TS goggles ✨ Profile picture
A bi she/her looking at the world through @taylorswift13 lyrics goggles. Fan Account, NOT Taylor Swift / any celebrity 💜 #BelieveAmberHeard
May 9, 2023 12 tweets 3 min read
People always say "remember in the old days when homosexuality was considered a mental illness? That was such a victory!" But no one talks about the fact that if you're bisexual, most mental health professionals will take that as a sign that you have a personality disorder. Image "These results suggest that like the general public, psychotherapists adhere to stereotypical beliefs about bisexual people." This is so f*ckin disheartening, specially when you consider how many people say biphobia isn't real or it's a non issue. Image
Nov 28, 2022 91 tweets 29 min read
Let's read Amber's brief 🙌 I'll post the parts I find most interesting as I do!
Nov 28, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
I'm so f*cking happy y'all, and in so much awe of Amber Heard. She's such a f*cking badass. I would have understood if she felt too drained to keep at it, but here she is, fighting for her voice, fighting for her truth, fighting for justice, she deserves so much respect. And I KNOW she's fully aware she's also fighting for other survivors who were harmed with her by this sh*tshow, and I'd bet this weighed in on her decision to keep at it, and my admiration for her only grows because of that. She's freaking amazing.
Oct 10, 2022 30 tweets 5 min read
I will keep saying this until the day people finally wake up. Depp's and his team's, fans' entire defense consists of accusing Amber of things he did.
1. Biased judge? Azcarate actually was quantifiably and verifiably biased, as was the court. 2. Edited pictures? Depp edited pictures AND audio, and refused to deliver unedited versions of them.
3. Feces? His idea of a "prank."
4. Racism? Depp is actually a racist, nazi apologist, transphobe, biphobe, who keeps claiming he's POC when he is not.
Oct 9, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
Refusal to stick to any facts or any timeline. Ignoring the point of what's being said, to attach themselves to one word/sentence and question it until they derail the conversation completely. Questioning every little thing. Refusal to engage with your argument points, until+ +you say something that can be latched on to. Getting deeply offended at being called out n turning it into "so I'm the worst person in the planet now?" and completely ignoring what you were trying to say to instead make it about how you offend them and how mean you are bc of it.
Oct 8, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
THIS is the kind of sh*t you idiots create when you laugh at women's (yes all women) violence-based trauma and cry about how misandry is real, intersectionality isn't real, abuse has no gender, and call women "females" and praise the Tate's and Depp's of the world. ImageImage You're literally feeding a culture where "feminism is over" / "we have equality already," where women (specially poc and trans) and women-presenting ppl get f*ckin murdered for just f*ckin existing near a cisman, and it's compared to someone making jokes about violent men online.
Oct 7, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
Ww should start a compilation of every time we've said "ok, show us" and nothing happened. *we
Aug 7, 2022 24 tweets 6 min read
I will never stop talking about the role #biphobia had on this case, from her abuse itself, to the lies that were spread about her, the names she was called, and the way the media portrayed her even before she divorced him. ⬇️
#AmberHeardIsNotAlone So few people talk about this, but bisexuals are at the highest risks of IPV, domestic abuse, emotional abuse, and partner rape, compared to different sexual orientations. They also face higher risks of depression, anxiety, and substance abuse.
Aug 5, 2022 95 tweets 47 min read
A study📜 on creators (of all sizes) who profited off of the abuse and SA of #AmberHeard (💰 or otherwise).
To be slowly updated. Alyssa McKay - just raking in some shorts, 2.7M views for reenacting SA testimony.
#IStandWithAmberHeard Image