Susan Aitken Profile picture
Leader of Glasgow City Council & @snpforglasgow councillor for lovely Langside. Constituents/queries, please email She/her
Feb 17, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
In 2018 false allegations were made that me & @SNPdavid personally intervened to prevent Rangers FC using a community facility in the Ibrox area as a fanzone. We have now been fully exonerated by the Standards Commission of any such action & complaints against us dismissed 1/ Standards Commission rules state that complaints and their outcome should not be publicly discussed. However, the Commission took an extremely long time to report on this case, during which time these false allegations were repeatedly used to attack us 2/
Feb 20, 2019 5 tweets 6 min read
We’ve published our #SNPforGlasgow budget proposals. With Labour’s pay discrimination legacy accounting for more than half of the budget gap this year it’s not been easy, but we’ll continue to invest in improved, sustainable places, better services & support for communities 1/ Reducing inequality, tackling poverty & promoting human rights are central to everything we do. @JenLaydenSNP has made sure all of our decisions have been tested for equality impact #SNPforGlasgow 2/
Feb 10, 2019 7 tweets 3 min read
Lots of people understandably exercised about this so I’m going to do something that sounds very dull & tweet a planning process thread. Stick with me though, because that’s the route you have to go through if you want to influence the outcome of this 1/7 There are no “plans” yet to demolish the ABC. The owners (not the Council) have indicated that they want to do so but they need to submit a valid application, which they haven’t done yet. Even then, it’s still just an application not a plan & there’s a lengthy process ahead 2/7
Jul 13, 2018 6 tweets 2 min read
Some points about parades: I share the revulsion at the hate crime committed against Canon White & have strong sympathy with the petition but: the Council simply does NOT have the power to enact a blanket ban on parades by any organisation 1/ I have instructed officers to ensure that we use the powers we do have to their fullest extent & have asked @policescotland colleagues to assist us in doing that: the Council can’t legally act without grounds being given to us by the police 2/