Syd Profile picture
@demsocialists National Political Committee. Organizer. Climate. Labor. Opinions are just mine, unfortunately.
Jan 11, 2022 6 tweets 1 min read
We’re on track for apocalyptic levels of global warming, the Right is rising, 5.5M died from COVID & workers are being sacrificed for capital. Bullying, harassment, misrepresentation of conflict for personal power, & petty egoism are liberal self-indulgences we can’t afford. For the sake of survival, we need socialism & to build a mass, multiracial movement to win it. Patterns of vicious in-fighting & attacks by a few people keep thousands from engaging or joining DSA, which is the largest & most promising vehicle for socialism in US empire.
May 17, 2020 13 tweets 3 min read
We're seeing climate policy teams emerge to try and fill the deficit in Biden's plans & the void left by the suspension of the Bernie campaign,& it's important to understand that they aren't offering unique policies: this may be a strategic shift, and one that is questionable. /1 Let's start with the basics: writing policy isn't hard. Most of the ideas were born from the frontlines & organizers, with feedback into academic/policy spaces- primarily to legitimize them. What's hard is navigating political landscapes, which have shifted. /2
Jan 21, 2019 4 tweets 1 min read
I have no patience for outright despair. I have no patience for self-virtuous, puritanical devotion to defeat & doom. It is a self-protective surrender that excuses people from action—from the disappointment of trying & losing anyway. I also have no patience for baseless optimism & the perpetuity of stagnant modes of change-making. Action must be responsive to truth, & the truth demands urgency that outpaces familiar routes to change.