Art4Women Profile picture
Agent 39495 I paint and draw stuff, slightly wonky, sometimes writes stuff. Rad Fem in training 💜🤍💚
Aug 1, 2023 16 tweets 3 min read
It’s Costa them a lot of customers
There was a lot of opinion pieces on the radio today about the fantastic well thought out, not at all creepy Costa marketing material. The artwork showing a “Transman” with double mastectomy scars has caused outrage. We all know advertisers climb on any current bandwagon that fits their brief but this one seemed vastly inappropriate for a coffee ad. I remember when the only controversial coffee ad was a man pretending to be a percolator. I mean I’m down with the kids, I don’t mind a controversial ad but
Oct 11, 2022 26 tweets 7 min read
Being a Terf.. is it worth it? 💜🤍💚
A short Thread
1/ My sister gave birth in the early hours, I’d had a weird feeling before bed that night, a bit sick. It was probably too much chocolate but I always said it was sympathy pains. My niece, I’ll call P, was perfect & when I 2/ first held her I felt an overwhelming amount of love for this tiny perfect little thing. I doted on her, saw her most days, helped my sister as much as my days would allow. P was the apple of the eye and I was her favourite person.
When her brother was born 2 years later I