Tetїana 🇺🇦 Profile picture
Ukrainian in the US | Fact-checker & translator | Crafts enthusiast @NOLAunicorn | “The brave always have happiness”
Mar 9 8 tweets 2 min read
1/ I’ve talked about this before, but I feel it’s important to say it again. The war in Ukraine isn’t just about territory — it’s about generations of trauma. Trauma that lingers, shapes habits, and gets passed down like a family heirloom. 2/ My grandmother was born in 1939. She grew up knowing hunger, war, fear, and loss. I remember as a kid, whenever I’d eat an apple, she’d tell me to eat everything — the seeds, the core — nothing could go to waste.
Feb 6 9 tweets 2 min read
1/ This memo reveals how far Elon & his extremist allies are willing to go to shape the future of America—and it should scare everyone. This isn’t just about social media. It’s about consolidating power, controlling narratives, and gutting democracy. 2/ The memo, drafted by figures tied to Peter Thiel & the far-right NRx (Neo-reactionary) movement, lays out a clear roadmap: dismantle media, purge government agencies, and establish a new authoritarian power structure.
Jan 29 11 tweets 2 min read
1/ Olenivka was a planned execution. Almost two years later, we now have a near-minute-by-minute reconstruction of what happened in that prison on the night of July 28-29, 2022. This was not an accident. It was a calculated war crime. #OlenivkaMassacre #RussianWarCrimes 2/ Ukrainian & foreign experts, with testimonies from survivors, have pieced together the truth: russia deliberately murdered Ukrainian POWs. They were locked in a newly converted barracks, unable to escape. Then came the explosions.
Jan 17 6 tweets 1 min read
1/ Oh for f***’s sake, I’m tired of all these takes on what kind of “agreement” Ukraine needs to sign, what will be “good” for us. Spoiler alert: you are not Ukrainians. You didn’t lose your friends. You didn’t lose your homes to russian missiles. You don’t have loved ones in occupation. 2/ Let me remind you: Ukraine tried to make agreements with russia before. Every time, they broke the deal. EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. From ceasefires to Minsk agreements—they don’t respect agreements. They only use them to regroup, rearm, and continue their terror.
Dec 18, 2024 10 tweets 2 min read
1/ I am angry. I don’t respect grifters, no matter who they are. Mykhailo’s sacrifice for Ukraine is real, but since 2022, he’s been fundraising for personal expenses—his cat’s neutering, his son’s driving test fees. Are you kidding me? During a war? 2/ This is what makes me furious. While defenders on the frontlines are freezing, hungry, and short on drones or munitions, you’re sending your money to someone not even in Ukraine for personal comforts. Do you understand what you’re doing?
Dec 11, 2024 9 tweets 2 min read
1/ The events in Syria reveal cracks in russian regime, echoing the USSR before its collapse. By 1989, the Soviet Union was crumbling. A critical move by the Middle East then brought it to its knees. Today, we need the same bold action to stop russia. 2/ Saudi Arabia flooding the market with cheap oil in the 80s drove prices down and sped up the Soviet collapse. If they did it again now, pushing oil below $40/barrel, russia’s fragile economy would spiral out of control.
Dec 11, 2024 5 tweets 1 min read
1/ The situation near Pokrovsk is devastating. We’re not just losing land—we’re losing culture, history, and identity. This town, often called the birthplace of the world-famous “Shchedryk” (known globally as “Carol of the Bells”), is being shelled and destroyed by ru every day. 2/ As the world immerses itself in the magic of “Carol of the Bells” this holiday season, will it remember that the city where Mykola Leontovych likely wrote this melody may not hold out until Christmas?
Dec 8, 2024 8 tweets 2 min read
1/ During the body exchanges between Ukraine and russia, 88 bodies of tortured Ukrainian citizens have been returned. These were people whose families were assured by the International Committee of the Red Cross (@ICRC ) that they were in russian captivity. 2/ According to Dmytro Usov, secretary of the Coordination Headquarters, the ICRC’s confirmation of captivity provides no guarantee that Ukrainians will return alive. "If we believed the Red Cross would protect prisoners, unfortunately, this is not the case," he said.
Nov 7, 2024 5 tweets 1 min read
1/ It’s okay to feel devastated and heartbroken right now. Take a day or two to be sad - feel it all. But then, get back in the fight. The war is not over. We can’t just retreat into our corners, feeling safe but miserable. There’s work to do. 2/ There are countless ways to fight back. Start by getting active in your own community. Keep an eye on your local elections. We can’t afford to only show up every 4 years - being politically active is a constant effort. It’s about building strong communities and holding our representatives accountable.
Oct 6, 2024 12 tweets 5 min read
1/ Let’s dive into the issues I’ve been raising about Mriya Report (MR) since 2022. This all started when Yehuda, Alex, and others hijacked Walter Report followers and speakers to push their own agenda. It wasn’t just a shift - it was a deliberate move to create their own narrative, with JJS helping by writing flattering articles.Image 2/ MR has repeatedly platformed problematic speakers like Anton Gerashenko, Valentyn Nalyvaichenko, Tsepkalo, Karl Voloh, Ilya Ponomarev, James Vasquez, Ripley’s Heroes, Nance etc. The rumors of MR paying speakers and co-hosts began circulating in 2023, raising serious questions about transparency and motives.

