SwiftOnSecurity Profile picture
computer security person. former helpdesk.
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Jul 22 6 tweets 2 min read
Something really undersold in the Taylor Swift discourse is how fundamentally she has altered the discussions and power of musicians in licensing deals. She's a star even to stars, with enormous cachet amongst peers. Her maneuvering is just all-encompassing in strategy to win. You'll hear from people even early in Taylor Swift's career how much she did not want to be simply managed, she wanted to know the business and how to rise. Her positioning as a teen girl darling completely obscures her machinations. Which were shunted, then rose like a phoenix.
Jul 20 6 tweets 2 min read
The correct answer is a fully validated and controlled execution environment needing no antivirus but we've made an industry of bandaids for a fundamental error in our approach. I could heartily debate this position, but it is worthy questioning the fundamentals of our assumptions.
Jul 19 5 tweets 2 min read
Note this will not work if your machine is bitlocker encrypted without getting the recovery key for each machine... You could build a PXE boot WIM file and have it execute a fix script but that will require telling everyone how to boot over the network. Very few have this skillset though and will likely require reconfiguring every network to do DHCP relay and won't work if machine locked down.
Jul 17 11 tweets 3 min read
Story time on having a criminal history: In my first job they needed help with a surge of laptop replacements and new hires, we were getting pallets of 50 laptops delivered and deployed. They brought someone on light on experience, but decided to give him a chance as a temp.🧵 He was 95% cool but there were these rare weird moments where you weren’t sure, then it passed. Anyway I also had come from getting a chance taken on me, so whatever. We work together a few months, he handles a lot of the laptop swaps. Then a coworker goes to the IT storage room.
Jul 17 26 tweets 5 min read
On TikTok there is AdjusterTok, where work from home insurance agents video their side of calls explaining how car insurance works to irritated people, and it’s quite sobering stuff. People don’t really know what insurance is, it’s just some magical thing to make stuff better. Constant asks to add people to insurance coverage retroactively is indicative of someone where none of this is a market product, where there is no concept of the role of insurance, it’s an ethereal “thing” that will give you a new car and reimburse you for feeling bad.
Jul 9 13 tweets 3 min read
🗣️ I have things to say on the realities of influencing the public on policy. As someone who has endlessly tested this for 15 years, on initiatives of wanting people to care about the greater good. Things of seeming marginal individual utility, but huge value to the community. 🧵 Maybe most important part of messaging is testing. A common trope is technologists think themselves savants of any related field. In this case I have an argument. I had to convince people to solve things themselves and stop opening viruses. No real cudgel. Just words and tools.
Jul 5 12 tweets 3 min read
Remember something you installed is probably fucking your computer up in ways you cannot fathom and it’s not Windows’ fault, usually. You disempower yourself by preemptively blaming the OS. You have levers to pull. It is very very rare I encounter a true OS issue in my work. Being able to ascertain the real causes of IT issues sets you up to actually identity true low-level problems if they appear. You’re skeptical in the right places because you can solve the normal stuff. You know when you’ve found non-normal.
Jul 2 11 tweets 2 min read
There are many nuances in adminstering a corporate network at scale because the edge-cases accumulate. A lot of my work is specializing in decipering those scenarios. Most firms do not have this kind of resource. It's why I encourage firms to hew to norms as much as possible. Right now I'm working on correcting ~100 machines out of xx,xxx because these machines are very critical and in a unique scenario seperate from others. Chasing the 0.1% is a real job you must do. Eventually the debt becomes 20% otherwise. It's the exceptions that become the norm.
Jul 2 5 tweets 1 min read
This is edgy to say – but this *waves hands in direction* was all decided in 2016. I know, I was there that night. Elections have consequences in the form of lifetime appointments. This was locked-in 8 years ago. I’m not sure what people want to be told here. Elections matter. They matter for a very long time. The levers to pull are before the final public contest. If you didn’t succeed, try next time. All that matters then is a binary choice for the next 50 years. In abstention and fantasy you are inseparable from the blasé.
Jun 30 7 tweets 2 min read
Something I think a lot about are people who lived before time. Not as in the clock, but the written word. Even that was not enough. Before broad literacy. Most of humanity lived in ways we regard as surviving, but no more. What stories did they have. The forbidden loves, lost. Each of those humans who lived before time had a struggle. Which we today would devalue as not being recorded. Or persevering 3 generations. The people who made us possible. Who ended up birthing billions. And we don’t have it. We never will. They are lost not in time but words.
Jun 20 6 tweets 2 min read
As mentioned to international audiences before, the US Postal Service occupies a deep historical role in American governance and you don’t fuck with them. Federal resources that can get you time for “minor” infractions that fall through the cracks of local agency. They got guns. Robbing a postal worker is like maybe the dumbest shit you can do in the United States in 30 minutes other than murdering a postal worker.
Jun 20 7 tweets 2 min read
One time I told ISP support I had already rebooted my modem. They said do it again. I could have lied. What I didn’t know is they had already sent a command to refresh the device on next reboot. I actually did need to reboot it. With modern IT support tools you may be calling someone who has already sent some kind of command to your PC via an RMM suite integrated into their support software.
And reboots just do fix things period. In some rare cases twice may actually matter.
Jun 6 5 tweets 1 min read
There’s a class of person who is truly intelligent, but has nothing to contribute to society. Who can dance to impress others because that is their skillset with concepts and themes. They see performances where substance didn’t matter, and become enthralled. “I can do this too.” There is some core of a fundamental idea that the practitioners and innovators create. But is different enough it seems to call for its own field of wordage and realities. Crypto, NFT, AGI. There’s ~some validity and group of skilled people. But that’s not who we’re talking about
Jun 2 4 tweets 1 min read
I don’t think people really understand that without autism Wikipedia doesn’t exist. Dawg I was there at the beginning and once you understand you know. Or like, a whole bunch of other stuff. I’m not autistic I’ve got other stuff going on but like. It’s a big part of humanity. Really if you understand even a little bit of history and all the deeply weird obsessive shit, the idea autism just invented itself in the 1990s lol. May be exacerbating factors but oh my god you are not appreciating diagnostic criteria and shifts in handling of shunned people.
Jun 1 5 tweets 1 min read
⚠️There is a massive bias I see in InfoSec I must highlight:
The Uninnovative Attacker Hypothesis

