Sven Milekic Profile picture
PhD student in history @MaynoothHist contributes for @BalkanInsight views my own
May 22, 2022 17 tweets 6 min read
Visited the exhibition marking 100 years from the birth of Croatian 1990s President Franjo Tuđman.🧵The exhibition won't disappoint anyone researching Croatia's modern nationalism and post-mortem cult of personality built around Tuđman. Authored by Dinko Čutura,head of Croatian 1 State Archives and member of Tuđman's Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ), the exhibition uses archival sources, photos, posters and video to reproduce all the main points of his nationalist ideology. The exhibition offers a genuinely apologetic representation of Tuđman, completely 2
May 14, 2022 15 tweets 6 min read
As Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ) is marking the 100th anniversary of the birth of the 1990s President Franjo Tuđman, celebrating him as the founder of modern and democratic Croatia, I'll shed a light on his 75th birthday in 1997, just before he was re-elected as president. 🧵 1 1997 was an important year for Tuđman, a few months before he came back from the USA where he treated his growing cancer (the fact that was hidden from the public); the final year of UN control over Eastern Croatia and Vukovar; presidential elections; battling growing dissent 2