Swann Marcus Profile picture
Corn Pop was a bad dude and he ran with a bunch of bad boys
5 subscribers
Oct 28, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
The funniest thing would be if there's a polling miss where Kamala overperforms because pollsters don't know how to poll low propensity voters during presidential cycles due to automatic/same day registration and overcorrected after missing pro-Trump low-propensities in '16/'20 This would explain literally every weird thing about polls since 2016. Why did they miss 2016/2020 presidential cycles by so much but excel in the 2018/2022 midterms? Low propensities don't vote in midterms
Oct 27, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
Uhhhhh how is the GOP supposed to win Georgia lol

It's got insane racial polarization, 26% of voters are currently black (only 3% below their 2020 percentage), the median black Georgian is 33, and under-40 voters are half their 2020 turnout but surging rapidly with 10 days to go "But what if young people don't vote!"

The under 40 share of the vote in Georgia went from 17.5% of the vote two days ago to 20.7% of the vote today despite low weekend turnout and their vote share was 31.6% in 2020

I think they'll exceed that and the electorate will be blacker
Oct 25, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
It's incredibly easy to prove that I am correct about Nevada's early vote being much bluer than ppl think

Here's party reg of new 18-29 yr old voters in NV by election cycle. Notice how the unaffiliated % went from 38 to 60 in 2022? Automatic registration took effect in 2021Image There are tens of thousands of 18-29 year olds alone in NV who are Democrats but are misidentified as independents because they didn't bother to fill out an extra form when they were automatically registered at the DMV. The Dems will win the independent vote by record numbers
Oct 16, 2024 8 tweets 2 min read
So 58% of newly registered PA voters this year are 18-29 years old compared to 48% in 2020 and they're 3.5 points less male (only 45.9% male this year)

Can someone please explain to me where the fuck those low propensity MAGA voters Presler was supposed to be registering are? The expected partisanship of newly registered voters in Georgia on TargetSmart is D+14 vs. D +0.5 in 2020 because 18-29 is up 4 points, the % who are white fell from 55-49%, and it went from 51-49 female vs. male to 52.5-47.

Younger, more female, and substantially less white
Sep 15, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
Trump's alleged shooter appears to have been a pro-Ukraine covid conspiracy theorist who thought China released the coronavirus on purpose as a bioweapon and supported a Nikki Haley/Vivek Ramaswamy presidential ticket Image UPDATE: Ryan Routh is a firm supporter of Ukraine and Taiwan but also North Korea for some reason Image
Sep 8, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
So rightoids claimed Haitian immigrants are eating pets in Springfield, Ohio and their evidence of this is a video of a woman who wasn't Haitian who allegedly ate a cat in Canton, Ohio

Other than the location and who committed the crime we were correct - checkmate, libtards!
Image Canton is 200 miles from Springfield and this woman had the extremely Haitian name of Allexis Farrell

In the full body cam footage she also talks to officers and is clearly a native-born American
Aug 12, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
Tim Walz chose to have his wedding on the anniversary of the Tiananmen Square Massacre in remembrance of the victims and passed a resolution in congress honoring them on the 20th anniversary. Right-wingers are saying he got married that day in support of the government

Evil scum Image As everyone knows, China loves when its supporters acknowledge the Tiananmen Square Massacre and pass resolutions condemning it. An open dialogue about the atrocities China committed that day has always been supported by the CCP
Aug 8, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
One of the most fucked up things ever was how "a dingo ate my baby" became a meme in the '80s because everyone thought there was no way that woman's baby was actually eaten by a dingo and then it turned out years later that, no, a dingo did, in fact, eat her baby Imagine screaming about your baby getting killed by a wild animal and then people around the world make fun of you for years and years and years because the word "dingo" sounds funny
Jul 29, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read
I maintain that the funniest political event of my life was the time the Chilean left won a veto-proof supermajority to rewrite the constitution, wrote something insane, and lost by 23, and then the Chilean right won a veto-proof supermajority to rewrite the constitution, wrote something insane, and lost by 12, and then everyone just gave up Giving the far-left a supermajority, deciding they suck, and then giving the far-right a supermajority and deciding they suck so you wind up right back where you started with absolutely nothing having changed is pretty much the platonic ideal of South American politics
Jul 1, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
This whole Oakland prostitution, drugs, and straw donations scandal has once again proven my longtime argument hat West Coast progressives are the most corrupt political movement in America and nobody admits it because the media agrees with the politics of the criminals They'll report on individual stories about West Coast politicians when yet another FBI raid happens, but nobody ever links all these stories together and says "gee, the West Coast is clearly the most corrupt place in America. I wonder if the political landscape enables this"
Jun 18, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read
The year is 2004: Homelessness nonprofits in San Francisco have cheated the city using fake invoices and nepotistic hiring practices