You think you are protected because attacker capabilities are driven by skill instead of tooling. That you can do something, and stop. It’s proven wrong. Here’s why. With proof. 🧵 I was a front-line administrator on Exchange (email). There were trivial steps you could take to disable old protocols that would basically prevent you from being hacked. But most didn’t. Skill issue. You essentially opted-out of being a target. Opportunistic. It was magic. But..
Jun 1 8 tweets 3 min read
The counterfactual on a world where humanity did not literally choose global-warming is civilizational-level. Petrostates having far less power. Less fossil-infrastructure economies of scale making electric and batteries more attractive earlier. Literally another version of Earth Petrostates are one of the most ruinous events in the path of humanity. Not even externally, you don’t have to care about The West and cheap gas. They are ruinous to human development. They’re like the most evil thing you can come up with to disempower the masses. It’s all bad.
May 27 10 tweets 5 min read
THREAD: 🧶🧵 YouTube channels 🧵🧶
Ongoing list of some of my hundreds of YouTube subscriptions, explaining and pitching them.
These are not intended all for the same audience, but are generally ENGINEERING-FOCUSED with some RETRO. First will be ones I watching ~every video from. @techconnectify in front of arcade machine It’s hard to explain @TechConnectify except as one of the greatest things in the universe.

He takes a calm but fascinatingly quirky hyper-focus on random tech subjects. They can seem simple but he elucidates+tests.

Example: Why is High on fans first?

May 22 6 tweets 3 min read
POV your son’s instagram experience

May 15 16 tweets 4 min read
Today, I was brought into a problem ticket open for some time, where on a new VDI, opening a certain ERP application and doing some sorta-consistent series of steps, it crashed out. ERP support was engaged, vendor, everybody tapped out saying not known error.
So they call me… I have lots of experience with web-launched Java desktop applets and immediately inquired about known compatible versions ex. They seemed confident that was fully tested, so shelve it for now. User repeats. It’s not 100% consistent where it crashes. There’s some variable here.
May 12 5 tweets 1 min read
Huge under-appreciated lesson taken from social media is that there is not a static “audience” to target. “Everybody followed me for programming.”
Yeah well who knows what random shit somebody followed me “for.”
What _matters_ is your enthusiasm. That’s bigger than terminology. I literally get random notes from people saying they don’t understand sometimes what I’m talking about in computer security, and they don’t care, they just follow me anyway. They appreciate having a proxy to confidence and enthusiasm and info. Not pandered to but can still learn.
Apr 18 6 tweets 2 min read
Something experience gets you is seeing people who did the wrong thing, by trying to do the “right” one.

Extremely strict “topical” security measures which are great but the environment cannot operationally maintain, leading to worse outcomes overall. I’m one cleaning those up. One environment had DNS allow-listing setup by a security person who did not understand DNS or the OS or have a maintenance process or teach people about it.

They did their thing and moved on. They will never understand how to be better. They can’t. They weren’t here. For later.