Swann Marcus Profile picture
I rebuke you, lying devil
Potato Of Reason Profile picture RussianHacker Profile picture stratemeyer Profile picture 4 subscribed
Apr 17 4 tweets 1 min read
Communism was always a terrible ideology but at least Communists in the '20s were serious people who wanted to industrialize and build factories in the Soviet Union instead of ridiculous dorks who thought they could feed a commune with 2 hours of low-stress hobby farming per day Communism used to be "we need to work hard to expand our productive capacity" which just failed because central planning doesn't work and today Communism has all the problems of central planning while also attracting people who think reading Tarot cards is labor
Apr 13 6 tweets 2 min read
I love the idea that America would base its maternity leave policies on something as economically unimportant as baby formula sales

Baby formula sales in the US are approximately 4 billion dollars out of a 28 trillion dollar economy. Zoomers need to stop believing tiktok Apparently Nestle doesn't even make baby formula in the US anymore, which makes this take even more idiotic than it already was
Mar 19 4 tweets 2 min read
This is the lamest thing that I have ever read lmfao
Image "The feisty Faustian individualism of Floridians"

Holy shit, what a fucking nerd. So much right-wing writing just reeks of desperation. They want to sound erudite but they are not erudite so you wind up with absurd gobbledygook that only a moron could think contains meaning
Mar 11 5 tweets 2 min read
If you seriously believe that any country in the world has an average IQ of 45, then you're the one with a sub-50 IQ KOKO TOOK AN INFANT'S IQ TEST YOU FUCKING HALFWIT


Mar 11 7 tweets 2 min read
I don't think she only appeals to women, but people who absolutely love Jane Austen are like 99% female. When I read her work, I fully understand why she's generally considered great and also I don't enjoy her books very much Mark Twain said reading Jane Austen made him want to dig her up so he could beat her over the skull with her own shinbone so my "men often don't 'get' Jane Austen" take has some serious literary pedigree behind it
Mar 10 4 tweets 1 min read
Anyone who thinks that the rebels are always right because they usually are in popular media is either 15 or severely brain damaged It is also not clear that the rebels in V for Vendetta are better than the establishment since they have no plan to govern, V tortures Evey for like two months, and all they accomplish is blowing things up

Who is going to take over after the credits roll

Mar 2 4 tweets 2 min read
It's pretty fucking hilarious to call someone fascist for not liking brutalism when the father of brutalism was literally this guy


Image There's a hilarious myth that traditional art is fascist-coded and radical art is inherently progressive, as if every modernist poet wasn't a massive political reactionary, with Ezra Pound being an outright Mussolini supporter who did anti-Semitic broadcasts over Italian radio
Jan 31 7 tweets 2 min read
One thing the race realists never mention since it's rather inconvenient is that Central and South America are actually more violent than Africa nowadays but Latinos have murder rates a quarter of black people in the US

How is this explained via genetic causes Black Americans have murder rates far higher than Africans do and even Somali immigrants - who are very poor - are substantially less violent than African-Americans

Isn't this the opposite of what race realists should expect since most black Americans have white ancestry
Jan 30 7 tweets 3 min read
A lot of "race realists" also use Richard Lynn's IQ numbers when discussing this stuff and Richard Lynn claimed Equatorial Guinea has an average IQ of 59

Editor's note: Equatorial Guinea does not have an average IQ of 59

Lynn's numbers also have insane variance over time which calls into question which of his stats should be cited. At one point he claimed Nepal had an average IQ of 43 and the fact he had the balls to publish that claim seriously calls his judgment into question
Jan 28 4 tweets 2 min read
Fetterman had one of the worst approval ratings in the Senate until his approval rating jumped 10 points in the last three months

He went from -11 approval in June to +3 today. Twitter leftoids have the worst political understanding of anyone in the country
Image Also nobody in Pennsylvania is going to give a shit about Fetterman's Israel stance in 2024 when he comes up for reelection in 2028. Americans don't remember things six months after they happen, much less four years after the fact
Jan 26 7 tweets 2 min read
"White genocide" is the funniest rightoid conspiracy theory. The Armenian genocide was when the Turks forced Armenians to go on death marches through the desert until they died of dehydration, whereas white genocide is when I am sexually attracted to a big booty Latina Holocaust: Jews loaded into cattlecars and deported to death camps where they were gassed and fed into ovens by the million

