Sue Chung Profile picture
I write down words for pictures that move. Essentially a raccoon... fan of eye masks and shiny things and will πŸ’― steal your french fries.
Mar 17, 2021 β€’ 6 tweets β€’ 1 min read
All I can think abt tonight is how Western nations chose violence/domination for centuries, how they trampled, stole from, tried to break so much of Asia, how they forced their religion and economy and education, how they demanded Asia/Asians assimilate... 1/ so many Asians believed the lie that America/white culture was the answer, how they were left with broken countries and broken families, and how so many of these Asians were sold a dream... 2/
May 31, 2020 β€’ 16 tweets β€’ 3 min read
"ν‘μΈμ˜ λͺ©μˆ¨μ€ μ†Œμ€‘ν•˜λ‹€." It's Korean for "black lives matter." But the literal translation is "The lives of black people are precious." And they are. And as a culture, we're not loud enough about this. (1) Asian people -- but specifically Korean people -- do not get to stay silent right now. If you think we're not part of the violence visited upon black bodies, think about every ad for "skin whitening" products you've seen. (2)