Toby Sumpter Profile picture
Pastor at @kingscross_kirk in Moscow, Idaho. Host of @crosspolitic. Blogger at FLF Club:…
Feb 8, 2023 17 tweets 4 min read
THREAD: Despite what programs are claiming, Educational Savings Accounts (ESAs) are cash cows for government schools and *increase* government intrusion into private education. I just read through the “model” school choice legislation in Arizona and found this: 1/15 The Arizona ESA program claims that “each student’s funding follows the student,” but the legislation only actually allows for $6,500 of the student’s funding to follow the student. 2/15
Nov 9, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
The most important political act Christians do is gather on the Lord’s Day to worship God according to His Word. If you gather for a rock concert, comedy hour, or pep rally, you’re part of the problem. There are no quick fixes in politics, and Jesus is not your quick hit. The second most important political act Christians do is get married, keep covenant with their spouse till they die, and raise a troop of children who love their parents’ God, hate the devil & all his works, and are sharp & dangerous to all unbelief with their joy & creativity.
Nov 13, 2019 17 tweets 4 min read
OK, a short Tweet-Primer-Essay on why women shouldn't be in combat, in hopes of increasing my boomer creds: Let's start with that great champion of women, the Apostle Paul, who insisted that women not be preachers or exercise authority over men (1Tim. 2:12). While this text is not about women in combat, he argues that the reason for his prohibition is the order of creation (1Tim. 2:13)
Oct 30, 2019 7 tweets 2 min read
Short Thread:

To be fair, when the Christian Church went thoughtless on birth control & made children an optional amenity, we turned marriage into a souped-up roommate situation, & the Revoice/Spiritual Friendship people are just occupying that space that we vacated decades ago. If children are truly optional, then marriage is optional, and various and sundry living situations are therefore optional. And by the way, that would include different 'expressions' of complentarianism, different ways of complementing different friendships, 'family' arrangements