Dissecting gender ideology, one predictable surgical nightmare at a time.
Dec 3, 2024 • 9 tweets • 4 min read
Apollo Moon AKA Forest Harader thread 🧵
Trans identifying female porn star dead at 26
Trans masculine porn star Apollo Moon aka Forest Harader has died. These were her last tweets, posted to her porn account. In them, she seems to express resentment and judgment of people who don't check on their friends, but also offers some absolution and condolence that perhaps nothing could have saved them from their mental illness and suffering.
It's framed as her feelings about friends' suicide, but perhaps she knew what was coming in the next few days, and wanted her loved ones and fans to not blame themselves for what her family has so far euphemized as an "injury."
Dec 2, 2024 • 7 tweets • 4 min read
My transition and detransition 🧵
Due to personal factors that made me susceptible to the social contagion of gender ideology as taught by my university courses and reinforced by my peers, I adopted a male gender gremlin from about 2009-2014, followed by a nonbinary gender gremlin in 2014-2015. I engaged in breast binding, name change (Exulansic was my nonbinary name) and gender-affirming menstrual suppression with a few different hormones, which were known to negatively impact bone maturation and cause reproductive atrophy. This thread will include my videos and posts about my own story.
Gallagher has been medically licensed since 2007. Her practice is currently based in Florida.
Dr Gallagher appears to have posted her first gender affirming surgery advertisement for her practice on Tiktok on April 14 of 2020. This would later be revealed to be less than 3 weeks after she botched a cosmetic breast reduction so badly the patient died.
Nov 3, 2024 • 9 tweets • 4 min read
Otterish Thread 🧵
Summary: A college senior attempts to kill herself over a boy in her class and ends up on the psych ward. Instead of being fully treated for her BPD, she is then prescribed testosterone a few months later and has breast removal the following year ($3,000 copay). Her top surgery is severely botched, leaving massive, thick scars. She continues to post on social media about how much emotional pain she's in from her BPD.
Here's a timeline:
Around March 2023: Goes to psych ward after a breakup triggering a breakdown and suicide attempt
June 2023: offered teaching position paying $21/hour, begins testosterone
2024: Posts pretty frequently about how horrible her life is because of BPD. Dyes hair frequently.
October 2024: Gets top surgery.
Present: Openly expresses plans to participate in religious/political mass suicide if they won't refill her testosterone, and communicates this plan to Tiktok
Dysphoria CURED!
Videos listed below.
February 2023: hospitalized for attempting to end her life over a boy, due to Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD)
Sep 1, 2024 • 22 tweets • 6 min read
Phalloplasty Philes Mega Thread 🧵
These are my reaction videos to various trans and/or nonbinary social media users detailing their nightmarish and predictable phalloplasty gender journeys.
We begin of course with Gruffin21 aka Griffin Sivret, now deceased, whose videos are compiled on this thread. Griffin had phalloplasty during April 2021, at the height of the pandemic lockdown:
Phalloplasty Phile Gruffin21, aka Griffin Sivret, appears to have died on July 23, 2024, two months after her last Tiktok. Cause of death is not listed. Obituary is linked below along with my reactions to her content. 🧵