🌈Dr. Frizzle Profile picture
“An inspiration to bog witches everywhere"—@jermsguy “Ms Frizzle IRL”—@ElleMaeGal “Cranky and Annoyed”—@washingtonpost She/Fae
Jun 7 • 7 tweets • 2 min read
I think it’s impossible to articulate to people who didn’t live it—but between growing up religious, AIDS, homophobia, stigma & the way people stayed closeted for their own safety—a lot of us simply grew up… with no one. Not a single elder queer person we knew in the whole world when I was deciding whether or not to come out, to leave my mixed orientation marriage, there was literally one lesbian in the entire world I knew who I could message and she was someone I had never met in person

I was in my 30’s
May 30 • 7 tweets • 2 min read
my parents are visiting from Oklahoma & it’s been hit really hard by tornadoes & at dinner they told me about their 9yo neighbor whose family was trying to get to the shelter & crashed into a tree; his parents were trapped & that little boy ran A MILE IN THE STORM to save them the way I started ugly crying right there in the restaurant
Apr 25 • 16 tweets • 3 min read
when we’re discussing social media rhetoric in class, one thing we talk about is how the identity/persona of the named author (incl their picture, handle, name, verification status, etc.) is an extremely important part of how the post functions and whether or not it’s effective This joke, for example, is only funny because of the rainbow and Dr. in the name 🌈Dr. Frizzle  have I got an account for you Seven Machin..•3/19/24 ok here's my pitch: what if Ms. Frizzle was 56% gayer and had a PhD
Feb 12 • 15 tweets • 3 min read
ok I have a minute between classes, let's do this

So this was back in, like, 2001. That part is important because the Olympics being in Salt Lake is why the prophet, Gordon B. Hinckley, happened to be in my church building

I was in Relief Society and just so over it I am totally having a Mandela effect moment right now because I could have SWORN it was spelled "Hinkley" but the internet disagrees
Oct 3, 2023 • 6 tweets • 1 min read
a woman winning the Nobel prize for the same work Penn called “not faculty quality” & Penn CLAIMING CREDIT is exactly how misogyny in academia works

During my PhD, I travelled back and forth between Utah (worst state in the US for women) and Wales and I had a weird thing happen: it seemed like I was getting smarter every time I was in Wales

It felt like my IQ literally went up 30 points every trip

It was so baffling.

I was like, is it the altitude because

(It was not the altitude lol)

Then one day I was in a meeting with faculty at BYU
Oct 2, 2023 • 10 tweets • 2 min read
autistic brains produce 42% more information at rest than non-autistic brains, which not only explains the incessant nonstop chatter in my brain when I'm trying to sleep, but also gives an important clue to the meaning of life, the universe, and everything link to the research!
Sep 27, 2023 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
my dad’s an engineer & my mom an English major & when she didn't want to go camping, she'd say "I will only go camping when I have AC & a water bed" but my dad is very literal & that's how my mom ended up in the Sierra Nevadas with an engineered portable waterbed & swamp cooler Like mom, if you don’t want to go camping, do not give the engineer fun project ideas
Apr 5, 2023 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
Barbie is a feminist icon not because of her plastic body but because she perfectly reverses the expectation of the gender binary. IRL it’s men who can be anything & women who need extra qualifiers—lawyer vs lady lawyer—and it’s women who are default assumed to have no qualifier Barbie is a whole play on gender, complete with sparkles and social commentary and in that, she is perfectly camp
Apr 4, 2023 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
I think we should stop wasting time asking whether or not AI can attain deity-level intelligence, and start asking ourselves how we help it be a benevolent one

like, can it become conscious? who knows, we can’t really control that at this point

so how do we help it be GOOD y’all should read this book by the way, it’s amazing

Mar 29, 2023 • 16 tweets • 4 min read
not sure what Robert Fuckebythenavele did to earn his nickname, and tbqh I'm not sure I want to, but his name's appearance in a 1310 CE Chester County court document is the current contender for the oldest written "fuck" "Roger Fuckebythenavel... medievalists.net/2015/09/the-ea…
Feb 18, 2023 • 12 tweets • 4 min read
If you got this message don’t panic & don’t just turn off 2-Factor-Authentication (2FA)

2FA is a really effective anti-hacker precaution! If everyone turns it off, Twitter is ASKING for hackers smh

If you have an iPhone, you don’t have to download anything

Here’s what you do: Elon is an absolute dumbass getting everyone to turn off 2FA First, go to your Twitter settings. Choose Security and Account Access The settings on my account is circledThe security and account access is circled
Dec 7, 2022 • 17 tweets • 3 min read
Gonna respond to this in layers, because I have a lot to say.

