David Sussillo Profile picture
Comp neuro/deep learning. Research scientist at Meta Reality Labs. Adjunct prof at Stanford. Prev: Google Brain, Stanford postdoc. Milton Hershey Alum.
Feb 28, 2024 7 tweets 3 min read
For the past decade, our team at Meta Reality Labs (previously CTRL-labs) has been dedicated to developing a neuromotor interface.

Our goal is to address the Human Computer Interaction challenge of providing effortless, intuitive, and efficient input to computers. 2/7
We developed a wristband device that can be easily put on and removed to non-invasively sense muscle activations in the wrist and hand via surface electromyography (sEMG). The sEMG technology uses metal contacts on the skin to detect muscle activity, allowing us to transform intentional neuromotor commands into computer input.Image
Jul 19, 2020 9 tweets 3 min read
A few comments on GPT-3, OpenAI's latest one-step-ahead language model, and how I think it relates to task-based modeling in systems neuroscience. In systems neuroscience, we are interested in how the brain works at the systems and circuit levels. Over the last ten years, more and more neuroscientists have used task-based modeling to understand specific neural circuits' function.
Apr 18, 2020 22 tweets 7 min read
Ever wonder what the heck an Echo State Network (ESN) is, or what the fuss is all about and how it relates to recurrent neural networks (RNNs) more generally? Follow along in this tweet storm. 🐦⚡️

aka day 93 in quarantine = tweeting about random stuff Preliminaries - An ESN is an RNN with fixed, random weights in the recurrent and input matrices but the readout matrix is trained. The output weights are trained via linear regression to make the outputs look like desired targets.
Aug 26, 2019 11 tweets 3 min read
The worst interview I ever had was at a tech startup. I interviewed there between working as a postdoc and getting my research gig at Google Brain. I'll tell the story briefly.

It's nothing compared to this gem of a horror story, which you should totally read and enjoy.👇 After I decided to forgo academic jobs interviews, I looked around briefly at startup companies. There was a company in the bay area that specialized in hardware for DNA sequencing. They were looking for an algorithms expert and gave me an interview, given my neuro/DL background.
Aug 7, 2019 12 tweets 2 min read
This great tweet reminds me of the time I realized I probably wasn't going to become a physicist. Also known as the story of the green grape-nuts. My senior year in high school, my Uncle Elliott twisted his friend's arm, a physicist at CUNY in uptown Manhattan, to allow me to intern in his lab that summer, just before college. I'd stay with my Aunt Maria in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn and commute the 80 or so minutes on the subway.
Jul 22, 2019 15 tweets 16 min read
Universality and individuality in neural dynamics across large populations of recurrent networks

With fantastic collaborators @niru_m, @ItsNeuronal, @MattGolub_Neuro, @SuryaGanguli. @niru_m @ItsNeuronal @MattGolub_Neuro @SuryaGanguli Many recent studies find striking similarities between representations in biological brains 🧠and artificial neural networks 🤖 trained to solve analogous tasks.
Jun 16, 2018 23 tweets 4 min read
Most of you know me as a successful neuroscientist / deep learning researcher but I have a story that I want to share briefly.

I grew up in a group home, which is basically an orphanage. Currently the Trump administration has a policy of separating children from their parents in a purposeful effort to deter migration at our southern border. Right now there’s an old Walmart full of kids and “tent cities” filled with children are popping up.