Tiso Spencer Profile picture
Video Gamer | Toy Collector | Comic Book Reader | Cat Person | NPC Backer in #HollowKnight "I'm great because I'm right and I'm right because I'm great."
Mar 31 16 tweets 24 min read
Playing with Half a Deck: Understanding Dokumaan's Cards

Author: Tiso Spencer

A critique of Vol. 1 of the Rippaverse Dokumaan Trading Cards.Image These are my observations of the Dokumaan's Trading Cards. I will offer my objective and subjective critiques. I want to make sense of any confusing plot points, narrative choices, creative decisions, and more in my own understanding.

Opening remarks:

- Eric July's writing could be better.

- His writing style reminds me of a 4th-grade education level.

- It invokes a sense of a kid copying someone's book report an hour before class.

- There are lore elements that do not make sense or need to be further expanded upon given the context of 3 full graphic novels, a concept artbook, and these trading cards already released.

- There are too many grammatical and spelling mistakes to cover them all without losing my sanity. I will make small remarks on these mistakes.

- As a writer, Eric needs to improve his vocabulary and stop writing how he talks.

- I am not a professional writer or editor so please excuse my mistakes in grammar and spelling.

- I want to do more of these reviews to practice in this field if I ever decide to write or edit a project in comics.
Mar 29 6 tweets 4 min read
Here's the Isom Concept Artbook uploaded from Genius Scan on my phone. I am not going to Staples to get a better scan. I want to CGC this book for my collection. When I deconstruct the book and the Dokumaan Cards this weekend, I will type this information out.

I'm calling it, Sam is a former spy, soldier, whatever. So how strong is Santwan supposed to be?
