TTarkkailija 🇫🇮🇪🇺🇺🇦🇺🇲 Profile picture
Jan 28 23 tweets 8 min read
1/ Even more significant and disturbing is the fact that "NAFO activist" Kyiv Post analyst/editor Jason Jay Smart presents members of the group as experts and pro-Ukrainian actors. 2/ Illarionov appears in Smart's interview as a fierce opponent of the Kremlin: "Putin must be stopped", he told the Kyiv Post.

Jason Smart also makes strong statements and shares images of Moscow's apocalyptic destruction. Image
Jan 28 15 tweets 5 min read
1/ The 2010 Smolensk air disaster killed a large part of the Polish ruling elite. The aftermath of the crash changed the political climate of the Polish state. Image 2/ Soon after the disaster, the PiS party began to support the narrative that the Russian state leadership was behind the crash. At the same time, suspicions were raised that Prime Minister Donald Tusk was in collusion with the Kremlin. Image
Dec 24, 2023 29 tweets 12 min read
1/ We see that Sumlenny has reinvented himself several times during his career. The latest of these personas is "a pro-Ukrainian, pro-PiS government policy influencer focused on the CEE region". At the same time, he is extremely critical of Germany.

2/ In this thread, I will take a perspective on how Sumlenny is linked behind the PIS party's Intermarium/3SI project and what other figures are influencing this environment. Image
Jan 30, 2023 30 tweets 18 min read
1/ Kisin is a Russian emigrant who has lived in England since 1995. He is a journalist, writer and satirist. He is particularly known for his conservative views. He says he is a proud Briton, but also a Russian patriot. 2/ He says he opposes Putin and supports Ukraine in their fight against tyranny. In October, Kisin recalls an appearance on a BBC talk show at the beginning of the war in March. During the programme, he repeats the word "negotiation" quite a few times.
Nov 30, 2022 8 tweets 3 min read
1/ In December 2021, Sven Larson published an article in which he also proposed the so-called Finnish model as a peace solution for Ukraine, with which he refers to the Finno-Soviet Treaty of 1948 (ended in 1992) concluded between Finland and the USSR. 2/ He describes the agreement in a very positive light, but fails to mention the fact that Finland practically had to guide its foreign policy on the terms of the USSR.
Nov 30, 2022 17 tweets 5 min read
1/ I made a sequel to this thread because some interesting details emerged. The journalist who wrote about Finland's and Sweden's NATO membership for EC.
Sven R. Larson is a political economist and author. He was born in Sweden, but has lived in the United States for 16 years. 2/ Larsen has also worked in other media in the USA. Back in 2015, on Insidesources_com, he wrote that “together with Viktor Orban, the threat of nationalism is a formidable threat to the EU”. Finally, he wrote that “Europe’s nationalist turn is bad news”.
Nov 28, 2022 16 tweets 7 min read
1/ Steve Bannon’s trusted man, Matthew Tyrmand, had a speech at CPAC 2022 in May in Hungary. “Budapest is like modern Day Rome in contemporary culture war”, Tyrmand says. Tyrmand considers the Hungarian media to represent free Western pluralism.
ImageImage 2/ Matthew Tyrmand praises news service run by his friend Stefan Tompson: ”We have social media accounts that has become journalist platforms in itself like Visegrad24 Twitter account with nearly 300K followers that has coverage of Central European Politics better than ANY… Image
Nov 26, 2022 17 tweets 8 min read
The activists of Ordo Iuris Estonia are running for the Estonian Parliament from the lists of the EKRE party. Vooglaid's comment on whether he could accept Russian rule. Published on February 19, 2022.
Oct 23, 2022 37 tweets 15 min read
1/ I present the Swiss GIPRI institute, whose organization includes e.g. several persons who worked as UN experts. The Geneva International Peace Research Institute GIPRI (Institut international de recherches pour la paix à Genève) is an NGO organization located in Geneva. 2/ The organization was founded in 1980 and it says its goal is to understand wars and prevent them. The institute distributes the pro-Kremlin agenda using several different media channels.
Oct 11, 2022 63 tweets 25 min read
Another interesting findings from ”Treasures from the archives of the Pravoslavie_ru”: a documentary produced by Aleksey Komov regarding Christian homeschooling opportunities(Link trough Wayback machine). 🧵… The most visible part of Komov's operations and public image is the leadership of a religious organizations. Alexey is board member of WCF (The World Congress of Families) and he has also worked in the administration of many sub-organizations of WCF (e.g. CitizenGo). Image
Apr 18, 2022 10 tweets 2 min read
Kamil Gajeev mentioned the term "gerontocracy" few days ago. In connection with the topic: Helsingin Sanomat newspaper has published some excerpts of memoirs of Urho Kekkonen and Mauno Koivisto. Kekkonen President of 🇫🇮 1956–1982 and Koivisto 1982-1994) 1/ Koivisto met the last USSR leaders Brezhnev, Andropov, Chernenko and Gorbachev. As well as Boris Yeltsin, 🇷🇺’s first president.

Memoirs of Koivisto, Winter 1985:
Chernenko died . "He was the 3rd Soviet leader whose funeral I attended within two and half years. ” 2/