Erica J. Suter Profile picture
Post conviction & Appellate Criminal Defense Attorney. Director, Innocence Project Clinic @ubaltlaw. APD @MarylandOPD.
Sep 26, 2020 13 tweets 2 min read
One of my most beloved clients died on Wednesday. With his wife's permission, I want to tell you about him because he deserved so much more and it absolutely did not have to be this way. 1/ Before he became my client, this man was on parole for felony murder. He had been out for well over a decade- successful, productive, great job, married, taking care of his elderly mother, daughter on the honor roll and getting ready to start college. 2/
Sep 12, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
Trying again #surfaceusers my #microsoftsurface went into sleep mode thurs afternoon & was totally unresponsive to key combos, holding power button, power button & volume. Left it plugged in. Tried it Friday afternoon- it woke up 1/ It was completing an update when it woke up. Otherwise seemed to be functioning fine. Battery at 100% Then it went to sleep again and totally unresponsive for rest of night and so far today. 2/
Dec 5, 2019 8 tweets 2 min read
Here we go again @LadyLawyerDiary I should be meeting w my client rt now. Instead I’m in a Walmart buying a sport bra bc the rings on the straps of my tank top that I’m wearing (w a shelf bra) under my sweater set the metal detector off and they refuse to wand me. When I asked the guard if they expect me to disrobe in the parking lot in the car so I can put on this sports bra, she nodded. You can’t use the restroom unless you clear the metal detector.
Jun 19, 2019 4 tweets 1 min read
Just left a fantastic event put on by @APABADC partners committee with Judges Sri Srinivasan, Neomi Rao, Amit Mheta, Maribeth Raffinan, and Theo Chuang, representing the D.C. Circuit, the US District Courts of Maryland and DC, and DC Superior Court. 1/ Such a great annual event where the judges are always extraordinarily generous with their time and insight 2/
Jun 7, 2019 4 tweets 1 min read
Relevant to yesterday’s thread: Two claim medical negligence at Md. corrections facilities… via @@MDDailyRecord One man alleges that he was seen three times regarding a complaint about his foot. He was diagnosed w a muscle sprain and given ibuprofen.
Jun 6, 2019 10 tweets 2 min read
If your job involves sending people to prison, part of your training should involve a tour of the place you are sending them #CriminalJusticeReform 1/ Years ago, I was speaking to a former prosecutor in Chicago and she was SHOCKED to hear that the toilet is in the open in the cell. SHOCKED 2/
Jan 23, 2019 8 tweets 2 min read
In today’s episode of practicing law while female- I’m sitting in my car in a prison parking lot pulling my bra off through my sleeve @LadyLawyerDiary 1/ You can’t wear an underwire bra into prison. I’m aware of this and have a special collection of “prison bras” for just this purpose (they’re actually old nursing bras). Meeting w clients means wearing a “prison bra”
Dec 28, 2018 4 tweets 1 min read
In Baltimore, plea-deal system penalizes those who go to trial… Didn't realize there was a pay wall: "For example, the average sentence for defendants who pleaded not guilty but were later convicted of unlawful possession of drugs was seven times longer than those who pleaded guilty, the CNS analysis of Baltimore court records found. "
Apr 29, 2018 10 tweets 1 min read
Thread: Unintentional demonstration of a false confession: 7 yr old to 4 yr old: what happened to my balloon? Did you pop it? Did you? Tell me the truth. TELL ME THE TRUTH! Me: (No idea what happened to balloon)
Jun 8, 2017 15 tweets 1 min read
1st ? to Thiru: can you name any case where a failure to investigate was reasonable? A: thiru: she did investigate extensively