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Accredited Management Trainer Journalist Development Worker Writer
Jan 15, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
Meanwhile o…

Someone I know was diagnosed with kidney stones and told to come in for N8.7 million laser surgery ASAP at a “reputable hospital” here in Abuja.

She went for 2nd opinion at another Abuja hospital (dominated by foreign doctors) and they told her to change her… mattress because no be kidney stones de cause the pain in her sides (same thing I suggested when she told me about waking up with body aches).

O, also the 2nd hospital told her the arteries in her heart are NOT hardening something a different lab had diagnosed some years back.
May 22, 2020 8 tweets 2 min read
Don’t lose the love of your life over rubbish. We ALL have flaws. NOBODY is 💯
I recall a lady who ditched her boyfriend for forgetting her birthday. She could have sulked for a day or 2, if she really needed to send the message home. No. She broke up with him.
Dude begged, ... cajoled, involved friends and relations, bought gifts. Baby girls refused to budge. Stopped taking his calls. Wouldn’t respond to texts for MONTHS till my guy gave up. Still, every once in a while he’d reach out. Babe was still stewing over forgotten birthday.
Well, both
Jan 7, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
I am genotype SS. Growing up I was so used to being desperately sick and having blood transfusions that I thought it was something all children experienced. I grew up listening to doctors tell my mum not to have high hopes I might not live to be 20. My parents accepted their fate Today
I’m in my 40s.
If my parents were alive they’d be grand parents.
I have had a career spanning broadcasting, the development sector and politics. All of which I excelled at.
I’m married.
I’m still alive.

It has NOT BEEN AN EASY ROAD not for me or loved ones. But...
Feb 27, 2019 4 tweets 2 min read
@DrOlufunmilayo Nigerians cynically and perhaps with good cause, label every public servant and politician a thief. For Atiku to have been singled out as practically the only one with stained hands took some work and has been documented for posterity as his reputation. There are countless... @DrOlufunmilayo videos of his principal labeling him a thief at home and abroad. It’s documented in a book. That title will clearly never go away and there is probably some elements of truth to the allegations. That said, his team didn’t spend enough time marketing his good points as a person.