Sufis Posting Their L's Online Profile picture
Hu Hu Chufff 🙏🙏 DMs Open for All types of Catholic #Barelvi Miracles 🎶 | 🔞 | 786
Jul 22, 2023 26 tweets 8 min read

🧵 Quick thread about the position pof Muslims regarding ilmu al kalam This dude said we must learn ilm al kalam, May Allah guide him @DrShadeeElmasry says here that a muslim must learn ilm al-kalam
But does the Muslim scholars agree with his statement?
Jun 25, 2023 25 tweets 10 min read

🧵 The purpose of this thread to refute 3 shobuhat (doubts) that were promoted by Ash’aris, Sufis & people of innovation:

1- Dividing Tawheed is an innovation (Bid’ah).
2- Ibn Taymiyyah was first to brought it.
3- kuffar (Polytheists) of Mecca didn’t have tawhid Rubobyiah Sheikh Bakr Abu Zeid - he made a good and simple statement that can be understood even by the layperson in his explanation of the division of Tawheed (the concept of the oneness of Allah) and his response to those who deny its division into three categories. He said:++
Jun 3, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read

Under this tweet is all my tweets regarding Ali Gomaa. Image
Jun 3, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
In this video Ali Gomaa mentioned a thikr/zikir that is used by magicians
Subtitles: Eng/Ind 👇 I will quote from the book 'Munba' Usul al-Hikmah' by its author Ahmad ibn Ali al-Buni, a part of it.
The talismans are derived from the saying of Ali Jumaa (Ahm sakk hal'ah yas)
Jun 1, 2023 31 tweets 7 min read

🧵 About the creed / Aqidah / belief system of the Imam Al-Shafi’i (Muhammed bin Idros Al-Syafii) (D,205H)
This thread is based from a research named:
معتقد الإمام أبي عبدالله محمد بن إدريس الشافعي ImageImage The research objectives are as follows:
1- Contributing to study of the creed of Imam Ash-Shafi'i
2- To free Imam Ash-Shafi'i from the deviations of the (Ash’aris & who use kalam) & those who attribute themselves to him in jurisprudence without adhering to the principles (creed) Image
May 31, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Kiddo considers this is a “sheikh” someone who said Allah is a servant and Allah worships Himself which is the creed of ibn Arabi Wahdat al-Wujood.
What’s next? Pharaoh died as a Muslim?
Sub: English / Indonesian “Dr. Yosry Gabr” has over a million followers in Facebook alone which is a disaster Image
Apr 5, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
So this guy is stubborn, he’s not looking for the truth so this post is for the people who are looking for the truth. So one of the expulsions of Al-Muwatta it says that Najd here is Iraq 👇 Also in Najah Al-Qari Sharh Sahih Al-Bukhari & Siyar Alaam an-Nubalaae both says that it’s Iraq 👇