more about Rose City Nationalists and Evergreen Active Club, along with ID's of most of their members, here is the original reporting: 🧵 Rose City Nationalists, part 1.

Covers the formation and early activities of Rose City Nationalists, and identifies their leader as Casey Knuteson. Casey is a convicted child abuser, and was formerly a member of both the Patriot Front and Proud Boys.…
Jun 14, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Evergreen Active Club and Rose City Nationalists made a paltry showing at Lewis County Pride last weekend, and were clowned out of town by the locals.

In this first video, you can see one of the EAC nazis being brutally murdered by a Pride attendee as the crowd cheers. And here is Daniel Rowe, a big tough guy who apparently gives up and runs away when someone twerks at him.

Big thanks to Southwest Washington Anti Racist Movement for providing all of these videos btw!
Mar 12, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
This morning Heathen Brewing Feral Public House in Vancouver, WA discovered it had been vandalized.

This comes on the heels of a public call by local extremists to shut down an all-ages drag brunch scheduled for March 26th, & a subsequent statement of defiance from the venue. Heathen Brewing Feral Publi... This call for action against the venue has been pushed by local Proud Boys. In particular, it seems to have originated with Columbia River PB Christopher Lincoln Stevens, aka Von Cheddar.

Last Sept Von Cheddar joined PBs & Threepers for a transphobic protest in Port Townsend. Tweet from “Von Cheddar @Vo...
Jan 3, 2023 13 tweets 10 min read
Despite being exposed as members of the neo-nazi group Rose City Nationalists, UA 290 apprentices Zachary Lambert & Kurtis Jorgensen are still in the union. Zach was present at the Intel job site as recently as Friday.

Let's change this today.

🚨ACTION ITEMS BELOW🚨 Zachary Lambert wearing work clothes and a hard hat, sittingThree nazis wearing khakis, black shirts, and skull masks. T Zach Lambert is open about his nazi beliefs, and is seen here at work with a phone case featuring a sonnenrad—a symbol regularly used by nazis—over a modified Northwest Territorial Imperative flag (more nazi stuff, check the link if you don't know)… A zoomed in pic of Zachary Lambert, sitting on a chair in woA screenshot from Rose City Antifa's website, showing a modi