Houston SubGirl Profile picture
Grateful sub/slave lucky to be Owned by @Turk_Innocenti. Spaghetti brains. Mayhem. Writer. ............................... Contact my Owner before sending a DM.
4 subscribers
Oct 13, 2021 10 tweets 2 min read
What is GENUINE DESIRE... from a girl’s perspective?

It’s not just sex.

And while this thread isn’t meant to be comprehensive, it should give you an idea of what it looks like from the girl’s side.
•Does she text you back quickly, every time?
•Does she answer your calls? All of them?

It takes 2 seconds for her to text, “can’t talk now, give me X minutes.”

•Does she call or text back when she says she will?
Jul 3, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
I’m endlessly amused by trolls who accuse me of being a “doormat” because I’m a submissive woman.

I’m not a doormat.


My Owner wouldn’t want me if I were, in fact, a doormat.

THREAD 1/ A doormat personality type is submissive to EVERYONE.

I am submissive to only ONE MAN, my Owner.

Everyone else can fork themselves right off.
Jun 24, 2021 10 tweets 2 min read
Your man has a very important meeting later. But, he says/does something to upset you.

Which girl earns his commitment?

A: Immediately reacts, causing long involved discussion.

B: Says nothing, makes breakfast, irons his shirt, & waits after meeting to raise issue.
The first girl is now adding stress to an already stressful day for her man.

She is most definitely not being supportive.

And she’s demonstrating a lack of trust in the relationship that it will continue to exist past his meeting.

She is telegraphing her needs come first.
Jan 6, 2021 10 tweets 2 min read
What’s it like to be submissive?

(Besides, awesome.)

Submission creates peace.

It amplifies the natural harmony between masculine and feminine.
I am in my most feminine when He is leading and I am following.

The more He leads, the more deeply masculine He becomes.

And the easier it is for me to submit to Him.

A very real, positive reinforcement cycle.

Jan 2, 2021 11 tweets 2 min read
The neat thing about being His “main” (well, one of the neat things) is that because I’m secure in my place, I’m only actually ‘competing’ with myself.

As in, how can I continue to improve myself to make His life better/easier/more fun?
I’m not worried about getting replaced.

I am completely secure and at peace, whether He is with me or with someone else.

Not because I have Him “under control,” or wrapped around my finger but rather, it is entirely on ME whether I am serving Him to the best of my ability.
Jul 14, 2020 18 tweets 3 min read
How to be Supportive to your Man

I’ve posted quite a bit about the fact that a feminine woman should be ‘willing to support her man’ as part of the equation to reach high value status.

It’s a vague concept, and it seems like specific examples would be useful...

THREAD 1/ First, a high value man with a strong frame is not going to ask for your support.

He should *never* have to do that.

(Besides, you’ll *both* hate where that ends up, as it kills attraction.)
Jul 12, 2020 7 tweets 1 min read
Why Should Women Be Submissive To Men?

Short answer:
Because it works.

THREAD 1/ Men and women have different strengths and abilities.
The root of nearly all intersexual problems occurs when one (or both) attempt to be something they aren’t.
A masculine woman will *always* be unhappy in a relationship.
So will a feminine man.
And they won’t understand why.
Jun 10, 2020 16 tweets 3 min read
I was asked, "Are lots of women really into rough sex (facef*cking, hair-pulling, choking, etc.)? Or they just won't admit it?" and I thought it would make an interesting discussion topic. (Thanks @OCBo9 )

Women and Rough Sex (NSFW)
THREAD 1/ Disclaimers:
a) I'm not writing *on behalf of* all women, so don't special snowflake me or gripe about generalizations;
b) I identify as a sub (submissive), but that's a relatively recent addition to my life after years of vanilla sex.

In other words, your results may vary.
Jun 8, 2020 10 tweets 2 min read
There are a lot of guys out there who may not realize they come off as creepy to girls.
I agree, taking pickup advice from a girl is asking the fish, not the fisherman, but in this case, it might help to hear from the fish what major turn-offs are.

How Not To Be Creepy
THREAD 1/ Women are highly attuned to “vibes.” It may sound magical and/or imaginary to guys, but it’s true.
We react by how we *feel.*
And there’s a lot of verbal and non-verbal inputs that women are constantly (and instantly) analyzing on a subconscious level.
Jun 7, 2020 10 tweets 2 min read
What can you provide your man that he can't get anywhere else?

It isn't your p*ssy. Guarantee there's women out there with tighter, wetter, better p*ssies than yours.
It isn't your tits, either. Plenty of other women have either better genetics or more money.

THREAD 1/ You say you've never had complaints about your blowjobs?
Absolute meaningless crap.
No man is going to complain about a blowjob, unless you're objectively awful at it or cause pain.
Anything above that ultra-low bar won't generate a complaint.
It ain't your blowjob skills.