The year is 2014: Homelessness nonprofits in San Francisco have cheated the city using fake invoices and nepotistic hiring practices

The year is 2024: Homelessness nonprofits in San Francisco have cheated the city using fake invoices and nepotistic hiring practicesImage There was literally a story that was identical to this one (right down to fake invoices and nepotistic hiring practices) that The Standard wrote about like three weeks ago and I had to do a double take when I realized it was an entirely different nonprofit lol
May 24, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
Nobody would remember Rittenhouse if people didn't lie about his case, try to get him convicted for obvious self-defense, and then continue lying about him for years after that

You made this kid famous. It is your fault he's a right-wing celebrity There were actual people who got away with murder in the summer of 2020. People just don't talk about them because they were leftists
May 19, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
I want Javier Milei to crush Argentina's inflation because it would be unbelievably funny if the Peronists fucked that country up so badly that an anarcho-capitalist sex guru who uses a medium to channel Ayn Rand's ghost through his multiple cloned dogs became a national hero Imagine this guy being the best president in your country's history. It would solidify Argentina's meme status for all time Image
May 15, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
This explains why white people who actually live in cities are so much more conservative on racial issues than white people who live in 95% white rural counties in northern Georgia I live in Tennessee and the idea that white people who live closer to the black population are more anti-black than people who live farther away is hilarious
May 13, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
I didn't know someone was going to get murdered when I was watching the CHAZ livestream, you shithead. It's funny how you're so butthurt by me criticizing your dumb take on Ritchie Torres losing to a DSA member that you use my outrage at the lynching of a black child to dunk on me Everyone who hates me on twitter is a dishonest piece of shit. I wasn't even mean to that guy about his Ritchie Torres take because I didn't want to bully someone with way fewer followers than me, but he's just such a fucking scumbag liar
May 12, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
Dudes only put thousands of hours into Crusader Kings II because there is nothing hotter to the typical woman than mastery over grand strategy games from Paradox Development Studios brb I'm gonna get super into tabletop fantasy roleplaying games to get laid. Wish me luck!
May 11, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
People got mad at me for saying Israel is a terrible ally to the United States, but Netanyahu's government in particular is run by entitled, messianic sociopaths who don't appreciate American support at all and sincerely believe they don't need any allies internationally It's ridiculous how American conservatives slobber all over Israel more than the Israeli right appreciates the United States. They should be groveling at our feet and instead they accuse our president of being a Hamas supporter for having the same concerns as Shin Bet and the IDF
Apr 17, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
Communism was always a terrible ideology but at least Communists in the '20s were serious people who wanted to industrialize and build factories in the Soviet Union instead of ridiculous dorks who thought they could feed a commune with 2 hours of low-stress hobby farming per day Communism used to be "we need to work hard to expand our productive capacity" which just failed because central planning doesn't work and today Communism has all the problems of central planning while also attracting people who think reading Tarot cards is labor
Apr 13, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read
I love the idea that America would base its maternity leave policies on something as economically unimportant as baby formula sales

Baby formula sales in the US are approximately 4 billion dollars out of a 28 trillion dollar economy. Zoomers need to stop believing tiktok Apparently Nestle doesn't even make baby formula in the US anymore, which makes this take even more idiotic than it already was
Mar 19, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
This is the lamest thing that I have ever read lmfao
Image "The feisty Faustian individualism of Floridians"

Holy shit, what a fucking nerd. So much right-wing writing just reeks of desperation. They want to sound erudite but they are not erudite so you wind up with absurd gobbledygook that only a moron could think contains meaning
Mar 11, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
If you seriously believe that any country in the world has an average IQ of 45, then you're the one with a sub-50 IQ KOKO TOOK AN INFANT'S IQ TEST YOU FUCKING HALFWIT