Symone D. Sanders Townsend Profile picture
SDT ❤️. Co-Host @theweekendmsnbc. Lash & nail enthusiast. Nebraska Girl.
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May 9 4 tweets 1 min read
It’s so crazy b/c we all saw the United States lead the charge in rallying around Israel just a few weeks ago against Iran and the drone strikes. Now PM Netanyahu wants us to believe the U.S. has left his country high and dry b/c President Biden said out loud what he and other Admin officials have told Netanyahu for sometime now. /1 Netanyahu has sought to preserve his own standing among his right wing coalition in Israel at the expense of his relationship with the Biden Administration. At every turn, he has given the White House the proverbial finger by rebuffing U.S. counsel publicly. Meanwhile, Biden has stuck by his side. /2
Feb 6, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
So, the folks in the NYTs who are waiting for VP Harris to “carve out her lane” may be tied to their idea of what her lane should be. Which has always been the challenge.

MVP is a historic 1st w/historic outside expectations, but works within the reality of the vice presidency Also it is very interesting for seasoned political peeps to say they don’t know what the VP is doing. DNC members, strategists etc. Frankly it’s laughable. I think people should just be honest and say they have chosen not to follow her work closely.
Dec 5, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
🧵Ok. As a person who is a former delegate to the DNC and a recovering campaign strategist, I have thoughts:

The idea that it is a "waste" to spend time, effort and $$ in SC is flawed and demonstrates a fundamental lack of understanding of the process 1/… The primary process should be designed to represent the depth and breadth of the democratic party electorate. Joe Biden, Barack Obama, Bill Clinton etc do not end up as POTUS in the general election without a overwhelming of support from Black voters. 2/
Apr 22, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
I went down a FL rabbit hole & I’ve come out to say: This is actually the biggest story of today.

If this stands, then every GOP Gov will try this. It’s directly connected to the trample on women’s ability to make decisions about our bodies bill & the attack on LGBTQ+ ppl bill If nothing can be done b4 June in the courts these maps will stand & Lawson & Demings districts becomes redder than blood for the next election.

FL just lost two seats that would have reliably represented the interests of Black voters in those districts.

Jan 7, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
So many things.

First: I am feeling gratitude for those committed to democracy especially our next President & Vice President. Also gratefulness for the organizers in GA who never gave up & defied the “conventional wisdom” of what was possible in the South. Black folks, young people, Latinos, the AAPI community & so many more put this country on their backs, nose to the grind & did the work. I’m so grateful for organizers who never gave up on our communities. We salute you. Your dedication has not gone unnoticed. ✊🏾
Jun 19, 2019 5 tweets 2 min read
.@JoeBiden did not praise a segregationist. That is a disingenuous take. He basically said sometimes in Congress, one has to work with terrible or down right racist folks to get things done. And then went on to say when you can't work with them, work around them. Let's be honest here, a person currently sits in the White House who has ACTUALLY praised white supremacists, refuses to acknowledge the innocence of the #exonerated5 and talks about criminal justice reform, but has yet to allocate ONE PENNY to it in his budget. Meanwhile...
Feb 7, 2019 4 tweets 1 min read
Wait are you really serious? Ok let me address this in a thread. I tweeted about the “unsolicited opinions of black men” in relation to an op ed where “Uncle Luke” attempts to slut shame and degrade Sen. Kamala Harris. Please bring a critical eye to someone’s record, but... The misogyny and talking about her husband is unnecessary and beneath us all. I have seen these sentiments shared from Black men on Sen. Harris far too often. This has nothing to do with her record. It’s abt something else that’s toxic..