Suz: King's Ransom (TDD #13) is finally here! Profile picture
@JasonTGaffney & @MelRaeYA’s mom, NewYorkTimes bestselling romance author, producer of AnalysisParalysis & @OOBTheMovie, = marriage activist, IDIC fan, she/her
Apr 17, 2020 22 tweets 6 min read
Back from getting a COVID-19 antibody blood test in Sarasota FL, via

@EdGaffney2 & I left home ~8:45, drive-through location (6150 Edgelake Dr, out by 75 and BeeRidge) was opening @ 9am. (til 5pm)

We arrived around 9:03, expecting a long line.

Nope. Small tent at side of parking lot, 3 health care providers.

We were the only car. (First of the day!)

But let me rewind for a sec. Yesterday, I got a message from my primary care doc via their "patient portal," giving me web URL & phone # for
Feb 7, 2020 12 tweets 3 min read
For the record, I'm not sure I'd use the word "free." It was incredibly stressful from the start. I did feel, very strongly, the HEAVY responsibility to use the platform I'd been given to attempt to help make change. I also knew the only way I'd agree to speak was if... NO ONE saw my speech in advance.


That meant no teleprompter, but it was the only way I knew for damn sure I wouldn't be censored by a group that had censored me in the past. I can't tell you how many times, in the months leading up to Denver...
Jan 2, 2020 9 tweets 3 min read
Just dragged my sorry, nap-taking, flu-day-22-or-is-it-23, feverish ass to my computer to write to, the email for the remaining board of @romancewriters. Here's what I wrote. (And it took every ounce of self-control for me to use SNAFU instead of clusterfuck.) @romancewriters Please, RWA members, take the time to write to the board! #IStandWithCourtney #RWAShitShow
Sep 2, 2018 22 tweets 5 min read
Romance has always been about honoring and celebrating VERY liberal values. You do not win your HEA if you don't take a risk and open your heart to someone who starts out feeling very "other" to you. You do not win your HEA if you don't take a RISK. Liberal = let me try this new thing/see what's over that mountain/welcome the stranger at the gate
Conservative = the old ways should not be changed/we're safer here in our cave/KEEP THAT GATE SECURELY LOCKED!! (don't let that stranger bring us disease, murder, unrest!)
Aug 15, 2018 26 tweets 7 min read
I've been thinking abt this thread nonstop, & I want to talk about that speech I gave at RWA. Right after I gave it, I didn't have much time to discuss or respond because I had some serious stuff going on in my life. 2.5 years ago, my best friend & brother-from-another-mother, @BillKuhlman, was diagnosed w stage IV cancer & given 6 mos. I signed up for his private army & helped him fight. Targeted chemo & a healthy diet worked well, until it didn't.