Oct 6, 2024 18 tweets 6 min read
🧵 1/ I’ve been calling out the Georgian Legion (@georgian_legion) for a lack of transparency, and the responses I’ve received have been… intense. It’s time to address these messages and make one thing clear: Accountability matters. Let’s break it down.👇 2/ Many have accused me of attacking or “sitting around” in the US. This isn’t about attacking anyone - this is about asking simple questions. Where are the reports? Where is the transparency? Asking for clarity doesn’t make someone an enemy of Ukraine. In fact, it strengthens our collective support. If you’re fighting on the ground, prove it. Show us how funds are being used.
Aug 28, 2024 11 tweets 5 min read
1/ Today, for the first time, I truly felt the intensity of physical pain and disgust.

Listening to intercepted conversations between russians and their mothers and wives, against the backdrop of destroyed Ukrainian lives, was enough.

1.5 hours of this horror - enough to confirm that they know everything. And they understand everything. 2/ 1. A russian soldier tells his mother how a Ukrainian woman and her two children were killed in front of him. He relished the story. And she responded that those innocent civilians were “enemies, fascists, they deserved it.”

This means they deliberately kill civilians.

Aug 22, 2024 8 tweets 2 min read
1/ Have you ever seen any real reports of goods received from the @georgian_legion or @MriyaReport ? 🧐 They might have a strong presence on Twitter, but are they truly delivering on the ground? 2/ It’s easy to get caught up in their media hype, but we need to ask the tough questions: Are they genuinely helping, or are they just boosting their social media profiles? 🤔
Jul 25, 2024 7 tweets 1 min read
🇺🇦 1/ Kamala Harris has a proven track record of standing up to russian aggression. As a U.S. Senator (2017-2021), she co-sponsored the Countering America’s Adversaries Through Sanctions Act (CAATSA) in 2017, ensuring russia faced consequences for its actions in Ukraine and election interference. #StandWithUkraine #KamalaHarris 2/ From 2017 to 2021, Harris consistently voted for sanctions against russia, emphasizing the importance of holding them accountable for their illegal annexation of Crimea and support for separatists in Eastern Ukraine. #UkraineSupporters #SupportUkraine
Jun 25, 2024 7 tweets 1 min read
I’m wondering when westerners will start understanding who russians are. When will they stop being “emotional” and using empathy for therussians? This is one of the emotions they are using against you. They don’t have any pity for human life. (1/8) We need to face the harsh reality. russians have shown time and again that they support their government’s actions, even when those actions involve brutal invasions and human rights abuses. This isn’t just about politics; it’s about humanity. (2/8)
Jun 1, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
1/ Tonight’s attack is a strong argument for our partners to close the skies over the West Ukraine. #StandWithUkraine

Missiles flew dangerously close to the borders with Poland and Slovakia. #NoFlyZone 2/ NATO has more advanced anti-missile systems on its eastern flank than we have in our entire country. #SupportUkraine

All we need is the political will of our partners. It’s time for action. #PoliticalWill
Apr 20, 2024 8 tweets 2 min read
1/ 🧵 As a Ukrainian-American, I’ve witnessed the stark contrast between the fierce struggle for democracy in Ukraine and the complacency in the US. It’s time to wake up! The freedoms we take for granted are under threat globally. #StandWithUkraine 2/ In Ukraine, I grew up amidst revolutions and a fight for national identity that taught me the price of freedom. Here in the US, we often overlook these battles, assuming our democratic values are immune to erosion. They are not.
Apr 16, 2024 13 tweets 2 min read
Давайте так: я вам поясню яка роль була в мене у ДАО і як я стала «подружкою» Альони як багато з вас думає: 🧵👇 Мені запропонували долучитися до цієї спільноти у серпні-вересні 2022 року. Чому? Бо я почала зʼявлятися у англомовних просторах у якості промовця, мабуть, була цікавою персоною для просування українських наративів на захід. Людина, яка мене додала вже не приймає
Nov 16, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
1/ Twitter Spaces are essential to verify the authenticity of those claiming to be Ukrainians. True Ukrainian voices often participate in Ukrainian-language spaces, venturing into English spaces mainly to counter misinformation.
#TwitterSpaces #AuthenticVoicesMatter 2/ Harassment & Misinformation:
We’ve witnessed harassment and false narratives from self-proclaimed experts in English spaces. Be cautious of who you listen to and what you share. The authenticity of a voice matters. #StayWary #RealVoicesMatter
Nov 9, 2023 14 tweets 2 min read
If your support for Ukraine began only in 2022, you’ve missed the unfolding of this century’s defining war that began in 2014. Ignorance of Ukraine’s history and the belief in a benign russian faction amidst this brutality is dangerously naive. Reflecting on the past, I recall sounding the alarm, akin to a “parrot,” about russia’s insidious interference in the US election - highlighting their capacity for hybrid warfare.
Apr 26, 2023 6 tweets 3 min read
Мене досі трохи не зрозуміло, чому @DetectorMedia не перевірили інформацію, яку можна знайти за 15 хвилин. Джейсон працював і можливо досі працює з Seetarget. 🤡

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