Mario Havel Profile picture
@ethereum 🐼 ™ @Paralelni_Polis 58750000000000000000000
Oct 26, 2022 24 tweets 9 min read

Vitajte na mojej križiackej ceste za vymietaním Bitcoin kokotizmu.

V tomto threade by som rád priblížil svoju motiváciu a vniesol trocha kontextu do búrlivých diskusií 🧵
Je to už asi týždeň, čo záznam z prednášky uzrel svetlo internetu. Posledné tri týždne som cestoval po Lat Am s obmedzeným prístupom k sociálnym sieťam, takže som feedback sledoval len zriedka.
Všetkým, ktorý si prednášku pozreli veľmi ďakujem za pozitívne či negatívne reakcie!
Sep 2, 2022 6 tweets 3 min read
Welcome to the Ethereum Protocol Fellowship.
The fast track to becoming an Ethereum core dev is now open!
A fellowship program for anyone who is interested in diving deeply into core protocol research and development. EPF is now accepting applications:… The Merge is here, but work on core protocols won't slow down. It opens new opportunities and challenges for research. There are so many of them and new ones are coming all the time.
If you want to help solving any of these boxes, EPF is the place for you
Aug 31, 2022 6 tweets 4 min read
It's happening, POAPs are here!

I got approached by @superphiz, one of the frequent visitors who loves the website. Thanks to him and this beautiful design by @OfficialKaroPR, we are releasing 420 POAPs for all TTD predictors! Image To minimize farming, getting the POAP requires a small donation of minimum 1337 Szabo which goes to @Paralelni_polis. It's a local community in Prague, mother of Bordel Hackerspace, organizer of @EthPrague and much more. Support Polis and get your POAP at…