White genocide: got dayum that Asian girl can GET IT
Jan 12 4 tweets 1 min read
If we're a dying empire why can we effortlessly project power all the way to Yemen while Russia can't win a war against its dirt poor neighbor and China needed to purge its military because their missiles were filled with water Image America is a dying empire because we are going to airstrike a terrorist organization on the other side of the planet alongside our allies (who control pretty much all the other top militaries in the world)
Jan 5 7 tweets 2 min read
"Whites have tried to level the playing field with the AIDS virus and cloning" - Ibram Kendi, 2003

Boy I sure am glad liberals mindlessly made a bunch of anti-intellectual psychopaths into celebrities in 2020 without checking into any of their backgrounds whatsoever Both Ibram Kendi and Nikole Hannah-Jones wrote insanely racist nonsense when they were in college. As someone who has never written insanely racist nonsense, it intrigues me how many anti-racist educators had a genocidal eugenicist phase
Jan 5 5 tweets 2 min read
Islam had a reformation, it was just in the wrong direction. Middle Eastern Muslims were appreciably more enlightened and progressive than Europeans once upon a time and Nasser publicly laughed at the idea women should be forced to wear a hijab in 1958

The best hopes for a widespread form of more progressive Islam are a) American Muslims who are both freakishly moderate and live in a global media empire and b) Iran overthrowing the mullahs, since Iranians are much more moderate than other Middle Eastern Muslim populations
Nov 21, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
She's going to violate her bond and go back to jail. I guarantee it. Her organization has a rally planned for December 14th at another Elbit Systems location. Her bail terms almost certainly order her to stay away from Elbit, but she won't. She'll be locked up in a month I think she's going to commit a second attack at the Cambridge location. I called the cops about this, but I am not confident they will actually prevent it given how privileged leftist extremists are in the criminal justice system. People don't think they're dangerous enough Image
Nov 7, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read

American conservatives today aren't conservatives throughout all of history you incredible philistines. Do modern leftists just not ever read books? There are tons of great conservative artists in other countries *right now*

Oct 8, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
Achilles dragged Hector's corpse behind his chariot and got mad at Agamemnon for taking away his sex slave The Iliad is the story of two dudes having a massive falling out because they disagreed about the proper etiquette their society demanded on the subject of the institutionalized rape of female hostages
Sep 14, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
It's amazing how gullible progressives are. Ronen wrote a letter trying to get a carjacker off probation on the grounds he'd reformed and was doing "anti-violence work" and unbeknownst to her he had recently committed multiple homicides

Image Now, anyone could theoretically have the wool pulled over their eyes. But her only evidence he was reformed was his own assertion that this was the case. Meanwhile, he was posting videos with illegal guns on his public social media and the cops already knew he was a gang member Image
Sep 5, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
If America put nobody in prison except for murderers and rapists we would still have a larger per capita prison population than Germany (96 per 100,000 vs. 67 per 100,000). Not a single critic of mass incarceration has ever even attempted to come to terms with this reality "Why does America have such a high prison population?"

Have you considered that having 3 times more people in jail for violent crimes than Germany's total incarceration rate might have something to do with this? And this is despite the lowest homicide clearance rate in the West Image
Sep 2, 2023 12 tweets 3 min read
I just remembered an unbelievably funny Thailand story I have

My friend who runs a class ordaining ministers asked me to come film their graduation ceremony. The college is run by an American organization so the only other American there was with the org that owns the school Since he was the guest of honor, they tapped this guy to give the sermon at the graduation ceremony. Now this dude is a fire and brimstone African-American preacher from Georgia who has never been to Southeast Asia before and knows nothing about the local culture
Aug 30, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
A lot of the complaints progressives have about capitalism aren't true about the private sector but are true about the nonprofit space that those progressives support. There are nonprofits where the head makes like 60% of the organization's total revenue There will be a nonprofit where the person in charge makes $200,000 out of $315,000 in total revenue while relying on unpaid volunteers to provide services and progressives prefer this system to the exploitation of capitalists actually paying you