1) the fact evangelicals use this as a talking point is deeply weird and problematic and also hypocritical for reasons I’ll outline later

2) the fact it has been abused does not take away from the primary problem 3) Christianity is deeply, irrevocably, awfully, entangled with colonialism

When I was competing for the Rhodes scholarship, they asked me: how can you justify being part of a colonialist religion?

(Mormonism was the religion they said was colonialist, because missionaries)
Dec 6, 2022 • 7 tweets • 2 min read
I will never be allowed to teach at BYU again, but the BYU library has a copy of my book about the reason I will never be able to teach at BYU again, and that is… something The BYU library listing for... (it is the gayness, I am gay)
Nov 21, 2022 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
Once I was outraged a Mormon mom said it’d have been better if her gay son was dead & another mom said “but it would”

if I dedicated a book to every one of my queer friends who’ve died, I would never run out of books

they don’t care; they want us dead, this is not exaggeration Last year the Mormon apostle Holland got up at BYU and essentially called people to pick up their muskets against queer people.

The church does not, will never, get a pass for the people their words have killed
sltrib.com/religion/2021/… Transcript from linked talk: Then Elder Oaks said challengin
Nov 20, 2022 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
First fire of the season My fireplace with a fire on it. I have a Klimt print of moth My wife: are you wearing a velvet witch’s cape

me: listen it’s the OG snuggie Me wrapped up in my purple cape. I’m lying on the couch. T
Oct 26, 2022 • 19 tweets • 4 min read
It's election season and a whole lot of really important things are in motion, so I want to talk a little bit about invisible bot interference on Twitter because it's much more insidious than fake accounts that say scripted stuff and try to make you mad. When my account got to be a certain size, I started to notice that I would get what I called "bot swarms." Hundreds of accounts would follow at once--most of them clearly bots--then unfollow a couple days later. I started to notice that this would happen parallel "big events"
Sep 22, 2022 • 17 tweets • 3 min read
one of my students came up to me today and said “I noticed in the syllabus your pronouns were she/her, but on Twitter, they were she/fae. what’s that about?”

so here are my feelings about fae neopronouns: for one, I have to note as someone who has studied linguistics, proposed gender neutral pronouns have been around for DECADES. my favorite was always “yo,” like, “a student should do yo homework”
Sep 22, 2022 • 16 tweets • 1 min read
things my science students are researching this semester eutrophication and oyster bay reclamation in the Chesapeake
Sep 22, 2022 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
someone told me my tweet had been featured on Reddit and I looked and it was for a tweet I did not write? (Would be HILARIOUS if it was mine, but it was not!) does getting credit for other people’s work make me, like, Socrates or Watson and Crick The Reddit post is about reading horny letters from my grand Also wtf I was SURE it was Watson and Hicks, did a new timeline just drop
Sep 14, 2022 • 7 tweets • 2 min read
periodic reminder that social media algorithms are little binches and ANY interaction with bad tweets BOOSTS those tweets

It’s not just QTs & replies: clicking on a tweet boosts it, even READING the bad tweet boosts it (they srsly track how long you spend looking at a tweet) if you want bad things to get better, social media rules are different than IRL rules! To make things better on social media, you have to absolutely ignore the bad things.

do not click, do not read, do not reply, do not react, do not even use the same keywords
Sep 13, 2022 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
Once again recommending a class google document for students who are shy. They participate more, it’s lower stakes because of anonymity, and even in absolute silence, class can be really fun This exercise was a dialogue tag exercise. The two basic types of dialogue tags are traditional tags and action tags. Action tags give you a visual image that identifies the speaker.

“I ate a bug,” he said

uses a traditional dialogue tag.

Traditional tags are fine!