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Very Important Businessman // Sandwich Analyst // Meme Influencer/Author // Full Time Himbo //he/him
Aug 9, 2020 11 tweets 4 min read
Gotta say, I find Jeff's reporting on this pretty irresponsible, and the fever swamp of weird comments in response to be an extreme level of denialism. Trump's an incompetent oaf but there's very little reason to believe the WH lawyer team of Federalist Society stooges are "Trump's gutting the disaster fund right before Hurricane Season!"

I mean, it's also before year end when the fund are set to expire (Sept 30), and he doesn't deplete the fund. The EO says multiple times that the program terminate when FEMA DRF hits $25B
Feb 3, 2020 8 tweets 4 min read
Last model before the Iowa Caucus tonight. Bernie's closed the gap with Biden to just 4.2% (~Margin of Error on most polls)

I also have a prelim Caucus first vote estimate of:
Bernie 27.1, Biden 19.1, Pete 16.5, Warren 14.7, Klob 9, Yang 3.6
This will get more updates today Image Bernie continues to expand basically all his coalition in equal proportions, maintaining a cohort that's the most diverse in the field at 51.3% white support. Biden is next with 52.5%, followed by Bloomberg with 64.1% white, Warren with 66.15%, and Pete with 82.1% ImageImageImageImage
Dec 6, 2019 6 tweets 2 min read
I came back from taking a contract in Afghanistan, had picked up external hemorrhoids from all the sitting for 12 hour shifts 6 days a week, as req'd by US gov. Had no insurance so I removed them myself via banding with tiny black rubber bands for hair I sterilized in alcohol You don't truly appreciate the US Healthcare system until you've used a homemade applicator you made out of a pencap to band hemorrhoids on your own asshole while squatting with a mirror
Oct 22, 2019 6 tweets 3 min read
Post debate nat'l polling through the weekend after the debate, excluding regular weeklies

6/26: 7 polls, 6155 respondents

7/31: 6 polls, 5687 respondents

9/15: 7 polls, 7265 respondents, including a massive Ipsos not released

Most recent: 2 polls, 1774 respondents

🤔🤔🤔 The Ipsos poll that was sat on (and was basically accidentally leaked through a tweet of an Excel chart) showed Bernie improving over last debate and Warren losing ground, right as a media narrative about Warren running away with the nom began. And now we have crickets