Proud @Twitch partner ° I work at a psychiatric hospital - I know crazy when I see it ° Stay humble ° #GodsNotDead ° I love you @xxink3dxx
Aug 13, 2018 • 7 tweets • 2 min read
I played the bo4 beta for a grand total of 6-8 hours.
I had fun. It is a good game. Not even close to being great. This is a going to be a long thread of my thoughts about the game. Read, enjoy, or ignore as you please. @Treyarch@CallofDuty@DavidVonderhaar1) there is way too much health in this game. 150 starting health is already high. Add on 50 health for armor and/or 50 health for the team ability and gunfights are a crapshoot.
2a) self healing is an ok concept, but players heal way too quickly and way too often.