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भारत स्वतंत्र नहीं है। BHARAT ISN'T INDIA। सनातन धर्म में जीव हत्या जघन्य अपराध है‌। आरक्षण अयोग्यता की पहचान।महात्मा तो गोडसे हैं। मनुस्मृति सृष्टि संविधान।
Oct 17, 2022 9 tweets 12 min read
#right·o | The Dead Reckoning:
16th Dec 1971, 93000 Xenophobic West Pakistani Armed Forces Eastern Command & co-perpetrators; Jamat e Islami, Razakars, Al-Shams & Al-Badr were set loose under the "pākistānēr atmasamarpaṇēr dalil" but never faced trial @IntlCrimCourt (1/9) Maal e Ghanimat/Ghanimoter Maal: U.S, U.K, China, Iran, SaudiArabia & SriLanka supported Pakistans war, while 'Genocidal Rape' of over 2,00,000 #bengali #women was unleashed with the blessings of Pakistan's Islamist clerics declaring #Bengali & #Hindu #women "War Booty" (2/9) ImageImage